To my fellow auto-immunites |

To my fellow auto-immunites

Latest post on 15 May 2017 - 13:17
Hi everyone, Do you know any support groups here for lupus patients? I would really like to join. Thank you!
Latest post on 10 August 2013 - 16:00
Have you considered going gluten free? In a lot of people, gluten make the gut 'leaky', meaning that a lot of things get through into the bloodstream that shouldn't. The body recognises them as foreign and attacks them. I can only eat things like dairy and nightshades if I'm totally gluten free It could be in your case there is some antigen on a food that your body really objects too and your WBCs love to attack. And it's similar to some of the surface proteins on your nerves which is why your nerves get attacked as well Eczema is a similar but with leaky skin The autoimmune diet is stricter than simply gluten free. I would start with a gluten free whole foods diet with no vegetable oils, coffee, beans, dairy, wheat etc. I know a lot of people that have had massive autoimmune relief after switching to primal, paleo or autoimmune diets
Latest post on 10 August 2013 - 15:35
AmyAus82, thanks for sharing this. I have nothing to add, no theories, but really believe that almost all illnesses are due to the food we eat and stress - whatever that causes inflammation in the body. I have couple of autoimmune diseases, but thankfully, they're not the ones that require pain medications, etc. You did mention that when you eat certain foods, your condition is exacerbated. Maybe you can try to identify which these foods are? I've read that in diseases RA, lupus, MS, etc., certain foods trigger symptoms. Don't know.... but I'm glad that you're trying to look at alternative methods. I remember reading in Gulf News last year about a lady who was diagnosed with MS and refused to take allopathic medicines. She's now a therapist here in Dubai in a holistic centre.... she somehow managed to stay healthy and is not confined to a wheelchair (like many MS patients). Maybe she's got answers. Sorry, I've been of no help, but I shall be watching this thread with interest. All the best.