ExpatWoman's Quick Guide to Dieting | ExpatWoman.com

ExpatWoman's Quick Guide to Dieting

Are you wanting to lose weight? Here's some tips from us to help get you started!

Posted on

3 November 2015

Last updated on 20 December 2017
Quick Guide to Dieting

Losing weight is a long term plan, it’s a lifestyle change over to healthy eating and some exercise- that’s as simple as it gets really. It is nice to have things packaged up for you and plans to follow etc. but unless you change what you eat, the way you live, how much exercise you take nothing is going to be permanent.

If you want to lose weight you need to eat a nutritionally balanced and varied diet with appropriately sized portions and burn off more calories that you consume. Anything which offers rapid weight loss is a short term potentially dangerous fix or a scam. Successful weight loss is hard work and takes time. Learning how to lose weight is the easy part, but the hard part is finding a solid reason to get started and then following through. It takes a sustained physical and mental effort.

In summary- eat fewer calories, make better choices and move a bit more. Weight loss is not a product that can be purchased!

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Top 10 tips for dieting in Dubai
  1. No more take aways- we know, we know- it’s so easy to pick up the phone to Pizza Hut- you’re tired!! This is where your Dubai stone has come from! Delete all numbers, throw away all menus and fill the fridge with healthy stuff!
  2. Get moving- and we are not talking about exercise classes here- what we are lacking in Dubai is the many, many foot steps we would normally take walking in our home countries! So park further away than you need to and walk to your destination, walk to the local shops, use the stairs in buildings instead of the lift, go the long way round the mall or do an extra lap- it will make a difference to our somewhat sedentary lifestyle!
  3. Do some proper exercise- whatever your age, shape, size there is something you can do to get some proper exercise and get that heart rate pumping- Dubai is full of gyms, exercise classes, groups, sports teams, personal trainers, boot camps- the list is endless- find something that suits you and get out there- or pop in an exercise DVD and jumping jack your way across your front room!
  4. Lose the latte- we are a bit of a coffee shop culture here- all those moccachoccafrapucinnos add up you know! Switch over to tea and try to cut down how much sugar you put in and have it black if you can face it. And do not order the muffin on the side!
  5. Be careful at brunch- we are probably eating a whole week’s calories at brunch! Really moderate yourself- make a conscious effort to choose the healthy options available...sneaky tip- have breakfast before you go so you are not in a food frenxy when you get there!
  6. Experiment with fresh stuff- we are so lucky to have fruit and veggies from all around the world available to us here in the supermarkets- have fun with it- fill your fridge with wierd and wonderful fresh produce and google how to prepare it.
  7. Water, water, water- we need to keep hydrated here anyway due to the extreme temperatures so make sure you are drinking at least 1.5 litres per day.
  8. Have some goals- sign up for some of the charity marathons, walkathons and fun walks- there are many throughout the year and you don’t have to run- you can walk. This will give you an aim to get fitter and encourage you to get off your butt whilst doing some good for charity.
  9. Don’t be obsessed with the scales- if you look at your diet as being a healthy eating plan instead of a slow moving obsession with numbers it will be better for you in the long run. You will be able to see and feel the changes of your healthy lifestyle- you’ll start to look slimmer and feel fitter.
  10. Get support- it’s hard to do this on your own and good to have someone to talk to about it- come along to our ExpatWoman Coffee Mornings and you are sure to meet like minded new friends who will offer support and stop you ordering that double choc chip muffin!

How to chose a weight loss plan
When choosing a diet plan, be very cautious of diet programs that have any of the following six characteristics:

  • They do not include an exercise regimen in the program.
  • They leave out one of the major food groups e.g. No carb diets.
  • They are calorie restrictive, meaning fewer than 1200 kcal per day.
  • They make “fast” or “quick” weight loss claims.
  • They make judgments about certain foods and label foods as being “bad” and prohibit their consumption.
  • They make no mention of behaviour and/or lifestyle modification.