Want To Be a Gamer? Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt Spills All! | ExpatWoman.com

Want To Be a Gamer? Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt Spills All!

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6 September 2015

Last updated on 31 March 2019

Want To Be a Gamer? Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt Spills All!

Want To Be a Gamer? Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt Spills All!

With GAMES 15 heading to Dubai's shores this month, we grabbed the chance to speak to EnvyUs' own Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt. 

It's not something most people class as a 'sport', yet the magnitude of training, effort, dedication and aspiration that is dedicated to the eSporting world is monumental, earning both it and its participants sporting pleasure. After all, what is a sport? It's an activity that involves an exertion of physical and mental skill. And that's exactly what occurs when Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt, along with fellow gamers, steps up to the console.

We can only imagine how enthralling it must be for NbK and his fellow EnvyUs members, who are in fact joining the tournament at the upcoming GAMES 15, while managing to balance life in general with their passion. 

Regardless of whether you're a parent yourself, or you have a grandchild or even a sibling who is interested in the world of eSports gaming, then make sure to pass on the message... "Psst, look at this Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt interview"! 

SEE ALSO: What is GAMES 15, and why should you be going to it!?
What got you into professional gaming?
It came quite randomly, to be honest! I was enjoying games as a classic teenager, but it turned out I was quite good at Counter-Strike. Some of my internet friends were already into eSports, and I slowly got into it. I started reading websites that were covering events, and I got lucky to know people that were already at the top level there.

Nathan Schmitt
Image: HLTV.org

Is it a full-time or part-time commitment?
When I was 15, it was obviously a part-time commitment. I was going to school 8 hours a day, and training during the evening for 4-5 hours. We still managed to make some decent money out of it, especially for me as a teenager.

Since 2 years (more for some older players), it is a full-time commitment. We are hired by sponsors to represent them actively, and we can easily live out of it now.

How do you divide your time between competing, training, traveling and producing and promoting content?
Our priority will always be to focus on competition. Our goal is to be the best team in the world, and I would give all the time in the world to be there consistently. We are training 7 hours a day as a team, like a real job.

On the side, we represent our sponsors actively on social media mainly. We also give out interviews, work with a professional video-maker, and I am a part of different activities within our community to help it develop. The times we can relax are mainly during the travel time, even if it is exhausting!

Long story short, it takes a lot of time if you are really into it. I have a very tough time being able to manage working in the team, making my community grow and more professional, and living my own life with my girlfriend on the side. You always have to give up something!

"Reaching the top of the mountain is all about never giving up, working on yourself as much as possible to bring the best out of your capacities."


What advice would you give to others on how to grow your spectators?
Counter-Strike is a very spectator-friendly game. It shows by the numbers and the passion we find in ourselves and our fans! To get followed by many and be appreciated, I believe that being kind to anyone talking to you and wanting to see the other success as much as you. Supporting each other will always bring you farther than working alone!

Is there anything you’d want to improve about the eSports industry?
Nothing is perfect; for sure I would love to improve some things! We lack professionalism in many ways, and I believe that everyone would appreciate help from well-established sports or personalities. We have the viewers, the money, and the possibility to achieve excellent things, but we just need to put all the efforts towards the right direction... And it's very hard, considering that every games and organization wants its part of the share!

We are often lost between the crazy amount of tournaments coming up, thanks to the very fast-evolving society and community we live in. Aside from that, I love our community and industry. There's no place where you can make friends as fast as eSports!

How do you learn and evaluate new games to play, both as a team and individually?
We, as a team, focus on one single game/franchise, which is Counter-Strike. Not all the games have the same need of skillset. It is very hard, almost impossible to jump from one game to another one professionally. We embraced this game and it became our job... And we love our job!

SEE ALSO: What else is on in Dubai this year?
What advice would you give younger generations on pursuing professional gaming?
The most important part to me, is to not dream about being a professional gamer. Everyone that came into the industry had a special passion about a game, and it grew onto them until they finally gave in and started working full time in eSports. Following at least the classic school course is a need, and turning into video-games at full time when you're young is very negative. School will always teach you "life", and it will translate into your career later on.

But if you can manage all this and still improve your passion, the answer is simple. Be as wise as possible, and work as hard as possible! Reaching the top of the mountain is all about never giving up, working on yourself as much as possible to bring the best out of your capacities.

Do you feel that there’s a suitable age from which children should be able to engage in video games?
Video games will always be accessible at every age, as long as you stay in the good category! There are no harmful video games, but giving a mature game to a child would be wrong. Every parent and child will have a different approach, and it is all about putting video-games in a nicely shaped box. Limiting time to play, and keeping priorities of school and life-activities above playing are important checks.

Playing video games can be somewhat addictive; do you have any advice for mothers and parents out there on how to balance their child’s life on and off the console?
It is a very tricky question. If my parents would have limited me heavily, or not allowed to travel while I was 15, I wouldn't be here to talk to you right now.

As long as it "looks" normal, as in attending school, going out sometimes with friends, helping for chores and that kind of stuff, there's no problem to use the remaining time playing video games. If it is a true passion, just like sports or drawing could be, it is normal to spend a lot of time on it. I don't have a magic solution to balance time, but skipping school just to play video games randomly isn't a good thing!

Do you feel there is a risk to children playing video games that can be violent or graphic?
No. Studies proved that playing video games from an early age will help your brain working better in several situations. It mainly depends when those games are introduced to children! Violence in video-games has always been present. It just needs to be given to a teenager in a way that they can understand and approach the game as a way to have fun, and not to be taken too seriously.

Last but not least, can you remember the very first video game you played in your lifetime? And how old were you? 
Very good question! I was probably 3 when I played those childish games, where you have to bake a cake and recolt carrots in the garden... Aside from that, I was probably 6 when I started playing some fighting games with my brother. My first real computer games were with my dad and my brother when I was 12, playing online with them and with a whole community of persons varying between 10-50 years old!

Tickets on Sale
VIP tickets are available and priced at AED 1,000 for a three-day access to the ESL eSports tournament, Expo and with special VIP privileges throughout every part of the event; Gold tickets at AED 500 for a three-day access to the ESL and Expo; Silver tickets at AED 250 for a one-day access to ESL and Expo; Bronze tickets at AED 100 for one day access to Expo. Tickets are now on sale at Virgin Megastore and Geekay stores. More information and latest updates please visit games-me.com/tickets, #GAMES15.
Want To Be a Gamer? Nathan 'NbK' Schmitt Spills All!

GAMES 15 celebrates the culture of gaming in the Middle East region and aims to solidify Dubai as one of the most relevant gaming hubs in the world. It caters to all gaming enthusiasts from avid gamers, console/PC gamers, casual gamers, elite gamers, tabletop gamers or for those that just know how to have a good time. Fans can also look forward to the inclusion of celebrity guests, diverse activations, Cosplay, as well as forums and workshops that will coach the best and brightest in how they can be successful in one of the fastest growing industries on earth.
The event is organized by the team behind the award winning Middle East Film and Comic Con (MEFCC), ExtraCake, and The Middle East Gaming Alliance; and supported by Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) who are all thrilled to announce more confirmed activities and guests in the coming weeks.