lec299 | ExpatWoman.com


Latest post on 22 March 2013 - 19:54
I also delivered with Dr Nasreen and sad to hear she's leaving. My friend went with Dr Braithwaite and only had good things to say. Does she have availability?
Latest post on 22 March 2013 - 19:51
Hi, I probably have about 10 sachets of the Boots Teething Powder you could buy if you are desperate? My lo is teething too, but I bought a bulk load out with me after Christmas and am back in the UK again in April so can stock up again. Let me know - I'm in the marina
Latest post on 20 March 2013 - 19:17
Can highly recommend Babysplash - http://babysplashdubai.com/babysplash/ - I go to the Lakes Club with Helen and am about to enroll for second term.
Latest post on 07 March 2013 - 13:17
Hi Laura, if you end up in the marina, let me know. I have an 11 month old son and would love to introduce you to my mummy friends. Louise x
Latest post on 07 March 2013 - 12:11
Thanks everyone for your speedy responses!
Latest post on 24 February 2013 - 16:26
Its not in the area that you want, but there is the Shop and Drop service at Caboodle Dubai Mall? It's paid by the hour. I haven't used them yet, but went for a look and it's a nice place
Latest post on 24 February 2013 - 14:44
@Rikki N - Sad to hear that Dr Nasreen is leaving, she delivered my baby in April and was hoping to visit again when we have number two. Do you know where she's going?
Latest post on 11 January 2013 - 00:13
I'm also desperately seeking a Lindam playpen. Does anyone know a stockist in Dubai? (assuming your sale went ahead, very interested if it didnt for whatever reason ;-))
Latest post on 04 January 2013 - 18:27
Can anyone recommend an agency? I really don't want a different person turning up each time. All very confusing as I often see people asking for recommendations of babysitters on this forum, but it seems it's illegal to get them!
Latest post on 29 November 2012 - 23:08
I recommend Dr Nasreen at American Hospital. I went to see her from 10 weeks and she delivered my son in April. Good luck!
Latest post on 29 November 2012 - 23:07
I'm heading back to Dubai in January after 6 months away and starting to think about help with my then 9 month old. I work from home and am looking for 3/4 x afternoons a week childcare. I don't need full-time care so am not looking for a full-time maid - and nursery is looking beyond my budget. Is it true that it's not possible to get part-time maids legally in Dubai? So my only route would be to go through an agency? I don't want to hand my son over to a new person every day, so really appreciate any pointers. Thank you ladies in advance
Latest post on 09 October 2012 - 23:32
Hello all, we're returning to Dubai from London Heathrow on Sunday night after a stint in the UK. Does anyone know if Virgin Atlantic let you take your buggy to the door of the plane at Heathrow? We have a 6 month old who will be well past his bedtime and wont take well to being carried until 10pm... (neither will our arms as he is heavy now). Starting to wonder whether I should buy a cheap stroller if not allowed and just leave at the gates. I rung the helpline and they were so unhelpful, just reading from their website which doesnt actually give any info on whether it's allowed.
Latest post on 07 July 2012 - 22:30
Hi, I flew 3 weeks ago with 6 x bottles filled with water and 6 x pre-measured lots of powder. No problems at Dubai, didn't even have to take it out the bag at security.
Latest post on 03 July 2012 - 21:06
I got my Size 2 Dr Brown teats at Premaman in Dubai Mall. I didn't look for bottles, but I'm guessing they must have them if they also sell the teats.
Latest post on 02 July 2012 - 15:46
Totally agree... We waited 6 weeks after moving for them to come and sort out our internet connection - including three painfully long visits to head office that came to nothing. We only got it sorted in the end as we saw a team working next door and got them to call through to head office - they came back the next day and did ours. Never experienced such frustratingly bad customer service - and I thought BT in the UK was bad...!
Latest post on 02 July 2012 - 14:45
Thanks for your replies, that's really handy. I knew about the Emirates strollers, but I think he's too young to go in them still as he'll only just be 3 months so needs to lie flat. Good to know that it's possible though - and sounds like I need to take the Baby Bjorn anyway, as I'll need it after landing until we get to the luggage reclaim at Gatwick. Now working out the logistics of how to hold baby, collapse buggy, and load bags onto x-ray belt at customs... I need four arms!
