Best place to live in Vancouver with kids |

Best place to live in Vancouver with kids

Latest post on 16 November 2014 - 22:18
Hi, there are lots of things to consider when moving to Vancouver, including where you and/or your husband will be working, and your budget. Vancouver is a beautiful city,however the housing prices in the city itself have skyrocketed over the past few years. Are you looking for a condo, townhouse or regular full size home? There are many lovely suburbs outside of Vancouver that offer less expensive housing and great opportunities for kids. Another consideration is traffic. Perhaps if you let us know where you will be working, we can provide more info. As with all big cities, Vancouver traffic can be trying with long lineups over the bridges connecting North and West Van to the city itself.
Latest post on 16 November 2014 - 08:53
Hello to all! I'm so happy to see this thread. We're planning to move to Canada this coming September. We have three children; aged 3,6 and 15. We plan to buy a villa or apartment. Any suggestions are welcome on which area you think is best to settle in with kids. I have friends linving in West/ North Vancouver who highly recommend the area due to it's suberby livable atmosphere but I'm afraid it might be too dull. We love a place with a lively vibe, somewhere with shops, after school activity centers and amenities around ; perhaps similar to what we have here at The walk JBR? Any suggestions are most welcome...