Who is this man? | ExpatWoman.com

Who is this man?

Latest post on 19 January 2011 - 22:19

Everyday I drive to ASD/Doha College round the back from the D ring. Everyday I see a man (on the left side) standing/sitting by the side of the road. He has a small bag of belongings and one small umbrella. I've been here in Doha for nearly three weeks and I've seen him daily (I pass by three times a day en route to school). At all times od day he is there (even at night). He looks Indian, with dyed red hair. He's not working. has anyone any idea what he's doing? I may stop and ask! :-) I felt so badly for him in the rain.

Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 13:55
How can any human throw rubbish on another one (if we can still consider him/her to belong to the human race) is beyond comprehension. The worst abuse I have witnessed on a tramp was on a New Year's day, Princes' Street in Edinburgh - all because a young lad (who had not quite recovered from the intake of the previous night) needed to throw a chewing gum wrapper in the bin which was being rummaged through. Having noticed that I had given the guy some coins, he then turned his attention to me and mumbled that I should not have done that. I politely wished him a Happy New Year and that his life turns out as planned but in the meantime, I will still choose how to spend my money. I was under the impression that his intelligence did not stress enough to understand what I said. If somebody is going through a bin and leaving everything out, I can understand him being told to put them back when he has finished but he certainly does not deserve any sort of abuse as I am sure there is a sad story as to how he has no other choice than go through bins for food.
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 00:07
Don't know who this man is but we have a regular guy who cycles along our street on a rusty old bike raking through the bins. I "disturbed" him once when I was putting stuff into the large metal wheelie bin outside our compound. He didn't see me approach and junped back in fright when he did looking scared to death. He was filthy and stick thin. I gently told him to stay put, went back to my apartment and put some food and a couple of DH's old shirts in a bag for him. Turns out he is one of hundreds of guys who have lost their jobs and are trapped according to our compound staff. Poor man had rubbish thrown at him by a "local" neighbour at the weekend as he rummaged for stuff.
Latest post on 20 January 2011 - 00:02
Poor chap, even thou im not in Doha, let us know whats happens.
Latest post on 19 January 2011 - 23:33
If you do stop n ask him, then I would like to know too and help also.