desert_doggie |


Latest post on 22 June 2015 - 17:04
Yes, travelling Muslims are excluded from fasting, business as usual. Brilliant. Was worried as they are elderly and need to eat for medication.
Latest post on 22 June 2015 - 16:52
Family travelling tomorrow and heading to airport quite early in morning. Are the restaurants open during the day for breakfast as its Ramadan etc?
Latest post on 03 June 2015 - 12:13
We're also happy Repton parents. yes the theatre is not completed but to be honest, it hasn't been an issue for us. One of my children have performed in many events (music, dance and class performances). I have an older child who is very academic and sporty and she loves it, and my other child, neither and she loves it. The school has met both of their needs in different ways. Yes, the school is much much bigger than one they would go to at home but its had a positive effect in that they have gained a substantial amount of confidence and is certainly not intimidated by peers of all ages.
Latest post on 31 May 2015 - 15:52
There are, I go running in the mornings and I'm seeing activity!
Latest post on 31 May 2015 - 14:28
No information on cleaners but welcome and see you around :)
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 12:51
My sister-in-law's kids went to this school and they were very happy there. Apparently the school has amazing facilities and education-wise everyone seemed happy with progress. Her eldest daughter graduated from that school and has gone on to McGill where she is doing well so all I have heard is positive. McGill is an excellent university, so that's great to know!
Latest post on 25 May 2015 - 10:42
My cousin works there as a pilot and he said its very safe. he said they follow all of Emirates protocols. For example, the very next day after the co-pilot had flown into the mountains in France, they instructed pilots that two people needed to be in the cockpit at all times. It was unofficially communicated and within 3 days - written into the policy. It allayed my fears... I check with him whenever I contemplate a low budge airline.
Latest post on 12 May 2015 - 12:35
so sad!
Latest post on 12 May 2015 - 11:11
Well done Repton! They deserve it, I have seen a lot of changes and improvements in all areas, onwards and upwards! Happy Mum same here! Glad we chose to stay...
Latest post on 09 March 2015 - 11:48
To answer your question, it should take about half an hour, subject to traffic etc. There is a car pooling board. As many posters have pointed out, there are a number of new schools that are much closer to VH but again, there are also a number of children who live in VH at Repton as well :)
Latest post on 15 February 2015 - 18:20
Thank you for sharing!
Latest post on 08 February 2015 - 19:18
I had a reduction 6 years ago with Dr Buthainah. She did an amazing job and I was still able to BF after (I didn't think I was having any more children). Despite gaining pg weight, losing it, and bfing, they look as good as when she did it. There is no scarring either and they are directly proportionate for my body size. I went from a G cup to a DD (34)
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 19:24
To the original poster, this will be my final post on this thread however I will say this: I am a parent with my opinion of the school I have chosen to send my children too. If for one minute, I thought they could get a better education/experience elsewhere I would move them. I pay for my children's education out of pocket - its not an allowance so to be honest, I am constantly evaluating and re-evaluating my choice. As parents we strive to give our children the best. I think i highlighted both good and bad points at Repton depending on what you're looking for. As to which school had the pupils with the highest scores in the UAE for English, Maths and Science....I have no idea... I can only speak to publicly available information that I have. For the IGSE results, these were posted on Reptons facebook page. I agree this would be something you should raise when you're meeting with the prospective schools to find out how they did and evaluate that once you have all the relevant information. My advice - go to the schools, and see which is the best fit for your child but certainly don't rely on EW to make that decision for you. Later ladies!
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 15:17
You are not going to find Liothyronine Sodium here over the counter at any old pharmacy, they don't stock it, only Levothyroxine Sodium (t4) under brand name Eltroxin and one other I can't remember. If memory serves, they only stock this at some hospital pharmacies that mum2girls mentioned, and it is when the doctors there prescribe it. Most people find they have to take in it from their home country. You can get Liothyronine Sodium from certain doctors here who are authorized to administer it by the government. I am on 25mcg daily and get my prescription filled here and have for 3 years. The doctor needs to file a report with the government and therefore closely monitors your T3 levels. I go to a doctor at American Hospital.
