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Latest post on 22 November 2016 - 12:48
I am sorry you are going through this tough time. A lot of women are in the same boat as you are, just don't say it openly. Make an appointment with a counsellor and talk, a lot. A counselling/clinical psychologist will be fine too, as long as you go get help, that's the second step. First was you recognised something is off. And that's great! You are obviously very strong to have such self-awareness! Hope therapy helps you, it could be postnatal depression. I am sure you know of all the baby+mum groups out there that meet up regularly and all the exercising classes that can be done with your baby as well, etc...just to get you out of the house...How do you feel about leaving your little one with a nanny/maid while you go back to work part-time to start with? Then you won't miss out that much with your little ones, who you clearly love so much, and you stay "sane" as well. I felt like you are feeling many times and therapy and change in habits helped tremendously. :cool: Just know that you are not alone.
Latest post on 22 November 2016 - 12:14
Hello everyone I have been a silent member of EW for sometime now. Love all the support that goes on here Going vocal this time because I need help. I was working until recently and had to quit after my second baby this September, because i could not find a proper nanny who I was comfortable with plus I had no other family support. My first one is schooling and the LO is about 3 months now. However, staying at home has completely devastated me and i feel depressed. Please do not get me wrong here, i love my kids, however, the fact that i am not doing anything productive plus the loss of financial independence has taken a toll on me and i just cant seem to be feel happy no matter what. I wish to keep myself occupied and at the same time be there for my LO. Not sure if i can do something that would suffice the both, but the amount of stress and depression i am going through at the moment is not seeming to help me. I feel disinterested in life as a whole. i just dont feel good. I dont know what to do with all the free time at home. I loved my life before this, I loved going to work, meeting people. The satisfaction i got after a busy day at work kept me happy. I am never used to being idle which what i do all day long now Is is just a phase? Is it the post-partum depression? I dont know. I have withdrawn myself completely and do not feel like getting out and meeting people? How can i help myself?