darkchild | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 18 December 2016 - 11:31
Hi there....u could get help from a company called Peoplezee.com...go to their website n chi....it may help...good luck:) Thank you so much. Will do that :) Merry Christmas x
Latest post on 12 December 2016 - 10:53
You will need that plus salary certificates from your employer/sponsor etc...without which am afraid you cannot open a bank account here.
Latest post on 08 December 2016 - 13:22
I am afraid you should finish your contractual obligations unless of course your employer is willing to negotiate the terms; yes, you can be released much earlier. I used to head the HR for a DMCC based financial company hence very well versed with its visa related processes.
Latest post on 08 December 2016 - 12:01
Is there any 'written' documentation stating that your husband was disrespectful for such immediate dismissal? There are stages to be followed before 'terminating' an employee (verbal, written); unless it falls under article 120 (serious offenses). What a toxic environment to work in! I am very sorry this happened. If your husband believes that he has been unfairly dismissed, approach the labor court. It always works. Companies that treat their employees unfairly must be taught a fair lesson. Good luck and let us know the approach he finally takes.
Latest post on 06 December 2016 - 12:33
Hi Diana, I know it's hard to land a job right now but you just need to keep on pushing. Remember, diamonds were made out of pressure. So heads up, it will come. Goodluck :) Thank you :heart:
Latest post on 06 December 2016 - 10:38
To add - please check store reviews, customer reviews on the product etc before you order. I have ordered several items from household articles to clothes from there since 2 years and it has been great. If you have a problem, you raise it directly with Ali Express and you get a full refund if your case is valid. I used to use my company PO box but as I am unemployed at the moment i use the general PO box at the Karama post office which is 111311. If you do not enter a PO no then the item is directly returned to seller. To collect an item from the post office its AED 5 per parcel. Happy shopping!
Latest post on 05 December 2016 - 23:05
Thank you Diana, I've got a note of it - will hope to be in a position to get in touch with you soon! Meantime, enjoy your downtime during festive season! Thank you again so much; sincerely appreciate you doing this for me. Merry Christmas :)
Latest post on 05 December 2016 - 10:54
Bless you! I am in the exact same position although I suggest his CV does not have his nationality or picture on it. At least potential employers see the 'work experience' and make a first move. As it is all about the 'nationality' and 'looks' nowadays in this part of the world, the least we can do is avoid the initial 'not selected' response. Lots of luck coming his way.
Latest post on 05 December 2016 - 09:58
Hi Diana, If I could get a note of your contact details - there may be something at DH's Bank. Like myself, he is very much against this culture of recruitment by passport and works very closely with HR. Don't want to say too much but recently there has been a cull of colleagues in the recruitment team (including the Head) who were found to be acting inappropriately with a particular recruitment agency. So they are doing a full root and branch review of this function. Thank you! I can be reached on my email diananivas.at.hotmail.com You are a real blessing :)
Latest post on 04 December 2016 - 23:15
Hi Diana, Yes, times are tough right now and the analysts / economists are indicating that this will persist whilst the oil price remains depressed. It is still very much 'who you know' and its very difficult to get something by relying on the internet / recruitment agents. Good luck and keep trying - the big benefit you have is that all companies, regardless of sector, requires experienced HR people! Totally agree although the actual problem is not me 'getting calls'; it is about the passport I hold! Thank you for the luck and confidence and kindness. Kindly drop me a note if you hear of any vacancies please!! :)
Latest post on 04 December 2016 - 23:12
Hi there I am also a HR professional looking for work here in Dubai. While I have only been here for three months looking (I am on my husbands visa and we moved here due to a transfer for his role), and have been so surprised by how terrible the market and outlook seems. I wish you all the best in finding the right role really soon. Good luck and stay positive. Aww...thank you so much. Wish you loads of luck too.
Latest post on 04 December 2016 - 15:05
This year has been challenging on the job front and HR roles have been very scarce There are so many HR professionals at all levels looking for work and as a result of this clients have a huge pool to fish from, many employees are keeping their heads down at work trying to ride out the storm, clients are putting roles on hold or not replacing staff, many have also been made redundant 2016 has been a very odd year across the world and I for one will be glad to see the back of it! I can only advise that clients will be writing their budgets in January ready for February. Good Luck! Thank you Sarah. Its a mess this year. But just hearing from others like yourself makes it a bit better for me emotionally. I need that luck, thanks again.
Latest post on 04 December 2016 - 15:01
Welcome! Lived in JVC for 3 years and it is a fabulous community. Do check out our facebook page and drop your queries and you will have all your questions answered. Residents page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/246918998672360/ Our community page - https://www.facebook.com/JVCCommunity/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf Our pet owners page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/692658667459356/ I am single with a pet bird so we love it here as the area is very very pet friendly. Lots of villas and (construction around) so you might have to be very careful if you move here. Otherwise, you have all your modern amenities, beautiful villas/apartments, several parks, restos, laundry, supermarkets etc etc. The place is developing by the minute and i have personally seen it evolve since I moved here. JVC leads to Marina/JLT in about 15-20 tops by car. We have a public bus that comes around and takes you to the Mall of Emirates from where you are pretty much mobile. Ample taxis around. If you are out and about all the time and without a car; JVC is not an option for you. Good luck!