Latest post on 01 July 2012 - 18:52
My baby is 11 weeks old and had him at American Hospital. It was brilliant and I would definitely go back for second baby. In fact, I'd be disappointed to go anywhere else now. The only thing I can fault is the communication between labour ward and maternity ward - just make sure the nurses know what drugs you have requested before you move across and be firm with the nurses if they forget/don't get the message. Everything else was brilliant - especially the midwives (I hope you get Kirsty, who is just amazing). I didn't have a straightforward birth, but my memories are all good.
Latest post on 28 June 2012 - 13:04
Thanks everyone for your replies. I've just called and they can offer me an upgrade (I'm quite flexible with dates, which I think is the only way to manage it). If anyone is interested, the miles needed to upgrade baby are 10% of what it is to upgrade full adult fare. Process is to call and check when upgrade is available, book the flight specified (either online or on phone), then call back to process the upgrade. I haven't asked about the basinet seats yet, which is another thing entirely...!
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 22:31
I use Infacol before every feed and we get it from the pharmacy in Mercato Mall (jumeirah beach road). We last bought a bottle 1.5 weeks ago - I'm hoping it's still in stock as we're running low! Never had any problem getting it there before.
Latest post on 24 June 2012 - 22:25
I've just done this exact flight with my 2-month old - the 8am back to Gatwick. I had my husband with me for this flight, but will be doing the journey alone next time (in a month's time). We actually found the flight easy. My best advice would be to get everything you need down and into the seat pocket infront before takeoff (you can get on flight first, so this hopefully shouldnt be too stressful). I bottle feed, so had a bottle ready in the pouch, a pot of dummies, a blanket, my earphones for watching a bit of tv while he slept, my water bottle etc. We fed him the bottle while everyone else was boarding and we were taking off, so he dropped off shortly afterwards. We cuddled him until he slept, then lowered him into basinet and he slept for a few hours afterwards. During this time, we got the next bottle down from the overhead lockers, packed away the dirty one, got a nappy ready... Just make sure you use the time they are sleeping to get yourself sorted and you will have no problems. I understand what you mean about your baby not sleeping under those circumstances, but I think you'll find the low hum and vibrations of the plane to be the perfect sedative - our baby has never slept that well during the day, the flight was really easy. What we didnt find so easy was disturbing him during the night to get him up and out the door to go to airport - and then lugging him round in the baby carrier before we got on it. He wasn't the happiest baby, so next time I am definitely going to take my buggy up to the door of the plane, which will allow him to sleep better during this time and help me cope with the baggage too (I will have two bags for handbaggage - one for his things, one for mine - laptop etc). If you are flying with Emirates, feel free to ask any questions on how it all worked. We found them to be BRILLIANT with the baby - we were showered with gifts and even had a polaroid picture taken and given to us of his very first flight. They are very, very baby friendly and I have no fears about flying with them again in July.
Latest post on 11 June 2012 - 21:39
Does anyone know where the DNRD is? We need to get this exit stamp tomorrow for baby (flying Wednesday) and their english website is down.
Latest post on 02 June 2012 - 14:47
I always use the tube - just make sure you have enough time, as it can take 45 minutes to get into Central London. If you're short of time, use the Heathrow Express, but it's a lot more expensive.
Latest post on 26 May 2012 - 19:29
Thank you for reply - seems so unfair that they are charging us these prices when we could get two flights for less if we started in London. But glad I checked here before I booked :-)
Latest post on 26 May 2012 - 18:20
We're flying back to London in June and only need a single (DXB to London). It's cheaper to get a return starting in London, than it is to get just the return leg from Dubai as a single. Has anyone ever done this? Does it make the return invalid if you don't take the outbound flight? It makes a difference of over £300 so very tempted!
Latest post on 14 May 2012 - 21:06
Thanks so much for that, gives me hope! I'm worried as a friend has told me that debiting the credit card is the first step and her's took 3 more weeks after that - no debit yet for us! Fingers crossed it'll happen this week! So desperate to get home now and show him off to relatives.
Latest post on 02 May 2012 - 22:57
I have a FLIP camera - which I attach to my my mac with the usb, which just flips out. It downloads automatically and is really good quality.
