sparkly |


Latest post on 27 November 2014 - 13:27
Hi, congratulations! Hope all goes well in Jan. We have one for DD which converts to a toddler bed, it was around 4000-4500 including the mattress, which was one of the more expensive ones. I don't remember the price of the cott separately but it's so quiet on here (isn't it?) that I thought this info would help you a little at least ;-) We get sheets from Pottery Barn for it, the girls stuff is so irresistible in there, they are tight but do fit. HTH
Latest post on 22 November 2014 - 21:13
Hi Ladies, Expecting number 2 in a few months. I am trying to decide whether to buy the Stokke Xplory with a skateboard so DD (3yo) can skateboard while baby in pram or sit in pram while I carry newborn in a wrap. We tried the skateboard in Just Kidding and her view is pretty poor really. I do like that the Stokke is high as when DD was little I just leant over the pram to talk to her all the time, I wanted to be closer to her. Or whether I should invest in the Bugaboo donkey with the option to expand into a double. Even if the donkey came as the mono with basket, and I used skateboard on that?? I could pop them both in and go for walks etc Both options are so pricey and I was shocked to learn the donkey costs more than the Stokke, so this is a difficult decision to make! Anyone with experience in both?
Latest post on 06 October 2014 - 22:04
Wow thank you for this info! I tend to get wrapped up in the first thing I see so hadn't found out about these. The sleepyhead looks wonderful, will definitely be getting that! <em>edited by sparkly on 06/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 04:48
First time mom- maybe I will come along, the time and day seems good for me. In a few weeks I'll come along as we are on hols now. Perhaps we will meet each other there! VZ- you are very good for doing that exercise. I do nothing at all and it's disgusting! Being on holidays right now my diet is terrible, I can't wait to get back to Dubai and start eating better, I am craving good salads, lots of fresh food and no fries!!!! I am totally thinking about getting a sewing machine. Never used one before but I want to make some pillowcases out of my daughters cott sheets, don't want to sell or give them away so I figured that would be nice. Barlas- I used Alphacort for 7 days around my eyes. I was told not to exceed that, it helped to clear it to the point where my eyes looked normal (they were so swollen for about a week) but still I have redness. I moisturise my entire face with Cetaphil now and around my eyes I use Vaseline at night and sleep with an eye mask to prevent it drying up with the AC. It seems good but I need to use concealer for work or photo occasions. Under my arms I just used Alphacort again for 7 days and it has helped a lot but it will come back. I can't shave or use deodorant, so I have to use Vaseline and a special homemade deodorant, it's very effective (which for me is saying something lol)
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 22:43
Hi All, Anyone have experience with the Bednest cosleeper? I am considering ordering one from the UK, love the look of it. We had a Moses basket with DD and didn't like it much. We still cosleep with DD, so I need something easy to manage both her and a LO in and/or attached to the bed. TIA
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 22:39
Hi ladies, I have finally made it in here, has taken me ages to feel up to it!! I am expecting my second on 12th. Feb. We have a 2.5yo princess and now expecting a boy :-) We are with City Hospital, Dr Ibrahim, just like with our first. No complaints about him or the city hospital experience. We live in JVC so it is a bit of a hike but we don't mind. So how are you all feeling? I am feeling quite ok now, some days a bit off but thankfully the MS has cleared after 4.5 tough and tiring months. Getting my energy back now yay! Anyone have any skin problems? I have hormonal excema around my eyes and under my arms. I had to use steroid cream for my eyes to get it under control but my underarms are painful, flame red and very difficult to manage. Otherwise, looking forward to getting my body back though still a way to go for that! Still BFing DD and my weight is ballooning again, 4kg last month.... I just can't seem to eat well on days where I feel off and I feel like I need a lot of calories to keep up, so chocolate and carbs it is!! With both pregnancies I have had a hard time managing what I eat.. Any tips?!!!
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 15:39
If I was you I would check for a leak somewhere first. Thank you Geordie, will do and we also have maintenance checking for us. I hope it's an electrical fault or a shoddy meter of some sort as 48000 IG would be a rather noticeable leak. We haven't seen any water around...
