duckduck |


Latest post on 29 June 2016 - 12:57
Hi Syl123, Assuming you are on an unlimited contract? You should be entitled to around 10 days basic pay only as a gratuity for 18 months service. There are online calculators that can work this out more accurately for you. Also you should be able to utilize your annual leave balance as part of your notice period. The company is not obliged to pay in lieu of this unless they refuse to let you use the leave days. Regarding air ticket, they have to repatriate you to your home country which is not the same as an entitlement to an air ticket. There is no obligation for a cash alternative.
Latest post on 07 March 2016 - 14:06
My favourite trick for getting some sleep on the plane is always pack a very good pair of noise cancelling headphones and some downloaded meditation apps on my phone. I used to be a nervous flyer and find that listening to meditation has the dual effect of calming me and sending me to sleep. I also use ear plugs under the headphones to maximize the noise interference of the plane and other passengers.