Teenage Summers In Dubai | ExpatWoman.com

Teenage Summers In Dubai

Posted on

17 June 2013

Last updated on 14 January 2020

My Summer Experinces

Over the past few years, I have had an amazing couple of summers all that vary so much!

Without a doubt, I have been unbelievably lucky and fortunate with all the opportunities I have been given to travel the world. Having a father that works as a pilot for Emirates in the UAE, automatically I have been granted with the advantage of travelling around the world for a more considerable price.

In the last few years, I have experienced more plane travel than I can ever remember, taking me to places like New York, Australia, Mauritius and more…Let me just fill you in on what I’ve been doing for the last few years-before anyone gets confused…

Travelling back to January 2010, my family and I decided to say goodbye to Dubai, pack up our boxes and move the Copes to Australia. An experience of a life time- that doesn’t even sum it up. Overwhelmed with feelings of sadness and excitement, I didn’t know what to expect moving from the Middle East, to the Gold Coast, Australia. As it was only my mother, brother and I relocating to Australia, having to leave my dad behind for work (assuming he would join us by the end of the year), understandably it was a struggle without him, but it was an experience of a lifetime. Personally I enjoyed living in Australia very much, it was such a shock how different people live their lives.

Whilst my friends enjoyed their lovely summer breaks over July and August, I was still working hard at school, as my school year had just begun in Australia! Luckily two of my best friends were able to come and visit me in Australia for a week, it was so amazing seeing them, catching up and hearing what had been happening. Assuming Australia would be the home of my familys' retirement, evidently my mother wasn’t ready, missing the busy work life back home and of course my dad, after a fantastic eleven months, we returned ‘home’ –Dubai. Getting straight back into school life in Dubai, moving house a few times and re-uniting with friends, it was all a very full on experience.

new york dubai

It was soon half term, (November 2010) and the way the Copes saw it, it was time for another trip. New York, where all dreams come true, yes the Copes were going to New York! After a painful twenty four hour travel experience, we were soon walking out of the doors of JFK airport, trailing behind us our thoroughly packed suitcases filled with jeans, socks, jumpers, sweaters and coats- it was freezing!

Grabbing a cheeky deal with one of the limousine services outside of the airport, we were heading straight to Manhattan for the fair price of $60 dollars. Even though exhausted from the flight, I couldn’t help stick my head out of the window, to absorb everything I was seeing! It was unreal- I had fallen in love with a city… Once getting to Manhattan, our hotel (the Crown Plaza) was smack bam in the middle of Times Square- couldn’t of gotten a better location! A quick check in and we were already settled into our rooms, having an amazing view of the busy streets below us, we couldn’t wait to get out there!

new york trip from dubai

Boots on, coats zipped up, completely prepared for the icy chill of the breeze outside. After walking for hours through the streets, touring the sites and exploring the structured alleys, it was time for dinner- nothing like a good old fashion- New York style- hot dog to warm you up.

The next five days were planned to the smallest details, including tour busses, the statue of liberty, the empire state building, a tour of ground zero and of course a visit to the famous Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister and Macy’s! The life in New York is non-stop, and it is filled with fantastic sites! It is truly an amazing holiday for all ages and all types of people.

After a hectic year, Summer 2011 had finally come my way, excitement was rushing through me, and my mum had planned a summer to remember! First travelling to Nice, a lovely five-hour plane ride, enjoyed with a few movies to watch and accompanied with breakfast, only resting for a night- the next day was back to the airport! A 9.00am flight straight to Barcelona! Once arriving in Barcelona, it was non-stop routine; meeting with friends who live overseas in Ireland, spending two days exploring the historic streets and indulging in the culture filled towns, Barcelona was magical.

barcelona dubai

The best was still yet to come… four days into our holiday, and on the 5th, we were scheduled and expected to board the Carnival Magic Cruise Ship. Offering a spectacular range of entertainment, dining, bars and clubs, casinos and gaming and of course the spa and fitness center.

It was an exceptional 2 weeks, along with meeting new friends by the pool side whilst being served chilled drinks, or the late night ‘disco’s’ aimed for certain ages, but the best part was having the chance to visit so many new places, and exploring each and everyone one of them.

cruise ship dubai

Every morning, the ship would dock into a new harbor; we visited Rome, Monaco, Venus, Croatia, Sicily and back to Barcelona. Monaco resulted in being my favorite city, I loved waking up and opening the curtains of my cabin to find a picturesque view of more than 100 yachts.

Later then establishing that the famous singer Beyoncé accompanied by her husband was out on a ‘daily sail’ on her fantasizing boat only meters away from our cruise ship. Monaco being the home of many celebrities and stars, the scenery was amazing and within every corner that you looked at, a Lamborghini would be just around the corner, (it’s where I saw myself living in a few years…I hope).

After a long and hard year of GCSE’s and lots of examinations, summer is coming again! This year I have been lucky enough to been invited by one of my close friends and her family to travel to Houston and Mexico along with three other of our close friends, we’re going to spend a total of eleven days in Mexico and the rest will be in Houston, catching up on some typical summer shopping! As you would be, I am extremely excited, as I have never been to Mexico or Houston, I cant wait to see all of the scenery and part take in all of the activities, also it might help me improve some of my Spanish skills!

Where are you going this Summer? I hope its as exciting as mine and don’t forget to make it one to remember!

Written by Alannah C, Age 15