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 15:08
Been on a bit of a whirlwind today trying to sort this out! Just an update so people can read this for future, if the topic ever comes up. I couldn't find anything about it on EW so had to resort to other forums and turns out they were wrong and I got the wrong information. Turns out that the multiplication factor (mentioned on your bill under the consumption readings in the top right corner) applies to the type of meter that you have and it all depends on how the meter is displaying it's units. I apologize for any confusion on this however other forums I looked on mention this MF as like a rate or a tax, and mentioned in some places like AR the MF could be 40 and that lead me to question WHY IS OURS 220!!. In actual fact (according to what I know right now, I might stand corrected though....) it's just a multiplication you have to do to get the actual reading for your house. Our meter is a high consumption meter (don't know why!) which means the reading could say 1, and it will actually be 220 gallons (IG) used. Soooo, that means that I apparently have used 48000 IG. Yes, 5 tanker trucks worth. There must be a fault somewhere. I've made a formal complaint with DEWA. Thanks for all of your concerns :-)
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 11:00
Marytodd and mannikat- if I compute our readings in the DEWA tariff calculator it says 595 AED should be owing however with the MF it is a 3200 AED bill. We are new villas so all other owners haven't received their bills yet, so I have no one in the development to compare with.
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 10:30
Thanks Madge, we are just now trying to get an official response from DEWA and will take it from there, I've alerted the other villa owners in our development too. Sage- that's what the reading says. We checked it also. There's only two of us and we have a tiny garden, say 3x3m of grass that we are letting go. They then multiplied our reading of 221 it by 220 to get their magic number for how much we need to pay.
Latest post on 11 January 2014 - 20:24
My daughter also has curly hair and very knotty. Is the Tangle Teezer available in most Boots? Hi Lulee, as far as I know, tangle tweezers can be bought from some salons such as Sisters, and I saw the kiddies version (a flower and a little pot to hold hair ties and clips) in Mothercare MOE once. Dinks- What about coconut oil, if argan oil is no good (though I thought it was pure argan oil), we use organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil from The organic store for skincare and I use it for hair masques.
Latest post on 10 January 2014 - 21:02
Hi M, My DD is almost 2 and may have played independently about 3 times that I can remember ;-) and they were all for short moments of 30-60 seconds... I would say your DD is starting to experience separation anxiety in addition to simply just loving your company. When DD was around 19 mo she grew confident with me walking away when she is playing but she needs to hear me and know I'm coming back very soon or she will come looking. Apparently the separation anxiety eases up and then gets worse again after 2. In my opinion, I think some kids are just like this and crave that closeness, but it reflects beautifully in their nature as affectionate and caring little people. If you have the time, just be there however much she needs you to be and give her the space when she shows signs of readiness, which may not be for a while yet! If you need to have moments away from her, then start to leave her play area a little more but for very short moments and come back with a big smile, cuddle and kiss and play games like peek-a-boo to show that you do always come back. Also google 'the wonder weeks' if you haven't heard of it. HTH
Latest post on 10 January 2014 - 20:49
Hi ammu07elvis, do you have a history of digestive conditions in the family? If the sore in her mouth does not clear, the weight loss continues and the blood in stool persists then I would suggest seeing a Gastroenterologist. Hope she is improving, poor darling
Latest post on 10 January 2014 - 20:40
I second the tangle teezer for knotty hair, my daughter has straight but fine hair however my niece has curly hair and is a nightmare unless we use the tangle teezer. The regular kids detailing sprays are so mild and light I doubt they help with really tangled hair, try argon oil/ Moroccan oil, it works for my niece. My good friend has very tight curls and I remember when we were in school she always smelt like conditioner, and her hair always looked amazing. I asked her what she did to it and she said she just leaves her regular conditioner in her hair otherwise the curls were not manageable. HTH :-) edited by sparkly on 10/01/2014 <em>edited by sparkly on 10/01/2014</em>
Latest post on 06 January 2014 - 13:33
Old thread I know, but I am looking for the Gruffalo trunki, anyone seen them?
Latest post on 03 January 2014 - 19:46
Can anyone recommend a pediatric dentist that can perform a laser frenectomy for a severe upper lip tie on a newborn? We are having a very difficult time breast feeding with very sore nipples, shallow latch & slow weight gain. I am under the care of an IBCLC but they failed to find it. A friend did that had experience with 2 of her children. However they were in the US when treated. Hiya, Sorry to hear you are having difficulty. My LO had a mild TT and LT so I have always kept an eye out for treatments. To my knowledge, there is no treatment for LT in Dubai and many ladies have arranged for it to be done in their home countries. Of course keep looking locally, but I am not sure there is that option as of now. Good Luck!
