VA Girl |

VA Girl

Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 18:20
Please have a look at my post on the "Mudon" thread!
Latest post on 04 July 2015 - 18:17
We moved into Mudon in March and there are currently some huge issues with the development form our perspective. We have three boys, aged 2, 6 and 11. There are currently no facilities, despite the promises of swimming pool, tennis courts, jogging tracks, and sports fields. However, in each courtyard there is a small playground for the little ones and a small green space where the older kids in the courtyard play football, tag or whatever. There have been two incidents n one courtyard where children between seven and eleven have been threatened by a resident for playing on the green areas. Security were notified, but did nothing. The management have recently issued a letter stating that the green areas are not for play. This leaves the community with no area for kids older than about 5 or 6 to play (they are too old for the play equipment). If you have children, I would consider this not to be a family friendly development, as ther eis nothing for them to do outside other than to play in the street. We will be leaving as soon as our lease is up.