You've been Ex-Papped - Finance & Legal Evening - April 4th 2011 |

You've been Ex-Papped - Finance & Legal Evening - April 4th 2011

Posted on

8 May 2012

Last updated on 8 May 2012

Finance & Legal Evening - April 4th

Our Finance & Legal Evening on 4th April, the second in this series, took place at The Address, Montgomerie, Emirates Hills. We had four experts on hand from Acuma, Holborn Assets, HSBC International and James Berry & Associates about Tax and how to avoid it in Australia, New Zealand, and UK. The other topic covered was 'can you afford to retire?' And do you need a Will in the UAE? Everyone had a chance to ask questions after each talk, and at the end there was ample opportunity to gather as much info as possible from all the speakers and their colleagues who were on hand with further info. Click on the images to view...

Finance & Legal Evening - April 4th 2011


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