Making Cooking Simpler for Everyone |

Making Cooking Simpler for Everyone

Posted on

3 June 2015

Last updated on 3 June 2015

Making Cooking Simpler for Everyone

Meet Emma Hall Phelan, she is the Cornish girl that flew to Dubai and has never looked back. She talks about her amazing time being an expat in Dubai and her love of food.

Emma Hall PhelanI’m living in:

I am living in Dubai in the UAE.

A bit about me:

Originally from Cornwall in the south-west of the UK, I’m a country girl at heart and enjoy a quiet life. I have always been crazy food and even got my diploma in nutrition, although my career in Dubai is in PR. I love the balance that Dubai provides of a bustling city and chilled out beaches. I live here with my husband, whom I met whist in Dubai and my gorgeous but crazy dog Bonnie.

How long have you lived there?

I have now been here for 9 years now, time flies when you’re having fun!

Why did you move?

I originally came out as cabin crew, so that I could see the world without a backpack as that never appealed to me. I stopped flying after 3 years having met my now husband and decided to stay, find a new job and settle down in Dubai.

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​Why I like living here:

Because where else in the world can you get 360 days a year of sunshine, interact daily with a large number of different cultures, have every possible cuisine available for you to enjoy. Clean beaches, amazing architecture, beautiful quiet deserts, friendly people, the UAE has so much to offer. People often talk about what they miss back in their home country but whenever I go back there are so many things I miss about Dubai, I always like coming home.

Accommodation Options?

Since I first moved here the Emirate has grown beyond belief, the choices are now endless from rooms to palatial villas. Although property is very expensive an effort is now being made to create more affordable housing which is great, though it will take time to see the results of this.

What do you enjoy doing with your time?

I love my spare time (don’t we all), it means I can get in the kitchen and create mouthwatering but simple recipes for my blog DeliciousDXB. I wanted to make cooking simple for everyone, it is too easy to pick up the phone and have food delivered here.  People kept asking me how I find the time to cook, or where I go for ingredients. The fact is the large supermarkets here have most things and you can always find a substitute if they don’t, I won’t traipse around 5 shops to get ingredients.  As for time there are so many things you can cook in less time than it takes for a take-out to arrive, check out the recipe on my blog for seasoned tuna steak and Asian pepper salad for a meal that takes less than 30 minutes for start to table.

Steak Salas Emma Hall Phelan

What top tips do you have for anyone considering a move?

  • When you get here give it a chance, it takes time to settle into a new place, Dubai is no exception.

  • Get to know the city; don’t just stay in your area, you’ll be surprised at everything you find.

  • Put Google maps on your phone, the taxis don’t always know the way and roads can change overnight.

  • Don’t fall into the take-away trap, yes everything delivers, that doesn't mean you have to have it every day.

  • Try new foods, not sure what something is, try it anyway. We are very lucky to have such a wide choice here, take advantage of it!

  • Appreciate your new home, yes you will get homesick at some point but focusing on the things you don’t like about your new home or miss from your old one won’t help, find something here you love that isn’t back home and stay positive.

What do you wish you’d known before you moved?

Absolutely nothing, I have loved finding it all out as I go.

What’s the best thing about being an expat?

Having family and friends over on holiday, it’s great to be able to share it with them and a good excuse to play tourist in your own city.Oh and the food (but you knew I’d say that).

How do you keep a little bit of home with you as an expat?

I get in the kitchen and cook up a batch of Cornish pasty’s the way my step-mum taught me, they are the best and they make the house smell delicious.

Anything else you’d like to share with us about your expat experience?

I’d like to share my life with my friends and family back at home. The best way I find to do this is to write a blog. Its fun and I am really enjoying it.