Latest post on 30 April 2012 - 19:10
Ayda247 I think Dubaicat means birth certificate, as this is what we've discovered with more research today. We only have my full birth certificate, so we're sending that off instead of husbands. Does anybody know whetehr we need to send marriage certificate too? As obviously my birth certificate has maiden name on it? Not good news that you are still waiting Ayda247 - we really want to fly in 4 weeks but looks like it's not going to happen as we can't get application off until Wednesday when inlaws arrive with birth certificate :-(
Latest post on 26 April 2012 - 15:11
As a side note, I would definitely go to Dr Nasreen if we have a second child in Dubai - so I hope that is enough of a recommendation for you.
Latest post on 26 April 2012 - 15:10
Phew! So glad you both got it sorted out. Now starting to worry that I have someone else's too! I need an arabic speaker!
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 21:21
For brunch, I really recommend Traiteur. We've taken three sets of people there now and it always impresses (we've done Mina Al Salam and Al Qasr with guests before, but this is another league). I second Grand Grill at the Habtoor - amazing food. And it is funny to tell them it's somebody's birthday (even if it isn't!) Other places we take guests are The Meat Company at the Madinat (amazing views of Burj al Arab) and Rivington Grill at Souk Al Bahar (book on balcony to watch the fountains). If the weather is good, heading to a hotel for a day lazing by the pool / lunching / sundowners is always a good way to spend the day. I like Jebel Ali Resort and Spa (it feels like a holiday as you're getting out of the city), Bab Al Shams, or Le Royal Meridien. All have spas so you could also treat yourself to a massage half way through the day. If you do this, I recommend buying the Entertainer Body Book - you'll make the money back in one day if you use the voucher for day access and spa treatment. For drinks, 360 Bar at Jumeirah Beach Hotel always impresses guests. We also like the Rooftop Bar at One & Only Royal Mirage. One & Only The Palm has a really cool outside area near the pool, which is a nice place for sundowners. Another idea is Afternoon Tea. For me, One & Only Royal Mirage wins hands down. It's really good value and there's lots of food. Book on the terrace. Guests always love it. And finally, don't forget the old town. I always take guests to the Cultural Breakfast in Bastakiah (Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding), followed by the museum. They see a completely different side of Dubai and it's very affordable.
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 21:11
I've texted her and given her your email address. Sounds like too much of a coincidence.
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 19:07
Dr Nasreen delivered my baby two weeks ago - and I went to her for appointments from 8 weeks pregnant. I really recommend her. Appointments are quick and no nonsense in the early stages (she scans at each one) and I was worried it would all be a bit impersonal towards the end, but I was really impressed. She really looked after me in the last few months, during the birth, and afterwards. I also recommend American Hospital - it was such a good experience and midwives are great too.
Latest post on 25 April 2012 - 19:00
Is it definitely Darsi and not Darcy? My friend had a Darcy a few weeks ago and I know she used Babysteps. I will text her now to check. <em>edited by lec299 on 25/04/2012</em>
Latest post on 18 April 2012 - 11:25
Will try MAKE, thank you. It's regarding finances so would rather not ask a friend to do it, but thank you anyway.
Latest post on 18 April 2012 - 11:01
Hi does anyone know of somewhere my husband can go to type a letter, print it, and fax it over? He's on paternity leave and doesn't want to head into office as he won't be able to run in and run out. We're based in Jumeirah so looking for a business centre of sorts - but happy to drive elsewhere. Thank you in advance of any tips!
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 21:09
Apparently so, our friends did it last summer. It's an 'Emergency Travel Document', which means you can leave the UAE, but you can't get back in, so you need to sort out the passport back in the UK (we plan to do it in a day at the Passport Office in London). On the website it says that you need a valid emergency to travel on an Emergency Travel Document, but our friends said that having a newborn without a passport is one of the valid reasons! We need to look into it more as our little one is due in 4 weeks now and we plan to fly 4 weeks after that.
Latest post on 12 March 2012 - 15:19
It depends on the embassy I think. You can get Emergency Travel Document through the British Embassy for a British newborn to travel back to UK and get their passport sorted there (we plan to do this) - but you would have to call / visit / go online to your embassies to find out if that is the case with yours.
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 16:25
The great thing is that the rooms are all suites - so there is definitely room for the kids - we had two big bedrooms and a huge lounge (bit of a waste just for the two of us!) Food was expensive for Phuket, but much cheaper than the hotels on the other side of the island - I still think in terms of ££ but don't think that dinners cost more than £25 for both of us having two courses (I wasnt drinking, but DH would have a cocktail or two). They also do packages where you can sail out to a nearby island for a picnic or have them come to your room for a private BBQ on your balcony - those are more expensive at around £50 per person (not sure of kids prices). We did the BBQ though and it was great.
