Charel2 |


Latest post on 02 September 2015 - 22:25
Please don't support the 'wild' pet industry! I lived in Africa and saw these poor birds strung up on the side of the road for sale, it's heartbreaking. As a previous poster said if you feel the need to invest in a bird go to a rescue centre or try to adopt a pet that needs rehoming. These birds live a long, long time and take more time investment than most children (at least they grow and move on at some stage!!). Personally I don't understand the need people have for having wild creatures as domestic pets. There are enough domesticated animals out there looking for loving homes already. Go to a rescue centre and see what happens, you might be surprised!
Latest post on 02 September 2015 - 10:08
Hi, thought I might update this a bit. We moved into Mudon about two weeks ago. There are some issues with the complex, next door are drilling non stop and I can't bear to be in the kitchen for longer that 10 mins at the moment. As regards children I was disappointed to read the facilities won't be up and running for quite a while. It's been a bit hot for my two to be outside but the evening they have gone 'scooting' around the paths there has been no issue. Hopefully when the villas start to fill up the presence of more children will make this a family friendly area. We love the villa, there is lots of space, the only downside being the building work behind us and the extortionate quotes we are being given for landscaping!!