Ways to be Innovative at Work | ExpatWoman.com

Ways to be Innovative at Work

Tired of filling in sheets every day? Here's some ways that you and your team can innovate at work

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19 November 2015

Last updated on 22 May 2017
Ways to be Innovative at Work

The opportunity to innovate is something we all want more of in our daily work lives... After all, what sounds more fun? Filling in spreadsheets with data for eight hours or coming up with new and exciting ideas? 

Unfortunately, many of us feel we can't be more creative at work because of factors beyond our control; be it work load, a company that plays it safe or targets are too high. 


While these may be true, there are some tips and tricks you can adopt to keep your innovative mind strong and raring to go on a day-to-day basis. 

1. Surround yourself with inspiration

Build yourself a creative environment and add in lots of elements that inspire you! Whenever you see something that captures your attention, put it on display near you or in your workspace. You can do this by placing it physically on your desk, in your office or if there's no space, do it virtually using websites like Pinterest.

2. Start with small projects

Quite often, it's the small, novel things that add up to make a huge difference. The benefits to small-scale innovation are huge. Not only will they happen quickly, and most often, without fuss, they also garner the interest and attenion of both teams and organisations. These changes can be as minute as how you sign your emails, how you reward yourself and others for good work, or how you begin your meetings.

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3. Put a ban on things

While it may seem counterintuitive, introducing constraints and parameters may actually inspire innovation by forcing yourself and your team to think differently, in a more creative fashion. Ban small things like words, resources, primary targets... You'll find that the point of the exercise is to spark new thoughts and new ways of doing the same old things. 

4. Stand up in meetings

Moving to a stand-up style meeting format causes you and your team to meet more often, albeit in shorter amounts. Instead of a 2 hour long meeting at the end of the week, which may drone on forever, meet for quick, short bursts of 15 - 20 minutes each day throughout the week. You'll find my meeting more frequently you identify issues sooner, so you can in turn take corrective action immediately.

5. Get out of the office

Make a habit of getting outside, even if it's just for a short walk around the area. Make a habit of hunting for things beginning with the alphabet. A on your first day, B on your second... Your mind will automatically start connecting dots between what you see and the problems in the office. 

6. Jot everything down

Keep a journal purely for the purpose of jotting down ideas and thoughts. Keep a sketch book, scrap book, post-it notes, loose paper... Whatever it is, start writing down every small idea or product you image. That way you don't forget anything, and can keep it for some time while you build on it. 
SEE ALSO: 5 simple ways you can become more innovative

7. Have a friend

Pick someone, whether they're a colleague or friend or family member, whom you feel comfortable with and make yourselves accountable to each other. Encourage them to try new things, or engage in some old-fashioned brain-storming. 

8. Bring an idea to life

Those ideas you jot down in your scrap book? Bring them to life by drawing, sketching, building... Give yourself and others a visual to see exactly the idea you wish to achieve. When people see your idea, it's easier for them to engage and harder for them to forget.

9. Encourage diversity

Bring together a team with different backgrounds, passions and capabilities. Having a group with a diverse set of ideas and problem-solving approaches will help push your product and idea forward. Embrace and celebrate each team members' individuality.