10 Useful Exam Preparation Tips | ExpatWoman.com

10 Useful Exam Preparation Tips

Is your child coming up to their exams in school? Here's ten useful pieces of advice to help you help them prepare for their tests

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19 April 2016

Last updated on 27 March 2017
10 Useful Exam Preparation Tips

10 Useful Exam Preparation Tips

Are you or your child currently studying for their exams coming up? Here's some advice on how to make sure you're fully prepared!

We've all been there at one point or another; the dreaded exam period where we're forced to showcase how brilliantly talented we all are to ensure we can proceed to the next stage of our academic lives. 

Exams are like Marmite; you either love them, or hate them. Everyone's different and have varying methods that are suited best to their style of learning... There's no denying that. 

Exam Preparation Tips

But to help everyone get on the right path to exam success, here's ten tips on how to prepare yourself that have been proven to be effective. 

1. Leave enough time before the exam to study
The worst thing you can do is cram in all of your revision at the last minute, or even a couple of days before your exam. That might work for a lucky few, but for the majority of us, we need to set a timetable out for our studies. Write down the amount of exams you have, and on the days you have them, and then organise your studying accordingly. Put the timetable somewhere that you can easily see it near your study area or desk. 

2. Keep your study space organised
Make sure you have enough space to spread out with your books and notes. Is the lighting good? Is your chair comfortable? Have you hidden any and all distractions? Try to create an environment where you can concentrate and work at an optimal level. 

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3. Explain and teach your exam answers and topics to others
Sit down with a willing parent or sibling and try to explain your response in a way that both you, and they, can understand. It will help you to get it clear in your mind, as well as highlighting any areas where you may need improvement. 

4. Practice by sitting old exams
This is probably one of the most effective ways to prepare for exams. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher for copies of previous exams if they haven't supplied you with some already. It will help you familiarise yourself with the format of the questions, and by timing yourself you'll practice how much time you should be spending on each section. 

5. Meet up with your friends and study together
Get together with friends or peers for a study session. You may have questions that they have the answer to, and vice versa. As long as you all stay focused on the topic for an agreed amount of time, it can be a very effective way to challenge yourself and each other. 

6. Snack on "brain food"
Yep, keep away from the junk food! You may feel like you deserve a treat, or you may not have time to cook, but what you eat can really have an impact on energy levels and your focus. Make sure you're chomping on nutritious foods that have been proven to aid concentration and memory, like fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt and blueberries. The same applies on the day of your exam; eat a good meal before the test! 

7. Make sure you take regular breaks
While some of you may think it's best to study hours on end, this can actually be counterproductive. Everyone's different yes, but studies have shown that for long-term retention of knowledge, taking regular breaks really helps. You wouldn't train for a marathon by running 24 hours back to back! 

8. Use flow charts and diagrams in your notes
Visual aids will help while you're revising. At the start of a topic, write down everything you already know, and then highlight where the gaps lie. When it gets closed to the exam, condense your revision notes into one-page diagrams in a brief format. This will help you to quickly recall everything. 

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9. Plan your exam day
Make sure you're well prepared with the location of your exam, route to it and any tools you may need to successfully complete it. Also ensure you are up to speed on the exam rules, what you can and can't take into the exam hall with you and what time it finishes so you know how you're getting home safely. 

10. Drink plenty of water
And lastly, remember to stay well hydrated as your brain works at its best this way. This applies throughout your revision, and also on the exam day.