The ExpatWoman HR Breakfast with Carol Talbot |

The ExpatWoman HR Breakfast with Carol Talbot

We recently invited HR professionals in Dubai to join us for our second HR breakfast...

Posted on

4 October 2016

Last updated on 9 August 2017
The ExpatWoman HR Breakfast with Carol Talbot
In September 2016, we invited HR professionals in Dubai to join us at our dedicated HR breakfast where they could learn new skills, meet peers and network with fellow working women! 

HR Breakfast september 2016 expatwoman

The morning was lead by Carol Talbot, a professional speaker, Master Trainer and a respected authority on NLP. Nick-named the 'FIRE-STARTER', she fires up teams to teach them how to walk across burning hot coals of around 1700 degrees Fahrenheith, and ahs a passion for empowering others to change their minds and keep the change!

Of course, there was a lack of hot coals at the event itself, but the morning was no doubt a great one as our ladies had the chance to meet fellow HR professionals and share advice, experience and tips.

Participants that joined the session titled 21st Century Learning explored whether training is worth the investment, and whether training really brings about change for results. 

SEE ALSO: What's on in Dubai this month? 

Thank you to everyone who joined us, keep an eye out on the website for our next one. Were you there? You may have been ex-papped! 

Feel free to share pictures with your friends and family. Don't forget to tag us, using #ExpatWoman!