Question about the Nord Anglia School |

Question about the Nord Anglia School

Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 23:15


I will be moving to Dubai shortly and was thinking of sending my children to the Nord Anglia school there. The only thing is, it is new (opening this September), so of course there are no reviews/opinions etc. about it. I know that there is a Nord Anglia school in AD, can anyone tell me what it is like, are they happy with it etc.?


Latest post on 07 May 2014 - 09:37
My son is in FS2 at bisad (Nord Anglia Abu dhabi) and he loves it. The school is really nice, facilities are good and teachers are qualified. I heard there was issues when it first opened but now they are really doing well.
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 20:25
Hello! I will be moving to Dubai shortly and was thinking of sending my children to the Nord Anglia school there. The only thing is, it is new (opening this September), so of course there are no reviews/opinions etc. about it. I know that there is a Nord Anglia school in AD, can anyone tell me what it is like, are they happy with it etc.? Thanks! bisad is fine now, had some major senior sch issues in the beginning but dont think its that bad now
Latest post on 21 April 2014 - 13:30
The vibe about this new school always seems very positive. And, tbh, that's rare about any school here.... You might want to re-post in the Dubai forum too. <em>edited by foolnightsleep on 21/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 20 April 2014 - 23:06
Hi Spook, It's a bit of a gamble choosing a brand new school but I have made the decision to move my children from their current school (in Dubai) to Nord Anglia. I didn't make the decision lightly, I have toured several schools and been to information session for others. The more I researched Nord Anglia, the more I liked it. Every staff member I have met has been friendly, informative, helpful, down to earth and very passionate about their new school. Dubai has several exceptional schools and in my opinion Nord Anglia will be one of these schools in a year or two. I like the way it's part of an international network of schools and I'm really impressed with Mike Embley (the School Principal). This is the Facebook page: Mike Embley often speaks on the Dubai Eye 103.8 Education panel. Click on the links (from the Facebook page) and listen to his Education views. I think this will help you get a feel for him and the way in which he will run the school. Mike Embley's previous school was The British School of Beijing. Maybe research this school as well as the Nord Anglia School in Adu Dhabi. Good Luck with your decision. <em>edited by kodibax on 20/04/2014</em>