Organic or freerange chicken in Qatar? |

Organic or freerange chicken in Qatar?

Latest post on 11 January 2011 - 13:50
I've been ordering chicken from Greenbox for a while now and though I'm not sure if it's organic, it is certainly has the best taste and texture that I've found here. Miles better than the local stuff you get! We also tried the organic veg before and wasn't impressed. Bascially the same organic you can get in MegaMart or C4 and wasn't pleased with overall quality. However.... in learning they now provide local produce I tried again and rec'd my first box yesterday. It all looks fabulous!!!! And lots of it!! I just finished fresh spinach for lunch and can't wait to try the rest of the beets and beet greens, carrots, cukes, cauliflower, eggplant, lettuce, kale (I think), herbs, etc...
Latest post on 09 January 2011 - 09:17
I bought a frozen organic chicken (from US) from Megamart (Al Messilah) yesterday. It was 70QR for a 1.6kg chicken. Eating it tonight!!! How are the veggies from Greenbox? I have heard they are not all that great, but that was only one persons experience.
Latest post on 07 January 2011 - 17:10
I've ordered Greenbox chicken breasts before (and just ordered some chicken mince for the bubba as nothing better seems to be available). The Greenbox chicken is yummy but we were actually disturbed by the absolutely massive size of the chicken breasts compared to 'local''chickens and my DH was worried that this may be because of hormones fed to the chickens? :( I think additive free just means that nothing is injected into the meat after the chicken is slaughtered? I can with relative confidence tell you that I am involved in my nursing capacity with the local cancer society support group and have been approached by this company who have informed us that their chickens are not injected with hormones. This is clearly a concern for people living with cancer. Why not contact them to check?
Latest post on 07 January 2011 - 12:40
I've ordered Greenbox chicken breasts before (and just ordered some chicken mince for the bubba as nothing better seems to be available). The Greenbox chicken is yummy but we were actually disturbed by the absolutely massive size of the chicken breasts compared to 'local''chickens and my DH was worried that this may be because of hormones fed to the chickens? :( I think additive free just means that nothing is injected into the meat after the chicken is slaughtered?
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 23:38
Greenbox has just started delivering organic vegetables but although their chicken is described as free from additives, nowhere does it say organic. Greenbox chicken is available at Carrefour on Thursdays (but to be on the safe side and not waste a journey), Fridays. Carrefour also stocks some imported 'corn fed' chicken from France on those days. I have not yet seen free-range anywhere. If anybody has, kindly share. My mistake but additive free is better than nothing I suppose. :)
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 23:01
Greenbox has just started delivering organic vegetables but although their chicken is described as free from additives, nowhere does it say organic. Greenbox chicken is available at Carrefour on Thursdays (but to be on the safe side and not waste a journey), Fridays. Carrefour also stocks some imported 'corn fed' chicken from France on those days. I have not yet seen free-range anywhere. If anybody has, kindly share.
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 18:57
There is a company called Greenbox which delivers organic meat and veg. You should be able to find it by googling?
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 18:39
Hi everyone, I am weaning my baby onto solids and think it's time for him to eat chicken. But I would really prefer giving him organic chicken (it's bad enough eating the chicken available here myself, as we simply don't know what is in it!!!). I know expensive chicken from Belgium and France is available here but as far as I can tell those aren't organic or freerange either. Has anyone seen organic or freerange chicken in Doha recently?