Latest post on 26 November 2013 - 20:22
I had the normal one and now have the mini. Gave the normal one to my husband. Both of us hardly use the normal size one as it's so heavy and big in comparison. I use the mini for at least an hour or more a day, for books, Facebook, web browsing, emails and my daughter can hold it in the car for videos. Love my mini!
Latest post on 07 November 2013 - 14:47
Hi MincePie As a mother of a not-so-great sleeper I have read about and tried many things so I just had to login when I saw your question and the response. At 10.5 mths it is far too early to drop to one sleep as was suggested. Average age to reduce to one nap is between 15-18 mths and the later, the better. We hung onto our second nap until 17 mths. My DD used to get MAX 2h15m daily over two naps and after two mths of a single day nap she now takes one 3h nap at midday (yay!). In your situation I would persist with the same routine that you have and allow it to pass. If you cannot keep with it then I would suggest moving bedtime earlier to make up for the longer day he is having and hope that the morning starts later eventually. When it does then start to shift the day by 15 minutes per day until you have shifted wake up and sleep time back to the desired time. Sleep begets sleep, so to reduce sleep before trying to encourage more might make things worse. Babies are so fickle when it comes to sleep, some more than others, and my DD used to sleep very differently by simply shifting bedtime by 15-20 minutes.
Latest post on 01 October 2013 - 20:49
We've had wet pjs a lot as DD is a night nurser...My babe used to always leak but we now we find it works really well if we use Huggies size 4 in day and size 4+ at night. I would also say you would need to put it in back to front in addition to the size up if she is a tummy sleeper. Another thing- the way the nappy is put on makes a huge difference. I always make sure all of the lining is flat, none folding down and the bits under the tabs on her sides are tucked as far round as I can get them and the waistline can't be folded at all, if it is she leaks. I'm sure you know this but thought I would write it down just in case :-)
Latest post on 01 October 2013 - 20:41
My acne pretty much disappears when I am pregnant and I have thicker hair. Those are two benefits. However, no benefit can outweigh the awful consequence of weight gain! Ah huh I hear ya sista
Latest post on 01 October 2013 - 20:39
Rarely do I sign in but just had to say!!!! The Bronze Horseman trilogy, can't believe no on else mentioned them. Most amazing books I've ever read. Then Khaled Hosseini's novels, for sure.
Latest post on 25 September 2013 - 21:55
Hi TDB I'm not much of an expert on any of these issues but I thought after reading one of the posts from Kiwispiers that I would chime in about the dummy runs. We did the same for DD at 7-8 months and became so fed up that we did the byebye binky method. Your DD is a great age for this. If she is waking for the dummy and isn't hungry at night then you could get some longer stretches of sleep out of her by breaking the sleep association w the dummy. Words of caution though- don't replace the association with another and don't go back once you have started. Just as the site mentions it is tempting but if you stick with it slowly it really does work! My DD has never been a great sleeper but ditching the dummy meant we have been able to go from 45-90 minute stretches to 4-6 hours. She is 18 months and breastfeeds and cosleeps so still not sleeping through, we never go out either :-/ would love to think about having another baby soon but we have a little more time to 'wait it out' Hope your morning sickness recedes soon, that's another reason for me waiting to have another as mine was horrid the first time around!
Latest post on 21 September 2013 - 20:53
Hi TDB I had MS for 7 months or so. After the first 3 months of vomiting at least 4 times a day and being constantly nauseas I had Navidoxine prescribed by my Obs as City Hospital. I was a mess at that stage. The tablets made my days bearable and meant I could keep working throughout. My job was pretty demanding so I couldn't take sick leave at all. Before I took Navidoxine I tried everything but after a while all of the remedies made me sick too. I think the only things that helped somewhat and I can't remember getting sick from them were coconut water and hard candies (preggie pops etc.). Even with the Navidoxine I could still feel the nausea but it meant I could get out of bed every day. I stopped around 5 months but I was sick by the next day or something so went back on them. If I had the same severity of MS with the next I wouldn't hesitate to take it once I am through the first trimester, as I will be working and looking after DD then too. The tablets are extremely cheap and I don't think a prescription is needed but I may be wrong about that.. Hope you feel better soon :-/
Latest post on 02 May 2013 - 15:53
I tried this once when I was reluctant to freeze my EBM to make ice lollies. The formula I used was bebelac and it was powdery when it was in ice form. I still don't freeze my EBM into ice lollies unless I have a major stockpile, so instead I have used normal cows milk and soy milk and rice milk mixed with mashed fruit.