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 14:59
We are too!! We are staying in Santa Clause Holiday Village over Christmas for 4 days. From what I've read 3-4 days is sufficient as its quite cold and is more exciting if you participate in the outdoor activities. We're planning to do the Aurora Borealis safari (looking for northern lights), reindeer safari, we've organized a visit from Santa on Christmas Eve, and ceremony crossing the artic circle. I figure one activity a day will suffice for my two children. Anyway, happy planning! We're really looking forward to it. Edited to add - we are then going onwards to another city which will be slightly warmer! lol <em>edited by desert_doggie on 26/01/2015</em>
Latest post on 26 January 2015 - 14:48
I would go and visit the school and definitely take the comments on this thread with a pinch of salt. I am a Repton mum, have been for 7 years. I am very happy with the school, both academically and in respect of the pastoral care. Repton has always received flack from parents whose children didn't attend based on hearsay. I recall sitting with a bunch of mums at a ballet class once, to have the women spend almost an hour criticizing Repton - the academics, what the mums wore, the kinds of people that attended there....interestingly none actually had first had experience and when I did let them know that I did, most were quite embarrassed for participating in hearsay. Here is some feedback that may or may not help you IGCSE results - Best in the world for French, Best in the UAE for German, Mandarin, Drama, Design Technology, History and Geography, this year. Diversity - The school is diverse. There are Emiratis, there are children from neighboring GCC countries, the UK, Australia, Canada, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. All must pass the entrance exam to get it, so while English may not be their parents mother tongue, these children speak fluent English. ECA's - they offer a wide range of free ECA's run by the teachers as well as paid activities. There are a number of squads but because there are 200 or so kids per year group and only 10-15 spaces, only the top children are selected. This is an issue for some parents and again a reason for moving them a smaller school. Unfortunately, life is like that and generally people will make the cut in activities that they are skilled in...would rather they learn that earlier then later Massive - the school is huge and if children are not used to big crowds, they may find this overwhelming. There are 8 classes per year with 17 to 20 children per class. I've not found this to be an issue and my kids love it...but again not for everyone. People ask why there is no wait list well perhaps because the schools that do have wait lists have less classes in each year group...sometimes its simple math So hope the above helps - but again, I think the best thing for any parent to do is visit the school with their children and see how they like it. If you have the flexibility to choose then you have the power. Your children are old enough to know which one will meet their needs. From an academic perspective most of the schools mentioned above are in the same range and you'll have nothing to worry about. Good luck with your decision!!
Latest post on 01 November 2014 - 14:23
Each year, we take family photos and of the children to send to our family worldwide. Last year we used Stu Williamson express but they're not providing that service anymore. Does anyone know a photographer that provides a similar service - ie. 20 digital shots, 1 hour photography that doesn't cost 1000's of dirhams :) Thanks
Latest post on 28 September 2014 - 11:12
Excellent news. As a Canadian I meet Canadian passport holders here all the time who have no connection to Canada other then meeting the 2 year residency requirement, obtaining their passport and moving back to the ME.
Latest post on 30 June 2014 - 13:29
Thanks ladies! I'll head over. I did check online but probably best there! I had cashew "cheese" once and it was amazing but who knows where I'll find that! lol
Latest post on 30 June 2014 - 12:47
Does anyone know where I can find any? We have guests and the child is completely dairy free - it cannot have any casein, whey, any milk product which I now realise after reading tons of labels is pretty much in everything! Any suggestions?
Latest post on 20 November 2013 - 13:53
The Wafi one is great although the queue can be huge. Last year we went in the morning and queued for 2 1/2 hours. Not sure if I'd put myself through it for a 7 month old! we queued for 4 hours last year, 4 hours!!!! I stood in line while they watched tv on the bean bags. I will try and avoid the mad rush if I can this year...
Latest post on 20 November 2013 - 12:05
Ah ok, they do have a flash but they do really just get people not the background. I love it, the original instagram! Sounds like a lovely party! Enjoy. Thanks - I didn 't realise they had a flash - I just remember them always being so dark! Its a fancy dress party so it would be so suited. I may get one to have anyways lol
Latest post on 20 November 2013 - 11:42
You could buy a polaroid camera in the mall (Grand digital stores i think, the one that stocks nikon & fujifilm), they are about 250 for the camera and 50 for 20 film thingys. You could ask a friend to take them for you. They look fab, are wonderful for a scrap book and everyone loves the novelty factor! Thats a great idea but its at night in the garden so I think the lighting would be off.
Latest post on 20 November 2013 - 11:05
We are hosting a party for a friend and we wanted someone who could come round and take some pics to make a scrap book after so that we can enjoy ourselves and not worry. Happy to provide camera if cheaper but just want to capture some good memories for her! Recommendations would be appreciated.
Latest post on 08 October 2013 - 11:33
Our company and a few others in the DIFC have decided to follow them and gave us the entire week off!
