Gender Disappointment |

Gender Disappointment

Latest post on 13 July 2016 - 12:19
Sadly there are many many couples that are unable to have children and would be so grateful to have either a boy or a girl. I am very old fashioned and believe that you should be just thankful for what you get given in this world. You have a son and now a lovely little girl on the way. Just try and embrace the joy that you have been blessed with. If you have feelings of resentment do you not think that it will rub off on the baby and your little boy too? You should be telling your little boy that girls and boys can play great together and that she will need a playmate too and how much you will need him to help you with her because she will be so tiny. You need to encourage this. I am so sorry if this is not the answer you were looking for but you need to be more responsible. Rant over.