Latest post on 25 March 2013 - 20:52
I was unfortunate enough to have nausea and vomiting until 7 months. My Obs prescribed me a motion sickness tablet, can't believe I don't remember the name, and it took the edge off with no harm to baby. I started with dry crackers til i vomited from them, ginger til it made me sick, then hard candies til I couldn't stand the smell and then coconut water straight from a coconut. After that I can't remember what worked diet-wise apart from constant snacking on something but the wristbands made some difference, I got them from Life Pharmacy. It's truly awful but so rewarding once baby arrives and I have forgotten about the feeling of nausea, just remember being miserable for quite some time :-)
Latest post on 12 March 2013 - 19:37
It totally works!! Made things a lot easier as first time parents. I tried to tell everyone about it because it really is fascinating!
Latest post on 11 March 2013 - 22:15
I follow the NCSS (thanks to KW) whenever i get in a pickle with sleep and naps... My DD is 12m and she feeds 3 - 4 times a night at the moment. We cosleep apart from the first sleep of the night when DD is in her cott. DD had a dummy until 9m but she was waking for it frequently and I was never really ok with her having one, so we did the byebye binky method, with no tears at all. BUT, then she started to need rocking and feeding to sleep for a while.THEN we got some jet lag and that got us into a small feed to sleep predicament just so I could get some rest, which while it was totally ok for me it wasn't for when my husband needed to put her to sleep ;-) Slowly but surely she has learnt to fall asleep without feeding and without rocking, just like she learnt not to rely on a dummy. But this is all IF I get her at the right time (which is a 15-20 minute window maximum, for naps especially). I just followed the NCSS and put her down earlier and earlier and stopped feeding once I felt she was pacifying on me. Now she will fall asleep on the bed next to me or actually try to roll out of my arms if we are cuddling, so that she can lie down in her cott but it's very important that she isn't too tired. If she is even slightly past her bedtime, she needs help to go to sleep. If DD has been up for 3 hrs, it's straight to the room for a wind down and then we read books and feed and then talk or cuddle until she rubs her eyes. She's rarely up for more than 3h20m. I don't wait until she rubs her eyes to start the routine. If you don't use one, I would recommend a comforter especially now your LO is older- DD never really seemed that attached to it, but around 9 months, even when we coslept, she used to wake up upset and start trying to crawl off (can't get far in a sleeping bag hehe) but since I started bringing her little comforter in the bed she doesn't do that anymore. It is a smelly little thing now, but it works and is a really strong sleep cue for during her nap and bedtime routine. Just lately, DD has started sleeping an occasional longer sleep at night. I have noticed that it's usually after a day of good naps. If DD takes ages to fall asleep, its because she is not tired enough or too tired from a busy day, or bad napping. So, without all the sleepy time cues you could try, making the routine longer and stronger, are you sure he's not overtired? In truth though, I think taking the dummy away has made the process longer. Without a dummy I think teaching my DD to fall asleep has been more drawn out and only now I am starting to feel like I did the right thing taking it away. So, as your DS doesn't use a dummy, expect the process to take a while as he learns how to fall asleep without help from you.
Latest post on 10 March 2013 - 20:17
Due to the different nipple stimulation it might affect supply down the track. I guess it depends on how long you intend to BF as to what to do. I read once to remove the shield once you have letdown to coax LO into feeding direct from the breast. Also I guess they might cause blocked ducts if they are not positioned well.
Latest post on 10 March 2013 - 20:13
My DD seemed to react to the colourings in it or the sugar, not sure. I avoid it now and mix fresh mushy raspberries with plain yoghurt. And now a dash of honey since she turned 1 :-)
Latest post on 10 March 2013 - 20:09
Yes! We use it for watermelon! Helps us to avoid the seeds and the thing with watermelon is that it breaks off easily on big scary chunks.
Latest post on 09 March 2013 - 21:13
All sound and noise when cumulatively added will affect the ears. This is why we all lose our hearing with old age, some earlier than others, because it catches up on us. If you are concerned, then get an iPhone app or an android app that measures sound levels in decibels and put it near your child's ear and measure the level of the white noise. It should be less than 80 dB. If it is then it is safe to use for 8 hour periods. if you want to use it for short periods then its totally fine.
