2 job offers - can I negotiate? | ExpatWoman.com

2 job offers - can I negotiate?

Latest post on 30 August 2015 - 12:09
Hiya. Definitely try and negotiate! I've had 2 job offers, the one wasn't suitable so I just said no, but the second wasn't quite what I wanted. I think it's best to ask/negotiate as early as possible, which is what I have done. I asked for higher than what I would settle for, expecting them to bring it down, which they did to the middle of what they offered and what I asked, so it seems fair to me. Not sure about being completely honest, you could just say you have had an offer for X amount, but you would prefer to work for Company A, can they match what Company B are offering? Or if not match it money wise, offer some extras (healthcare, phone.. I don't know!?) Not sure if verbally agreeing means anything here, I'd imagine until it's on paper and signed by yourself it's not a proper agreement - [b'>but I am not certain on this so please don't quote me! [/b'> Good luck! :)
Latest post on 24 June 2015 - 21:38
I was interviewed by Company A and we touched on salary requirements in the interview (I suppose one could argue I verbally agreed the salary in the interview). However, Company A couldn't decide and offered me a paid trial period in order to help them decide if I was suitable and make me a formal offer (this implies to me that neither party had agreed to anything, pending the completion of the trial period) In the meantime, Company B made me a formal offer which is AED10k per month more (in value terms). I have now successfully completed my trial with Company A and they have said they will give me a formal offer and are just about to start the process of seeking approvals for the salary we had discussed in the interview. My questions are: 1. Can I negotiate the salary with Company A despite my (arguable) verbal agreement to salary at interview? 2. When would be the best time to enter into negotiations with Company A, i.e. before they are making approvals to make the formal offer or should I wait for the final offer (which may be considered by them that I am timewasting and annoy them). 3. Should I just be honest (esp. since I now have formed a good relationship with Company A) and say I have an offer from Company B and ask if they can match or better it?