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 16:09
Also check thought I'd mention that we were really picky before we went and I checked out Trip Advisor - they do so well on all their reviews, which swung it for us! (I don't work for them by the way, although I sound like I do!) http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g297934-d1230409-Reviews-Serenity_Resort_Residences_Phuket-Rawai_Phuket.html
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 16:06
We didn't have kids at the time, but I'm pregnant and we took a lot of notice of how great the staff were with the kids around the pool. We were really impressed and said we'd definitely go back when little one arrives. It's on the quieter side of the island (which we loved) and it's tidal, so you get the sea right up to the resort in the morning, then it goes out for the whole afternoon so toddlers could play on the beach too.
Latest post on 07 March 2012 - 15:41
We stayed at Serenity Resort in October and can't recommend it enough - stunning rooms and views, really affordable spa, great for kids, and amazing food (we only ate out of the resort once). It's a small resort so has a boutique feel, we will definitely be heading back. Just went onto their website to find it for you and looks like they have some good offers on http://www.serenityphuket.com/
Latest post on 06 March 2012 - 10:58
IKEA? The tables themselves aren't actually too expensive, but the chairs aren't cheap as you pay per chair. We have our eyes on a very nice solid wooden table, I can't remember the price, but don't think it was more than 500 AED.
Latest post on 06 March 2012 - 10:49
To be fair, there is one small wall that probably needs repainting as we had a sticker that pulled off a little paint when we took it off - and we offered to pay for when we first moved out. But he is saying we have to repaint the whole apartment - it's a large 1750 sq foot apartment with walls in white and the other walls are in perfect condition. It was a brand new flat 12 months ago, so there's barely a mark. DH wanted to talk things through with him, so called at the weekend and he said he was a reasonable guy, but "that's just how it works out here." DH offered to pay half, just to try and appease him and get the rest of our money back - and he seemed happy - but yesterday he got a call from the guys Dad (guessing he has some financial interest) saying again that this is "just how it works here" and that they didn't actually have time either, so we needed to sort it out. We're not naive - we've been here for 3 years and that was our third apartment, but it's the first time we've been asked to do this!
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 19:19
Ha ha, there are so many occasions that I have been tempted to put it in DH's food! Great that DD can bring it back. The type I use comes in a blue pot with shaker top (like a big pot of salt or parmesan). Most good pet shops will do it. Get her to bring two if she can, as they are very light.
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 18:14
Our boxer used to do this as a puppy. In the UK we buy powdered charcoal, which you add to their dinner (they can't taste it) and it absorbs the stomach gases. It was our saviour and she still has it in every meal (she lives in the UK with family). I dont know if you can get it here, but if not it would be worth shipping over - one pot lasts a good few 4-5 months and she has 2 meals a day.
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 18:14
Our boxer used to do this as a puppy. In the UK we buy powdered charcoal, which you add to their dinner (they can't taste it) and it absorbs the stomach gases. It was our saviour and she still has it in every meal (she lives in the UK with family). I dont know if you can get it here, but if not it would be worth shipping over - one pot lasts a good few 4-5 months and she has 2 meals a day.
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 12:05
Are you in an apartment or villa? We used to be in an apartment and the people downstairs started their parties at 4am after coming in from a night out (yep, started them then..!) Our bedroom was just above their balcony and I couldn't believe how inconsiderate they were being in a block of flats as *everyone* above and below must have been disturbed. We had to go down to security and say that we were going to call the police if they didn't stop - security went and spoke to them and they turned music down and went inside. It happened quite a few times, but getting security involved is great option as the last thing they want is the police turning up.
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 11:56
HI alimart - how much would you be selling for and where are you based?
Latest post on 02 March 2012 - 11:53
Hi Ayten, ooh congrats in advance! We've arranged to meet for coffee next week, but might not work for you as you have a date with the hospital ;-) My email is below and would be great to hear from you and meet your little one when he/she arrives. xx
Latest post on 28 February 2012 - 21:53
Hi Emily, I've just emailed you :-) perkynana - my email is - would be great to meet up too. xx edited by lec299 on 02/03/2012 <em>edited by lec299 on 03/03/2012</em>