Latest post on 09 March 2013 - 21:01
A great book is 'Baby Led Weaning' By Gill Rapley if you would like ideas. Basically, you give any food you normally would offer your baby (whether you are introducing slowly for allergy monitoring or not) and eliminate salt and sugar from the preparation, avoid the other common allergens for the recommended timeframes (honey, eggs, nuts) that you follow. Then when you prepare the food you shape it into finger food (sticks, handles, strips, lumps, etc etc) and ensure that if you eat it that you can crush it in your mouth with a small amount of pressure with your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Hard fruits and veggies need to be steamed or boiled, perhaps even peeled at first if you are nervous and meats should be cooked very soft. Lots of ripe fruit is good and soft as it is. Our first food was broccoli florets steamed till almost mushy, then we had well done steak to suck on, then I think we had banana which I squished the end and it splits into segments which she held like a stick. She hardly ate any but te expressions on her face were priceless. DD also went through a phase that she wanted to use a loaded spoon herself, then finger foods, then spoons and now it changes daily, so just go with the flow as your LO learns and explores. Just remember whatever you give you should be able to crush it in your mouth. Gums are very effective without teeth.
Latest post on 09 March 2013 - 11:07
[b'>We did BLW and loved it. DD is 12m now and such a great little eater and by that I mean she will eat anything and has not once shown any dislike toward anything she has tried and we have tried a lot of different foods. That's not to say 'go and do BLW' but what I mean is that the philosophy behind it is more laid back toward eating for nutrition under the age of 12m. [b'>[b'>[u'>Food is fun until one.[/u'>[b'> I BF on demand and food is extra. We have a milk feed 30 to 45 minutes before all solids so she gets all she needs from the milk and the solids are for fun and exploration of taste and texture. She eats tiny amounts of solids but there is no fuss and we have not once argued over eating more. It was hard to watch a fully prepared meal not get eaten, or just played with and smudged all around, but I really had to hold back and trust that DD knew what she needed. I can see that she does know, even controls her water intake. Babies are really good at self- moderating their dietary needs. If it's a screaming match, or they are spitting food out or they are not showing interest, don't push it. Offer the food and the rest is up to them. If they are good at self-feeding, offer little snack plates throughout the day rather than formal meals in the chair. I find DD eats less when in her chair because she wants to get out. Once she is out she still wants food but when I carry her. So nowadays that she is more mobile, we have meals on the mat or in an area where DD can control her participation in the meal (such as in the walker), when she is not hungry she crawls or walks off. I stumbled upon this one day and loved the idea I really wanted to avoid a picky eater, so I refuse to push it, refuse to chase her around with food and refuse to spoon feed. Having said that you can still spoon feed and still be baby-led (but not in the true sense of the BLW philosophy). Follow their cues and they will show you the way.[/b'>[b'>[/b'>[/b'> edited by sparkly on 09/03/2013 ETA sorry but I can't unbold it. :-/ edited by sparkly on 09/03/2013 <em>edited by sparkly on 09/03/2013</em>
Latest post on 09 March 2013 - 10:52
I cant' recall the price but the grobag in the next size up is for 6-18m. It will last ages, price per wear I say would be pretty low even if the grobag is a bit more pricey...
Latest post on 06 March 2013 - 10:39 for sure But a word of warning- if policy varies from hotel policy with regard to cancellations and payment then the hotel policy prevails. Learnt that lesson last time and was quite annoyed that advertised free cancellation and no payment until checkout (no cc charge, pay at hotel) but the hotel charged the cc the very day we booked online and there was a no cancellation policy of the booking :-/
Latest post on 06 March 2013 - 10:15
We buy packets of prunes (pref with no stones!) and I boil them up in a small amount of water. After about 10 minutes the prunes are pretty much puréed. It is quite tasty and i give the prune purée with oats in the morning quite often to ensure we don't get into the same predicament again- My DD was constipated once because she refused water from her milk bottles so I gave prune purée and things were moving within hours! Now she is drinking a lot more water thankfully from sippy cups and bottles with straws now, even from bottles with teats that are not the same a the milk ones. <em>edited by sparkly on 06/03/2013</em>
Latest post on 05 March 2013 - 21:21
Hi Angel joy. My DD is 12 mo and thankfully none of this behavior is coming from her (yet?) but she does like to test the limits, turns and looks at me before she touches things that she knows shes not allowed to. At this age they really sort of 'explode' with heir learning and they come to know so much about the world and their place in it and how they can manipulate it, not with an intention to be naughty of course! I know you like AP style parenting (because i am an AP too) so why don't you look into getting the no cry solution for toddler discipline? There might be some tips in there you could use. I would get that should my DD start to act up. My other thought is that, at around 11 mo, these babies do like to drop naps. How many naps is he having and how long is his awake time btw naps? Are you sure he's not overtired? I think that's a large part of why my DD is so cheerful is that I am a real enforcer of naps and have put her on a tight nap schedule and she goes no more than 3 to 3.5 hrs btw naps. There ain't no way she's dropping that second nap till after she walks no matter how hard she tries!!! HTH
Latest post on 05 March 2013 - 21:11
The ergo has a side and back carry option. But it doesn't have the forward facing option as Meagle rightly said, it is bad for you and your baby's posture.
