RooLo |


Latest post on 15 October 2015 - 20:13
The word 'yet' in your post may be one thing working against you... I have a few friends who went for roles and were basically told as their age was the age where women often want to start a family, they were a risky hire. As companies do not want to hire someone who will be pregnant and requesting maternity leave in a year. And now, most will not say that because of the new discrimination law, but I know of a few who think it (and these are well known, international brands). Contact ITP - there was a position advertised on here recently for admin or something. If you get your foot in the door that is a ball rolling start. I am like you, I work because I want to work, not because I NEED the money. And if potential employers pick that up, I feel sometimes that they don't like you as much. I mean, no one is going to hire someone who is better off than them (it seems> This, I also believe, is a reason many nationals don't fit into private companies unless the company is an MNC. But that is a whole other conversation.) Thomson Rueters (sp?) is often looking for specialists in different fields. Have a look at their website. If you are journalism AND TV, also try DMI or City 7. Apply directly and, as already mentioned, a foot in the door at a top five company (a receptionist job at a top five company) is your golden ticket to a stronger career entry. Although, with your experience (IF it is teamed with a degree in journalism) will probably get you in easily WHEN the position becomes available (the big companies normally have staff that stay for many years, so you just have to wait for one of them to move on. Unlike private SMEs where staff often stay and continue to look for better salaries, so the jobs come and go frequently.) Great advice thanks AdventurerB!
Latest post on 12 October 2015 - 12:43
Hi 'Mynewlife40', Your post strikes a real chord with me! I arrived in Dubai one month ago with my husband's job. He is settled in and happily working every day. I am a journalist with 6 years experience and I left my job at a video agency in London to come here and hopefully find an exciting new career as well. I must have applied for around 50 positions and I've had so few responses by comparison! Have tried a whole range of stuff - online, print publishing, traditional journalism, TV, radio, PR, media, content writing. And a tonne of different job search sites and portals. As well as meeting up editors and contacts of friends for prospective chats and coffees etc. Although I've had a few interviews and one offer so far (which I can't take for various reasons) I feel like I'm making very little progress. My husband and I could survive without me working, but I really want a job here! I am late twenties, no children yet. I wonder what sort of local factors might be working against me. Are you in Dubai now? Or searching from abroad? Would love to exchange tips and experience! RooLo :)
Latest post on 28 May 2015 - 12:51
Hi NL, Thanks so much for your reply - I will definitely check out DKC, they sound great! So glad everything worked out well for you and Maus (great name). Thanks again! R :cat:
Latest post on 20 May 2015 - 17:18
Hi, I am new to this forum and this is my first post, so please excuse any slip-ups! I am moving from London to Dubai in September with my husband and we are bringing our much-loved cat with us. We rescued Barney from a shelter in London where he was picked up as a stray and he is FIV+ (like HIV, means he has a suppressed immune system - sometimes called cat AIDS). This doesn't mean much in the UK other than we have to keep him indoors so he doesn't meet any other cats. My question is - has anyone experienced any trouble importing an FIV+ cat to Dubai? I have noticed that Dubai is pretty strict when it comes to animal import rules and containing the spread of viruses. We are using a pet agent to sort the paperwork and they have said it should be ok. I just can't find a definitive answer anywhere and we are worried we will have to leave him behind! :-s Thank you RooLo