Lena’s Seeded Crispbread | Liz Robb | ExpatWoman.com

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Lena’s Seeded Crispbread | Liz Robb

Posted on

17 May 2015

Last updated on 17 May 2015


Lena’s Seeded Crispbread

As shared by EW Contributor Liz Robb
Lena’s Seeded Crispbread | Liz Robb

I first tasted these homemade seeded crispbreads as part of a wonderful breakfast spread while staying in a guesthouse by the sea in Norfolk, and Lena, the Swedish owner, was kind enough to pass on her recipe to me so that I could make my own.

They look really impressive with the array of different seeds used, and they taste fantastic! Seeds are known for their health benefits, containing folic acid, calcium, iron and other minerals, and these crunchy crispbreads are great for giving you an energy boost when you need it.

They will keep for several days when stored in an airtight container.

200g sesame seeds
200g pumpkin seeds
200g sunflower seeds
100g linseeds
2-3 level teaspoons of salt
200g cornflour
115ml sunflower oil
430ml boiling water

1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees or 140 degrees fan oven.
2. Tip the four types of seeds into a large bowl and mix them together.
3. Add the salt and stir in the cornflour.
4. Pour in the oil gradually, stirring all the time.
5. Pour in the boiling water gradually, stirring well to combine everything together. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.
6. Line two large flat baking trays with greaseproof paper. Stir the mixture again then divide it between the two trays. Spread it out evenly then cover each tray with another piece of greaseproof paper. Roll it out fairly thinly with a rolling pin.
7. Remove the top piece of greaseproof paper and place on high shelves in the oven. Bake for about 50 to 60 minutes.
8. Mark into the shapes and sizes you want using a sharp knife, then break into pieces. Be warned, they will not break absolutely evenly, they will look fairly rustic, but that’s fine.

These crispbreads have numerous uses, here are just a few ideas:
- Break into thin shards for dipping into hummus or tsatziki.
- Top with spreads such as pate or cream cheese, then garnish with salads.
- Serve as an unusual accompaniment to soups.
- Have as an alternative to the usual crackers next to the cheeseboard, with your favourite pickles.
- Serve in smaller pieces as simple nibbles just as they are.

Contributed by Liz Robb