Latest post on 03 October 2013 - 11:40
Invites have gone out for Thanksgiving For the record, you're nearly 2 months early for Thanksgiving. My calendar says it's not until November 28th! :) Assuming she means Canadian Thanksgiving which is the second Monday of October being 14 October this year. Thats at least what I'm talking about! lol <em>edited by desert_doggie on 03/10/2013</em>
Latest post on 03 October 2013 - 11:31
we're doing ours on the actual day so still hoping they will restock before then <em>edited by desert_doggie on 03/10/2013</em>
Latest post on 03 October 2013 - 11:24
I feel sorry for the father but he should have known better. Surrogacy is not allowed in Islam because of things like this and he very well knew that. Also, as I understood it, a NZ consular officer signed the surrogacy agreement. She should not have done that knowing it was illegal here.. The NZ consular certified a true copy of the original agreement. When doing so, you are certifying or even reviewing the contents.
Latest post on 03 October 2013 - 11:06
As the subject heading states.....I need a turkey. Invites have gone out for Thanksgiving, stuffing is made, gravy base is made, goodies have been made.......I CAN'T find a turkey. Has anyone seen them. Or if your shopping over the next day or two can you check the freezer or fresh dept for them. I might need 2 depending on size. I am in the same predicament! :(
Latest post on 02 October 2013 - 08:56
I cannot for the life of me understand why, when they design roads they think only a handful of people will use it daily. Who on earth is responsible for the design and construction of Dubai roads? The sheer weight of traffic on Hessa Street every morning just leaves me crawling to work. What used to take 10 minutes now takes me 35. How can a 2 lane road handle all the traffic coming from Emirates Rd, Al Khail Rd, Motor City and AR? Tomake it worse, it seems that 90% of people think its ok to just queue jump which just makes the whole journey more stressful There really is a lack of common sense here. Ya it doesn't make sense. Its actually made that commute much more difficult! Its pretty common sense, if you reduce 5 lanes to 2, it will choke - doesn't take specialist engineers to figure that out and yet, they keep getting it wrong!
Latest post on 01 October 2013 - 15:46
Recent reads that I enjoyed (meaning haven't deleted off my kindle): The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Trilogy (found all three amazing) Defending Jacob Gone Girl Safe Haven
Latest post on 01 October 2013 - 14:27
Thanks helps to get different view points...surely enough they don't disturb's just that with small children we tend to worry about the influences ..and of course we have been turning a blind eye to all the mess/litter that has been left around the pool...we are supposed to clear up after we use the pool...isn't it? As for being a Muslim ...well I am not ...but that doesn't stop me from feeling annoyed when I see topless bathing in a compound meant for more than one occupant. Well, I also don't find it very pleasant to see old ladies topless on the beach somewhere on the Mediterranean. Or go to the sauna with men and women completely naked. But there nobody complains about these things and nobody cares about children seen them all the time. Do you feel disturbed just because you know it's illegal here? I can't speak for the OP but in the Mediterranean or at a sauna, I am prepared for it and accept it. In my backyard, at a shared compound, I certainly wouldn't want to see my neighbours topless. One is public, one isn't.
Latest post on 28 September 2013 - 20:56
Dr Kayed is great but very busy. He's an adult neurologist but great with kids.
Latest post on 27 September 2013 - 12:47
I must admit that I ahven't really thought about it too hard but I always just assumed that clubbing attire was pretty normal for the school run in a lot of schools. This thread suggests otherwise, anyone got any idea why it's so popular at my children's school? And I thought the maids did the walking to and from school gates there!! Maybe you are targeting the wrong audience!! Lol Your kids obviously don't go there and clearly feeding into the rumour mill. FYI, yes there are some maid dropping kids off but the vast majority are mums and dads.
Latest post on 27 September 2013 - 12:37
sorry posted twice - Must be losing my mind! <em>edited by desert_doggie on 27/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 15:25
I saw the title but couldn't bring myself to read it. I can't even fathom how that would enter someone's mind to do this. I have goosebumps all over.
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 15:16
Rivington Grill do good British puddings :) Great idea!!! That would be devine
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 13:21
Can't think of a bad place for desserts in Madinat/Al Qasr/Mina Salam! Do you want buffet style? Or a la carte? edited by pinks on 26/09/2013 Either or, we have dinner plans but its Thai, so desert options aren't that great.
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 13:03
Can anyone recommend a good place for dessert at madinat or nearby hotels?
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 13:02
Legal, Advertising, and admin roles Interestingly, I am also getting headhunted but for positions that are more senior but less pay than currently on which again is unique.
Latest post on 26 September 2013 - 11:45
I know an agent who went to do a transfer yesterday for a client and they were made to pay the 4% increase so its definitely immenent.
