serendipity77 |


Latest post on 10 June 2012 - 16:05
Thank you ladies, at least I know we do have the option of arriving together. However, it maybe easier to stay with relatives in Dubai as I know my way around :) Just another thing to think about! Thanks again :)
Latest post on 11 May 2012 - 14:16
Thanks RachelA, we are British passport holders coming from Oz so hopeful that should not be a problem. I will definitely keep chasing the schools and hope I will get a seat. I was settled in Dubai when my daughter started school and had her name down way in advance so this is quite worrying for me but fingers crossed. I will also take a look at Loydence Academy. Thank you for the advice. Away from schooling can you ladies in the know advise what areas to look at housing, I know it's a personal choice but any advice would be greatly received. We would probably be looking for a 4 bed villa with good facilities - swimming pool etc. My children are 6 and twins who will be one. A nice community feel would be good. I have looked on Dubizzle - i know that's popular from my Dubai days but not sure how popular it is over in Qatar. Thanks again, I love these forums - it's the best way to learn when you are not physically there. :-)
Latest post on 11 May 2012 - 04:32
Thank you PuppyLove, the registrar at Sherborne has been helpful so have sent in an application and will wait and see. Thats what I want happy daughter whilst being educated. I will just have to contact all the schools after the start of the new academic year and see what happens. It is quite a worry : / Does anyone know anything about this new ruling about 6 months bank statements before the family can be sponsored? can we just do visa runs until we get to 6 months - does that work? I have tried to google and cant find any informaion on it. thanks
Latest post on 10 May 2012 - 09:46
Hi I wondered if any of you lovely ladies can advise me with regards schools. We are looking at moving to Qatar in December, we did live in Dubai for many years and relocated but now looking at moving back to the Middle East. I have 3 children but only looking for schooling for my six year old. She will be year 2 and Term 2 when we want to enroll her and looking for British Curriculum. I have spoken to DESS, Doha College, DBMS and Parkhouse and in truth although they are all full, the only one who gave any indications of numbers and wait times was DESS. I am now looking at Sherbourne and Newton British does anyone have any information on these please? If I put my daughter into a school for term 2 and 3 of 2012 is it a possibility she could get a year 3 space at the 4 schools I mentioned? This question has probably been asked loads of time so I apologize :) TIA Serendipity
Latest post on 03 July 2011 - 12:41
Hi Lil, You have mail and can remove your email :-)
Latest post on 03 July 2011 - 11:36
Hi I have a fertility monitor to sell. If you are interested let me know your email address and I can send you more information but I do not have any sticks left. xx
Latest post on 30 May 2011 - 12:16
Wow, that's fantastic Serendipity. Double the fun ;) How many cycles did it take you? This was our third cycle and I am now just over 8 weeks. Previously miscarried at 7 weeks so am desperate to get to the 12 week milestone when hopefully I'll be able to relax a little more. Some questions if I may: When did you come off all the drugs (I am still on the daily Cyclogest, Progyluton, Baby Aspirin and now also Innohep and Prednisolon, as well as twice weekly progesterone IM jabs)? Obviously I am happy to stay on all as long as necessary but am sure I am rattling when I walk and resembling a pin cushion. Also did you go to the Fetal Medicine Centre for your tests? If so, how did you deal with dissing Dr F for that part? Thanks! x Thank you, we were lucky - it was our first attempt. I came off the drugs at 8 weeks (i think - pregnancy brain) but I have now been put back on Cyclogest and Duphaston and an injection once a week by my OBGYN at Medcare. I didnt have the NT scan at Fetal Medicine Centre in the end but at Medcare which was fine and all is good - low chance of DS. I spoke to Madonna and they were fine about it as they know insurance plays a big factor in decisions. Congratulations again - 3rd time lucky and all going well thats great. I can imagine you are rattling bless but the baby will soon be feeding from the placenta so hopefully you can come off them soon. xx
Latest post on 30 May 2011 - 11:51
I am just over 14 weeks now with twins - bit of a shock 2 in 1 and really starting to show!! When are you due? xx
Latest post on 30 May 2011 - 11:35
Hi Dubai71, Congrats on your pregnancy. I am also pregnant through Dr.F. The only one I know is the fetal Medicine Centre in Healthcare City - which is also in London. Not sure that helps.
