twin or tandem stroller or two seperate ones??? |

twin or tandem stroller or two seperate ones???

Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 04:42

My second baby is due in 3 months. By that time my daughter will be almost 2.5. Now I am wondering what to do about the stroller. Until now my daughter is in her stroller almost all the time when we are in a mall. If I let her out she just runs off. So I thought the tandem strollers are the best idea, but when I looked at some I was baffled at the weight and the price. Any thoughts on this?

Latest post on 02 January 2012 - 10:50
maybe try the Bugaboo Donkey
Latest post on 30 December 2011 - 07:40
Thanks for the feedback. Zannie I sent you a message. MyriamBill let me know how to contact you
Latest post on 30 December 2011 - 07:40
Thanks for the feedback. Zannie I sent you a message. MyriamBill let me know how to contact you
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 12:37
My daughter was also 2 when my son was born and we had the same problem. It wasn't too bad when me and DH were out together, but if wanting to take both the kids out on my own, it was really difficult. We considered the buggy board, but made it awkward to walk along with it, plus DD would get tired, so wanted to sit down, So, we decided to get a Tandem buggy. Absolute godsend, plus easier to manoeuvre around shops than a side by side one. DS was able to lay flat on the back seat as it reclines fully and DD had the best of both worlds! I'm actually selling my Tandem buggy. It's a Graco Stadium Duo in a two tone Latte colour. The front canopy and cosytoes have never been used and the buggy is in excellent condition. It folds down very easily in one piece and pretty light for a double buggy. Loads of storage space too. Here's a look/see of one identical to mine, except the colour: If you're interested, let me know on zannie1 at mac dot com. And I'll send you more details. I'm selling for 600aed. <em>edited by Zannie on 17/12/2011</em>
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 12:24
My son was exactly 2 and a half when my daughter was born and I had the same dilemma- before she was born he was forever running off when out of his buggy. I decided not to get a double buggy and to think about a buggy board or using a sling for the baby. At the same time my son was getting used to using his balance bike. By the time my daughter was born he was on it all the time and in the end I never once wished I had a double buggy, and he also seemed to grow out of running off all the time. I think if you decide to get a double buggy go second hand as you may find you hardly use it.
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 09:43
May I suggest you look for "Multiplied UAE" group on Facebook? Post your question there, I'm sure you will get a lot of interesting opinions! As for my two, I had a tandem and it worked well, even on international trips. But the twins are older now and there's surely much better strollers out there to choose from! Good luck :) and whatever you do, DON'T buy the umbrella/clip-on combination ( it won't last a week! LOL) MoT <em>edited by MomOfTwins on 17/12/2011</em>
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 08:48
I have 2 kids close together and when I had to make the same decision you are making now, I kept remembering my singleton days how much I hated women who pushed around these tandem strollers, taking up all the walkway or blocking aisles in the shops etc. ... My side-by-side tandem is less than 5cm wider than the same brand single and it fits comfortably through a regular doorway. A P&T double is just a single with a toddler seat attached on the front or back so no wider at all. ;) I can open, close and lift my double stroller into the boot with one hand, while holding the baby in the other if necessary. :D I also used a carrier which I LOVE, but I also found the flexibility of the double stroller indispensable.
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 08:19
Farsi I have a phil and teds for sale if interested. Let me know Myriam
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 08:10
I have 2 kids close together and when I had to make the same decision you are making now, I kept remembering my singleton days how much I hated women who pushed around these tandem strollers, taking up all the walkway or blocking aisles in the shops etc. My solution was have the little one from birth on in a carry pouch on my chest and the older in a light-weight stroller.This also makes it easier getting them in and out of the car when you're on your own. By the time your baby is 6 months old, he/she could use the stroller and the elder who will be 3 will be big enough to use a standing board attached to the back of the stroller. That way you are still a narrow "package" for getting around aisles etc. And because your arms are around the standing child as you push the stroller, they are somewhat "trapped" and can't easily run off.
Latest post on 17 December 2011 - 07:54
Perhaps try to find a secondhand tandem stroller? Unless you always have a second adult with you to push one of the strollers, two separate ones would be impossible to manage. All three of my little ones are close together in age so for four years I had two in a stroller. A tandem/twin was invaluable to me. I prefer one of the light-weight, side-by-side types. (mine is a Peg Perego Aria Twin, which you can't get in Dubai any longer) Some twin/tandems will still fully recline or attach a car seat for the newborn. Make sure when you 'test drive' that you put some weight in it. Some are really easy to steer when not loaded up, then a nightmare with two heavy children in them!