The Benefits of Yoga for Children |

The Benefits of Yoga for Children

Adults aren't the only ones who benefit from yoga and mindfulness...

Posted on

26 September 2017

Last updated on 20 August 2018
The Benefits of Yoga for Children
We currently live in a fast-paced world and this also applies to our children, from incessant lessons, homework to competitive sports and high cognitive exercises. Many adults don’t even realise how this can impact our children and what effect it has on them. 
Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to offer many psychological advantages to children as it aids their focus, memory, self-esteem and classroom behaviour, which in turn goes on to improve their academic performance.  

Yoga for children
In addition, studies have shown that yoga can help children with disabilities, especially ADHD, and can offer many positive aspects without having the competitiveness and pressure that go with many of the activities and sports that children tend to play at school. 
Through their early years, children like to discover things on their own. They love to use their imagination, so when asking them to get into poses which often have animal names, they can visualize themselves becoming a snake, dog or even a tree -  they immediately have that connection and have an understanding of the world, which is part of their development through the school curriculum. 
yoga for children
So if you were thinking of sending your child to partake in Yoga, then do it now as the long-term benefits are huge!