Latest post on 02 February 2011 - 17:42
I'm seeing Dr Mohammed and in the middle of my first round of IVF (just had my egg retrieval) - started with Dr Hena (also at DGFC) for tests/consultations and switched to Dr Mohammed for the actual treatment. It's going really well so far. Good luck with everything xx Hi tubestrike - just wanted to wish you good luck and sending you lots of babydust xx
Latest post on 02 February 2011 - 17:19
I am about to start treatment with Dr.Fakih soon so I cannot comment on previous experience. I did find him extremely positive which in someways was off putting. I want to be positive but know it is not an easy and simple process and does not guarantee success!! I am glad it was not just me. If you want to have a chat about things that would be great just let me know your email and I will email you. Good Luckxx
Latest post on 02 February 2011 - 16:51
I am about to start treatment with Dr.Fakih soon so I cannot comment on previous experience. I did find him extremely positive which in someways was off putting. I want to be positive but know it is not an easy and simple process and does not guarantee success!!
Latest post on 02 February 2011 - 14:05
Nicecupoftea - thanks for the information, I will give synergy a call and arrange to see Dr. Martine x Mommy of Twins - I really want to try and relax before the transfer but knowing my luck I wil have had one of those days at work :-) I am very excited and nervous at the same time but looking forward to starting the treatment. x
Latest post on 31 January 2011 - 08:59
Hi Ladies, I hope everything goes well for you all. Can you tell me which acupuncturist you use and the CD. I have not started treatment yet but think I will definitely need something to help me relax. I have been told acupuncture can help with the treatment. TIA x
Latest post on 30 January 2011 - 07:25
Yeah for sure I will. This is my first time on the whole fertility cycle and although i have read tonnes I have yet to experience the treatment!! Hi Serendipity, how did your app with Dr Fakih went, would love to hear from you. Thank you Hi Sarababygirl It was ok thanks - we have decicded to go with him - he was very positive, which is good but I am a bit of a pesimist really!!! I have read so much on ICSI so I didnt have many questions then but he was very nice and said to call him if I have any questions and the nurses are just so lovely. Start treatment soon and feeling quite nervous. How is everything going with you? x Hi Serendpity, I am doing well, thank you for asking. Met with him today, he was very positive, he even went through his PP presentation telling us about our chances to conceive, will start the stimulation soon should we decide to go with him. Let me know if you want to talk, I can either email you or we can meet up for a coffee, I live in Jumeirah 1. Hi , The PP presentation sounds interesting. Speak soon You have got an email, you can remove your email addr. Speak to you soon
Latest post on 29 January 2011 - 21:46
Yeah for sure I will. This is my first time on the whole fertility cycle and although i have read tonnes I have yet to experience the treatment!! Hi Serendipity, how did your app with Dr Fakih went, would love to hear from you. Thank you Hi Sarababygirl It was ok thanks - we have decicded to go with him - he was very positive, which is good but I am a bit of a pesimist really!!! I have read so much on ICSI so I didnt have many questions then but he was very nice and said to call him if I have any questions and the nurses are just so lovely. Start treatment soon and feeling quite nervous. How is everything going with you? x Hi Serendpity, I am doing well, thank you for asking. Met with him today, he was very positive, he even went through his PP presentation telling us about our chances to conceive, will start the stimulation soon should we decide to go with him. Let me know if you want to talk, I can either email you or we can meet up for a coffee, I live in Jumeirah 1. Hi , The PP presentation sounds interesting. Speak soon <em>edited by serendipity77 on 30/01/2011</em>
Latest post on 29 January 2011 - 19:03
Yeah for sure I will. This is my first time on the whole fertility cycle and although i have read tonnes I have yet to experience the treatment!! Hi Serendipity, how did your app with Dr Fakih went, would love to hear from you. Thank you Hi Sarababygirl It was ok thanks - we have decicded to go with him - he was very positive, which is good but I am a bit of a pesimist really!!! I have read so much on ICSI so I didnt have many questions then but he was very nice and said to call him if I have any questions and the nurses are just so lovely. Start treatment soon and feeling quite nervous. How is everything going with you? x
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 18:19
Hope all goes well Dubai71, I have appointment with Dr. Fakih tomorrow and the will start treatment soon. Good luck x
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 16:19
Yeah for sure I will. This is my first time on the whole fertility cycle and although i have read tonnes I have yet to experience the treatment!!
Latest post on 25 January 2011 - 14:37
Hi Sarahbabygirl I have seen Dr Wael and will be seeing Dr. Fakih tomorrow. I have read so many mixed reviews so will let you know how I get on with Dr. Fakih. Dr.Wael was ok but I thought it best to see someone else for comparison. Sorry I cant help anymore at the moment. x
Latest post on 06 January 2011 - 11:04
Hi Pinkpea, I could not find one here so ordered from Amazon in the UK - sorry I cannot help further. Good Luck