Moving to HK with a Type 1 Diabetic child.... advice/support groups? |

Moving to HK with a Type 1 Diabetic child.... advice/support groups?

Latest post on 02 January 2021 - 18:40

Hi dear ladies, happy new year!
I'm looking to return to HK, but this time with a T1 diabetic child. My question is, are there any support groups available for T1 D families? Can anyone recommend a fantastic diabetes medical team and if so at which hospital? What diabetes tech is available to residents? We currently use the Dexcom G6 CGM and Omnipod DASH insulin pump, so I would love to know if these are readily available there? Basically would love to hear from any other T1 mums who can offer advice and inside knowledge of what life is like in HK living with T1D. Many thanks :) x