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 20:30
I think schools have the right to regulate and advise parents how to dress. We choose to send our children there, if we don't like their rules we can choose to go elsewhere. It applies to many things, not just clothing. My children's school has policy of boy's hair being above the collar (which I think is ridiculous). My two sons at school both have longish hair, if the school chooses to enforce their rule it would be up to me to cut their hair or withdraw them. If I want to break out the gold hot pants on the school run they have every right to tell me to cover up or stay out. Irooni, I wonder if ouR children are at the same school? Some of the mums look like they got lost on the way to Nasimi Beach. i think our kids may be at the same school - no long hair for little boys either.
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 17:19
how is having a dress code at a school any different than a restaurant requiring a jacket, and tie, or prohibiting people from wearing flip flops, or jeans to enter its place of business. Its a private institution establishing a preference on how they want people dressed when on their premises. For example, reminding parents not to wear attire more suited for an aerobics class, or a nightclub to pick their children up. To me its not about judging people, its a simple as them deciding what they deem appropriate on school premises vs what I might wear to Nassimi Beach as some might classify as inappropriate ;). <em>edited by desert_doggie on 25/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 15:32
No, I agree with Derien. I know of several people who lost their jobs over the summer and had to leave Dubai in a hurry! see same here, which is why i am so confused!
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 13:28
being ahead academically is not always worth the sacrifice it may come with. Absolutely which is why I made the point about play/homework balance. My dd spends no more than 20 minutes a night on her homework leaving her about 4 1/2 hours to do what she pleases. In terms of being ahead, of course, its beneficial. At some point, we will move home and I can't see how the fact that she won't be struggling playing catch up on school curricula is not seen as a positive. Quite frankly its one less thing to worry about. Again, different strokes for different folks and the OP would be best to go and visit the respective schools she's interested in and speak to parents at those schools. <em>edited by desert_doggie on 25/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 12:58
There is quite a debate going on in the UK at the moment about the niqab (face veil) with some pressure to ban it completely or just in public buildings (I think some would like to ban the hijab too). I have been very vocal on Twitter about the state having no role in defining what women should wear and that includes the niqab. Using the same logic I don't think schools should be doing so either. Obviously if I had my way I would totally mandate age / size appropriate clothing at all times. The difference being "public" vs "private" as in the case of private schools here, asking for certain conduct on their premises.
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 12:52
I have no issue with it whatsoever about a school asking parents to dress conservatively when dropping/picking up children in order to be sensitive to other parents. Seriously, most just ask that shorts/skirts/dresses are at knee and maybe shoulders covered. I dont think thats unreasonable particularly if you have a diverse school and know that some parents would find that offensive as in our case, we have a number of locals. So be it, grab a cardi, or blazer or wear a dress/top with cap sleaves. My view is that we are entering the school grounds and therefore we should abide by its rules. Likewise, when I go to work, I abide by the dress code of my employer. I wouldn't equate this to the mall at all - this is a private institution that we have chosen to send our children to, which they do not have an obligation to accept, and whilst on their premises, we are required to abide by their rules. Quite simple, if we don't like it we should go to another school.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 15:49
You must be paying a fortune. Yes Michelle - not very helpful and exceptionally stressed. Will update when I have a result. Today 25 approx for tiny tots and 4 coaches. My youngest finds it quite stressful and left after 10 mintues. I'm frustrated b/c if she had a consistent coach every week, it would establish that rapport. She attended gymnastics last year and had no issues so I do think this is the problem.. No response so far
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 11:39
I think it was the ex admin person Eleani. But I absolutely will write to them. I have no intention of walking away. Yesterday I tried to raise it and talk to someone but the queue was vast - so it was impossible. I hope others will do the same Oh yes, Elena, was the admin person. Michelle is the current one. I plan to raise it as well. I am paying a huge amount for my two dd's attending there (my older one is 3x a week!) so I do expect a certain level of instruction. I am chalking it up to intial bumps and hoping it will resolve in the next few weeks.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 09:42
Hi moonbeam Why don't you email the manager. If we all complain, they should do something about it rather than just leaving. Don't think we will get our money back for this term anyway. I called last week and talked to Dean to complain. You can email as well. He said class sizes will be 8 but still think its too much for the little ones. Even my dd complaining that she only got to do 2 stations. It was a lot nicer last year. Hope they can sort this out soonest. I still see all the old coaches from last year. There are a few new ones. Which ones are you talking about that started their own club? My youngest daughter refuses to go to the class b/c its so big. They suggested perhaps she was too young but she did gymnastics at Du last year and was fine. My older daughter has been going for years and is used to them. I've aslo seen new coaches, but don't see any that have left? Perhaps different days than I go.