Were you Ex-Papped at our Infiniti Event? | ExpatWoman.com

Were you Ex-Papped at our Infiniti Event?

EWers from around Dubai gathered at the futuristic Infiniti showroom to attend a coffee morning with a twist...

Posted on

11 October 2015

Last updated on 10 August 2017
Were you Ex-Papped at our Infiniti Event?
Over 80 #ExpatWoman members came and split into eight teams. All were competing for a fantastic and prestigious prize... Up for grabs was a weekend stay at the Atlantis Palm Jumeirah, and a fantastic spa voucher for everyone in the winning team. So, the game was on!

Each team had a series of tasks to complete in and out of the showroom. The team captain led the group around all the activities in order to get the most points and what do points make? Prizes.

The morning was filled with fun as groups of ladies had to make a fashionable car, have a relay race and much more! There was two ways to gain points for your team. First you can win points for your team by winning the task at hand. Secondly you could win major bonus points by uploading photos of the activities to Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag  #ExaptWoman and #INFINITIDXB. The photo or video with the most likes, won.

One of the most competitive events was the driving challenge! The groups started off with a clue of where they needed to be, so off they drove with a QX60, QX50, QX70 or a QX80. Once they were arrived at the right destination they had 20AED to buy ingredients to make a pancake. They then raced back to the cooking stations set up in the show room where they would make the pancake! All the pancakes were taste tested by Infiniti’s esteemed judges. It was a hard job!

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After, there was a race over to another beautiful QX80 where they had to pack the boot.  There were six suitcases, a bucket, gym equipment, a pet bed and a couple of bags. Sounds easy with all the space the QX80 has in the back? But wait there was a catch. The boot had to be packed while wearing a huge sumo wrestler suit! This was a tough task and an excellent spectator sport. The ladies did fantastically well with the quickest time being from the Dark Blue team.

After all the activities had been completed the women then got to relax, enjoy a coffee and a delicious selection of finger food provided by Mövenpick Hotel. The ladies then took the time to enjoy the fun Infiniti photo booth where they could get instant snaps with the luxury Infiniti cars and lots of fun props, making a great souvenir to take home.

Infiniti and ExpatWoman Event

The event was all about having fun and meeting new people. However, everyone who attended took so much more away with them. Infiniti had kindly arranged for experts to come in and talk about topics that were relevant to all #ExaptWoman members in the area. We were lucky enough to have at our disposal Thomas Edelmann from Road Safety UAE and Dr Amal Badi, a specialist in breast cancer in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Within their areas of expertise they spent the morning talking with expat women and answered any questions they had.

Time was passing and the crowd started to get more excited as they waited for the results to be revealed. In the end, it was the competitive spirit of the reigning champions from the previous year that rode them through to victory as they once again beat every one with the most points. That’s right the Dark Blue team won and were all delighted with their spa vouchers.

SEE ALSO: What else is happening in Dubai?
Overall the day was enjoyed by everyone involved. Every single team commented on how much fun they had and that they took so much away with them from the event.

Check out our photos below to see all the fun that happened on the day. Don’t worry if you missed out; just keep an eye out on the website for future events like this!

You know we said we challenged the ladies to get dressed up in sumo wrestler outfits and try to pack a car? Well... We weren't lying! Here's a sneak peak at what happened...


Feel free to share our pictures on your own social media channels for all of your friends and family to see! Don't forget to tag us or use our hashtag #ExpatWoman so we can see! 


"Yesterday was a reminder of the childishness that we all have in us and INFINITI was the driving force!!!
What an amazing event...so well planned and it kept all of us together as a team and on our toes.   The activities were so cool and taking part and enjoying it was even cooler....
We did not realize how time went by.....we enjoyed every moment and surely waiting for the next event to happen again...
KUDOS and accolades will never be sufficient to EXPAT WOMAN and INFINITI.
Many THANKS once again and enjoy your day!!!