Latest post on 03 March 2013 - 21:10
What about the blender they sell at Just Kidding, it is specifically for babies. Otherwise, check this link for the Philips Avent steamer and blender, a family friend recommended this to me but we did BLW so I never pureed, but she said it was great.
Latest post on 03 March 2013 - 19:04
I waited until 12 wks with my first but in hindsight I should have announced it to close family sooner- I was so sick and hiding it was not the best idea. Probably around 8 weeks because I wasn't high risk.
Latest post on 03 March 2013 - 19:02
I always use Blush and Bloom, she comes to you or you go to her. Check out her website, you can buy online also if you know your size and from memory I think she delivers it personally.
Latest post on 17 February 2013 - 18:45
Coconut oil! You can get it from Carrefour apparently but I get it from the Organic store- organic, cold pressed, virgin coconut oil.
Latest post on 12 February 2013 - 20:37
Hi Mmmm, I agree with shifting bedtime earlier. When DD was younger, I used to try and stretch her out for a 7pm bedtime because the books said so but it never really worked out. She was so overtired and bathtime was awful. I started to move bedtime to 6-615 and it was so much better. I also found she clusterfed around this time, so she was usually hungry before her bath, which made her extra cranky if we rushed off for a bath without feeding her! When she dropped her late afternoon nap, she started to go down around 545-6. All the while, her morning wake time was between 6 and 7. Interestingly, the earlier she went to bed, the more likely it was she would wake later in the morning. It really was true that sleep begets sleep in our case. My husband doesn't see DD at night, but he gets up when she does at around 6:30am, i keep sleeping :-) and they play for 60 to 90 minutes, depending on what time DH needs to leave for work. DH loves this time and DD wakes and looks for him straight away. It's truly precious and far better than DH seeing her at bedtime when she is tired. Good luck.
Latest post on 10 February 2013 - 22:08
I agree w Kooky! Just carry LO in a sling. It's just a phase and she will outgrow it, same as for the car, she will outgrow it just as my DD did. Car rides were dreadful and I barely went anywhere, if I did I used to pullover and cuddle her till she fell asleep then put her back in the chair. I would take someone with me whenever I could and I / they would hold her hands. It's a scary world for them when they are so little and they need comfort and lots of it. Don't let it get to you, roll with it and get the sling, go in the car if you have to and slowly put her down when she is slightly more awake and it will get better. Now my DD is 11 months and so easy, and apart from the reflux we had all the same issues that you mentioned. <em>edited by sparkly on 10/02/2013</em>
Latest post on 09 February 2013 - 10:29
Thanks Daza, that's a great idea!! I have also taken Labrador's advice and we are going out for lunch instead. Both DH and I are very comfy with that as DD is used to other people during the days. Thanks again JoyceB, we'll get there eventually. First stop will be the Maldives :-)
Latest post on 08 February 2013 - 21:16
Feeling better already :-) thank you Labrador and Anon. We went out only occasionally before DD arrived, so we're not missing anything It really isn't a huge thing for us to go out, but I felt a bit of judgement today from family and I think it will keep coming until V day is over and done with. Thanks again x .
Latest post on 08 February 2013 - 20:48
Thanks JoyceB! We actually live with family, 8 of us total. Yep. So DD is a very social little gal and vey used to others. It's just the nights...
Latest post on 08 February 2013 - 19:48
I am not sure if its exactly what you need but look on blush and blooms website, they have/ had this cube which you turn into a maternity pillow and it is a wedge shape. I'm really not sure if I would have used it for BFing though i didn't really use any pillows. Do have a look just incase it's what you are looking for.
Latest post on 03 February 2013 - 20:26
No worries. You've got mail.
Latest post on 03 February 2013 - 10:13
I have the two sizes, big baby and mega baby. Mega baby I didn't use but they are out the pack. They are for my DD so I have the pink cupcakes design in both sizes for the regular woombie and the cream leggie version in the mega baby size. I can sell them to you.