The Most Common Reasons Why People Fail Their RTA Driving Test |

The Most Common Reasons Why People Fail Their RTA Driving Test

Passing the RTA driving test can be easy if you avoid few mistakes that can lead to failure in the test.

Posted on

23 July 2017

Last updated on 19 January 2020
The Most Common Reasons Why People Fail Their RTA Driving Test
The Road and Transport Authority (RTA) regulates the traffic and transport system in Dubai. Among other major responsibilities of RTA, the transport body also governs the process of issuing driving licenses to motorists. The whole process of attaining a driving license in Dubai is well-structured and merit-based.  

The applicants need to take a driving course that includes lectures, training and a driving test that tests the skills and confidence of a driver before he/she is issued a driving license. People in the UAE must know that it is a serious offence to drive any vehicle in Dubai without obtaining a driving license and offenders can face hefty penalties for this offence.

Why Getting a Driving License is not easy in Dubai?

Traffic authorities in Dubai have faced serious challenges to maintain road safety in Dubai because of reckless driving behaviour and lesser experienced young drivers. A majority of young drivers are prone to committing fatal mistakes while driving because of their lack of exposure to difficult driving conditions and challenging road situations. Similarly, lack of awareness about traffic rules and failure to comply with safe driving practices are other major road safety concerns that the traffic authorities have faced in recent years. 
These are the reasons why the traffic authorities have made many specific and stringent requirements for everyone in order to pass the driving test and get a license in Dubai. The ultimate aim of the authorities is to make drivers ready to face seriously demanding road conditions in Dubai with alertness, confidence and effectiveness. 
The theory test is not very difficult and mainly tests the knowledge of the driver about basic traffic rules, but the driving test poses a serious challenge. Even a minor mistake in the driving test can lead to failure, which means that the driver will have to reappear for the driving test in order to get the license. 

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Why People Fail their RTA Driving Test?

Passing the RTA driving test is not easy because it is highly organised and leaves little room for mistakes. The expats might find it more difficult because they are expected to take a bit more time than the residents of the UAE to get adjusted to a new driving culture and traffic rules, which are largely different from what they had observed and experienced in their country. 

Why People Fail their RTA Driving Test?
Some major mistakes that most people make during the driving test in Dubai are listed below:
  • Hassled Approach when asked to take the Driving Seat 

It must be understood that the driving test of two to three drivers is taken together in one car so being prepared for your turn is very important. If you are not prepared and show any signs of panic or lack of alertness to the examiner, it can straightaway lead to failure in the driving test. You must ask everyone else in the car to buckle-up and let everyone get settled inside the car before you drive the car. Drivers must also check if the car is in neutral gear before starting the engine as the other driver might have just switched off the engine without shifting to neutral gear. These are the things that can test the alertness of the driver when he/she is asked to drive. 
  • Too much time taken to make Preliminary Adjustments  

Some drivers take extra time to make preliminary adjustments when they are asked to take the driving seat. It includes taking extra time in adjusting the rear-view mirror, side mirrors and driver’s seat. At times, some drivers do it intentionally to show the examiner that they are confident and know how to make these adjustments efficiently, but they lose track of time while doing so. The examiner keeps a close eye on the time taken to make these adjustments and any unnecessary delay can lead to failure in the driving test. 
  • Braking Inappropriately 

Being cautious during the driving test is one thing, but an over-cautious approach, especially while applying brakes can go against you. Some drivers tend to apply sudden brakes when they see the pedestrians near the crossing area without checking the rear-view mirror for fast approaching vehicles from behind. Sudden braking is a major reason for failure in the RTA driving test as it can cause dangerous rear-end collisions. You should only apply brakes when you see pedestrians stepping on the road and instead of sudden braking, allow yourself extra time to apply brakes by judging the safe braking distance efficiently.
Braking Inappropriately
  • Poor Lane Changing 

Lane changing can test the confidence and skill of even the most experienced drivers so the level of difficulty is understandably higher for beginners. While changing lanes, you must always wait for the road to clear-up and never try to overtake a vehicle from the right side as it is considered as a traffic offence in the UAE. 
You shouldn’t change the lane immediately, even if the examiner asks for it, you must first see if the lane is clear and not over crowded before changing the lane. The examiner at times looks for signs of nervousness and poor judgment by asking the driver to change the lane when it’s not appropriate and that’s where the driver needs to make the right decision in time. 
  • Pressing the Accelerator While the Car is in Neutral Gear 

This is one of the most common mistakes that drivers commit when they take the driving test in Dubai. The failure to stop a car properly and not taking the foot off the accelerator while the car is in neutral gear is a serious mistake that highlights the lack of confidence in driver’s approach and is a common reason for a majority of drivers failing their RTA driving test. 
Some drivers tend to confirm whether the car is still in gear or not by pressing the accelerator, which is not the right approach. Be reminded that your test is only over after you confidently park and stop the vehicle. Any small mistake, even when you are trying to stop a vehicle, can lead to failure in the RTA driving test. 
  • Bottom-line 

The road to getting a driving license in Dubai can be easy if a driver remains committed to learning the traffic rules and safe driving practices through lectures and training which is part of a driving course. There are authorised driving schools in Dubai that offer a driving course to prepare drivers for RTA’s driving test. Drivers should just remain confident when they appear for the driving test and focus on what they have learned in the driving course. This is how common mistakes during the driving test can be avoided and drivers can get their driving license in Dubai.