Claire30 |


Latest post on 02 February 2014 - 16:48
I am pretty sure you can get Keppra in Dubai.
Latest post on 02 February 2014 - 15:49
Epilim is not available as that brand but sodium valproate is available under 'Depakote'. Apparently it is the same formula as Epilim. You will just be able to buy it direct from the pharmacy without a prescription. If you just buy it without insurance there will be no hassle (although you will need a prescription for the insurance to pay out). If you want the insurance company to pay, they (pharmacy) will normally have to call the insurance company to get authorisation. This might mean you may need to pop back later to pick it up. Always double check the pharmacist gives you exactly the right medication in the right dosage. I have had qualified pharmacists giving me worryingly wrong doses before and insisting they were correct even when queried (when in fact they were giving me the doses wrong by a factor of 10). I would also bear in mind that some Pharmacies over here have a very strange policy that you can return any unwanted medicines that they then put back on the shelves SELL ON! So if this worries you (eg how can they be sure they are not tampered with / kept at extreme temperatures- left in car etc) avoid Aster and Arabella Pharmacy for sure. Other pharmacies probably do it too to be fair. It depends on how good the company insurance is but in all the insurance policies I've had here I don't think you would face any issues with this. They are not always so bothered about excluding pre-existing conditions in my experience. <em>edited by Claire30 on 02/02/2014</em>
Latest post on 16 August 2011 - 16:37 what will happen to the apartments that are freehold and will fall apart..who pays for the rebuild and if not rebuilt how is the land divided up? In that case does it mean prices actually decrease as the property ages? With a Villa ...they are freehold so better potential i suppose because atleast you could rebuild them yourself (providing they are freehold) Any repairs for apartment blocks will be divvied up and paid by the owners of the individual flats. It's going to be a huge issue in the coming years (and in some cases already is ) because the majority of companies managing these blocks do not have a sinking fund to pay for major repairs and replacements (e.g. replacement of lifts / air con plant etc etc)after a certain number of years. When the big items need to be paid for there are going to be major bills for the owners of each flat. Usually, in more mature property markets, part of the service charge would be set aside into a sinking fund to pay or at least part pay for the big items, but that doesn't happen over here. Freehold is a bit different over here. They call them 'freehold villas' but you still don't really own the land the property is on and you're also under a lot of restrictions from the master developer. It will be interesting to see what happens when, for example, townhouses in the Springs need to be re-built. If you are going to buy for the long term I would consider these issues very carefully, especially with the apartments. In the UK before you buy you would be able to see a set of the accounts for the management of the building - see what sinking fund has been set aside, what works and costs are planned in the near future but I doubt you would get this info over here.
Latest post on 25 June 2011 - 21:00
If you are going to be applying in the UK on that 4 hour service , you definitely use the standard form from the post office in the UK. It does say on that form ' this is for people living in the UK. If you live abroad contact your local embassy' - or something along those lines. However I rang up and checked and you definitely do use that form if you are an expat but applying within the UK. However I'm not sure what the form is from the UAE or if you can use this if applying from the UK as I didn't ask about that. When I called the passport office up they were very helpful, maybe try calling them directly?
Latest post on 06 June 2011 - 21:06
I'm in an older 3 bed small villa and pay between 400 and 600 on DEWA (excl housing fee of 580 per month) depending on the time of year. We have a small front and rear garden that gets watered once a day and have the aircon upstairs at night in the summer but as we're both out all day, not during the daytime in the week much. We don't bother with a gardener - we take 15 mins out of our day to do the plants ourselves and have a sprinkler on a timer for the lawn.
Latest post on 30 May 2011 - 07:25
As KCO suggests I would get her to a neurologist and get her checked out for the 'petit mals', especially if she won't even respond to you during these episodes.
Latest post on 23 April 2011 - 10:38
Wbusy, have you looked at Jumeirah Golf Estates ? I'm not sure I would recommend buying right now as the Dewa is not yet connected, but some communities are completed (other than the small matter of the Dewa connection!!) and the golf course has been ready sometime. The quality is very high and very western in style and many overlook the golf course. Might be worth looking at Limetree Valley if you're not in a hurry to move in or buy right now.