Discover the Perfect Place for Pain-Free Laser Hair Removal in Dubai |

Discover the Perfect Place for Pain-Free Laser Hair Removal in Dubai

On the hunt for pain-free hair removal with long lasting results? Head to Dermalase Clinic in Dubai

Posted on

15 August 2018

Last updated on 2 September 2019
Discover the Perfect Place for Pain-Free Laser Hair Removal in Dubai

For most people, keeping their body hair-free in Dubai can be a tiring challenge.

From shaving, waxing, epilation and more, the process can become time-consuming, uncomfortable and expensive.

At Dermalase Clinic, we’re proud to offer the most advanced and award-winning Soprano Laser technology helps you get rid of unwanted hair and achieve breakthrough results.

An intensely concentrated beam of light and a series of high-repetition pulses work to deactivate the growth of hair follicles, so you can say hello to smoother skin.

Have hair where you wish you didn’t? Read on to learn more about the benefits of Soprano Laser.

Virtually Painless

Soprano Laser is one of few laser hair removal procedures where numbing cream is not necessary. A concentrated beam of light is aimed directly at the hair follicles, which means the surrounding tissue remains untouched and there’s very little risk of irritation or blistering.

The Soprano Laser’s preciseness and high efficiency is unmatched. Aside from a gentle pinch, you won't feel anything else.

Fast and Effective

In comparison to traditional methods of removing hair growth, Laser Hair Removal has the fastest and most long-lasting results. While some areas of the body may take longer to treat due to different pigments, you can still look forward to saving a great amount of time and effort in the long-run.

From your underarms down to your bikini area and legs, our Soprano Laser can be used on most areas of the body. In most instances, the duration of the treatment can take between 15 and 30 minutes only.

Permanent Reduction in Hair Growth

Frequent sessions of Soprano Laser Hair Removal are proven to lead to permanent results, so you’ll never need to worry about removing unwanted hair again!

No other hair removal method has longer-lasting results, so you can look forward to having smooth skin for years to come.

Eliminates Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs can be painful and unsightly. Shaving with a razor often cuts the hair at a sharp, uneven angle. If the hair gets trapped below the skin surface, bumps can appear or even worse, the bumps can become pus-filled.

Not only does it take time for skin to heal from ingrown hairs, bumps and cuts, it can also leave behind minor scarring. Our Soprano Laser destroys hair follicles at the source so that the hair itself doesn't get a chance to become ingrown.

Press ‘click to contact’ below to find out more about Soprano Laser Hair Removal at Dermalase Clinic and to book your appointment.