Common Questions Asked About an Orthodontic Treatment |

Common Questions Asked About an Orthodontic Treatment

Dr. Anahita Salehi, the orthodontist at Mediclinic Parkview is answering one of the most common question people have after being proposed an orthodontic treatment

Posted on

20 February 2019

Last updated on 24 February 2019
Orthodontist in Dubai

I look myself in the mirror and my teeth are straight but my dentist says I need to see an orthodontist. Do I really need braces?

This is just one of the questions that you may wonder about yourself. Getting yourself to an orthodontist is not an easy task, let alone choosing the right one.

Expert Orthodontist at Mediclinic Parkview shines light on some of the common questions that comes to find when looking for the right orthodontist.

1. Is the dentist genuine?

Everyone is so financially oriented that we constantly feel everyone is trying to sell us including selling a dental treatment and in many cases it is true.

Then we end up relying on our gut feeling and the experiences of our neighbor who had done a similarly looking treatment.

However, with regards to the braces you need to know that although they all look the same, they can be used for different purposes and your dentist might have been right.

When in doubt get a second or even a third consult and listen to different people. Some might lie to make their colleagues look bad but the majority will be ethical and they will give you a genuine feedback.

There are many reasons behind one needing braces or some kind of orthodontic intervention.

A child can go through orthodontic treatment with some appliance and braces for keeping the space for their permanent teeth, creating enough space for the future permanent teeth, creating a more harmonious face by encouraging the growth of the jaw if required, positioning the teeth partially in the correct position that the rest of the dentition erupts in the proper position, eliminating the bite interferences which can have an impact on the symmetry of the face while the child is growing. Controlling and if manageable eliminating habits that can affect the growth of the jaws.

And last but not least aligning the teeth. So as we can see a child might need to be seen by an orthodontist even if the teeth look straight.

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2. How to know if your child needs braces?

Maybe your dentist recommends you to take your child to an orthodontist but you yourself can also book your child with an orthodontist to have a checkup done.

3. One might ask what age is a good time to have an orthodontic checkup?

As there are many circumstances in which the child needs to see an orthodontist early on. Such as the interference on biting at the stage of milk teeth which might end the child to shift his or her jaw to find a comfortable place to bite resulting them to shift their jaw constantly to one side or the other and if this condition won’t be taken care of the child will end up growing asymmetric.

So if you would like to be given a certain age for the first checkup there is no certain age, however we recommend in case you observe anything unusual such as the condition explained above which can be detected by observing your child face and how they shift their jaw or if you observe a habit like thumb sucking that doesn’t stop please check it with an orthodontist we can help.

If there is nothing unusual you can have the first checkup done for your child around the age of 7 when the permanent teeth start to grow, it is a good time to also observe if there is any skeletal discrepancy.

SEE ALSO: Welcome to Mediclinic Parkview Hospital in Dubai

4. How about yourself?

If your dentist recommends you to see and orthodontist and you think your teeth are just fine can be due to this reasons:

  • They might see something at your back teeth and the way you bite that needs to be taken care of
  • You might be having a deep bite and your teeth are wearing off due to that
  • You might have some bite issues and are requesting for some esthetic treatment like veneers and for a better long term result your bite needs to be fixed
  • You suffer from some muscle or joint discomfort and your dentist discovered that it related to your bite to some extent however you need to be aware that fixing the bite won’t always take away that problem 100% but it will definitely put you are some ease after you have a better and more well distributed biting areas on your teeth.
  • In doubt? Book your appointment with us now and have a checkup done.

    We are linked with many insurances you might not be even paying from your pocket for the first visit of yours with us.

    Dr. Anahita Salehi had done her postgrad at Boston university-IDRE ,she used to teach at MBRU and was involved in treating orthodontic patients in private practice. She is the only suresmile provider in the middle east which is a technology based on simulation and digital orthodontics.
    To book you appointment with her call 8001999

About Dr. Anahita Salehi

Dr. Anahita Salehi had done her postgrad at Boston university-IDRE ,she used to teach at MBRU and was involved in treating orthodontic patients in private practice. She is the only suresmile provider in the middle east which is a technology based on simulation and digital orthodontics.

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Mediclinic Parkview Hospital opened in September 2018 as Mediclinic Middle East’s third hospital in Dubai and its seventh in the UAE. The hospital is close to a large number of rapidly growing residential and commercial areas of the city, bringing expert emergency and specialist services closer to many people than ever before.

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