My maid dilemma! I need advise, please! |

My maid dilemma! I need advise, please!

Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 19:41

Hello ladies!
Sorry if this has been discussed before. But I am desperate for some help and new to all this. DH has me finally convinced to get a full time live-in maid. I was trying to interview maids from different nationalities. However, I have no luck finding anyone from any other country than the Philippines. Long story short, I searched locally in Dubai. I do not know how to find a maid that would be new to the country. Anyone knows any agencies?
The past few weeks I was conducting interviews. I am offering a good package. 2000 Dirhams, annual bonus and yearly ticket home. So far, I am completely shocked about the maids that I have interviewed. Am I just naive, or is this how things are done these days?
Here are some problems:
1. Many maids want me to give them money instead of the ticket home. This is not an option for us. DH's company provides the ticket and DH does not have the option to take the money. So they need to take the ticket. What is the rule for the ticket? I thought I was being generous to offer it every year as I heard I only have to do so every other year.
2. I feel that many maids want to do a part time job while I would be on holidays. They keep giving me hints and saying how they know other maids who's employers allow them to do so. I do not want to go down that road. They are under my sponsor ship, they work for me.
3. Some want all their food and personal items paid for. The 2000 I am offering should include the personal items and the extra foods that they do not cook. (chocolates and stuff like that). Happy to provide a fridge. Am I offering not enough? Or are they just being greedy?
3. Overtime. I do not want to pay for overtime in case it ever happens. Instead I want to give additional time off. I just do not want any more money issues. My oh my. Some maids said that they only want to take money for overtime! None of the people I know gives money for overtime.
4. They all cry during the interview! Why? I can't hire someone that cries at an interview. I have gone to job interviews and did not cry. Every employer is bad! They have never anything good to say about their employer.
5. Day off. What are they allowed to do on their day off? Some maids said that they have relatives in Abu Dhabi and would like to go there. Not sure how I feel about that.

Overall, DH and I are completely surprised by the demands some of these girls do. We are now terrified getting a maid. A friend of mine has to let one go and is having a **** of a time. We were advised to stick to our offer and do not alter it. But slowly I am thinking that hiring a maid in Dubai is a bad idea.
Please if anybody got their maid through an agency, kindly send me the name of the agency.
I have met some families that have great maids. But lately, many people are complaining about the demands of new maids.
If you know anyone that knows a good maid, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help ladies!

Latest post on 03 December 2012 - 00:57
Saami: So you mean not to sponsor them at all? Don't the other agencies take the majority of the money? I heard they are now at 2700 and the maid gets only 1000. The thing that I am afraid of is that I would feel sorry for her and give her more money. This would mean I end up paying more a month! So difficult to choose! That is true Akai. I recognise your dilemma, went through the same struggle. Because of the above mentioned I opted to sponsor myself. So far so good. There a lots of good experiences, you tend to hear about the bad ones. You will have to rely on your knowledge of people while searching for the right maid. Make a list of requirements and set the boundaries from the first time you speak. You are the employer, you call the shots. Good luck.
Latest post on 03 December 2012 - 00:08
Can I suggest you only interview maids who are able to supply you with references. I would never even consider taking someone on without at least contactable references. Don't forget you are the employer so you should dictate the terms. Like going to any interview people always want to better themselves and negotiate better perks. Don't ask don't get. There is a set minimum wage for each nationality and for a Filipino it is 1400aed which is set by their government. If you have kids I should also suggest you send them on a first aid course as well. It's amazing how many people let their home help loose with their own kids with the basic knowledge of first aid. With regard to over time. I pay over time if she has to babysit on a Friday which is effectively her day off. If she babysits during the week then no overtime is paid. You do have to interview a fair few but you will get there in the end.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 23:22
Saami: So you mean not to sponsor them at all? Don't the other agencies take the majority of the money? I heard they are now at 2700 and the maid gets only 1000. The thing that I am afraid of is that I would feel sorry for her and give her more money. This would mean I end up paying more a month! So difficult to choose! SuperReds: I have met women who had bad experience. The thing that scares me most is that they said that the person was wonderful at first, but changed to the worst! This is what I am terrified of! Once they are in your house, you can't get rid of them. Like I said earlier, lately, many people are having issues with maids. PS: She did not stay with her employer because they moved back to the UK. But sounds like a lie. Who takes maids to honeymoon destinations? I wonder!
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:21
Lies lies lies! If her employed took her travelling round the world why is she still not her employers? 2000dhs is more than double what she could earn legitimate in home country! I loved the comment re 'train them'. Wait for the EW PC brigade gettin on ya case! They ain't dogs you know! I have been very lucky in that I haven't had phones, money, iPads, jewellery or any other personal belongings stolen and have these people swear to my face that it wasn't them only to find it was!!!!! I haven't handed over money in good faith only to find that money be used for new clothes and concert tickets to watch Beyonce! Some are wonderful! I really do think that most are shifty! Too many horror stories to think differently!
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:15
Maldives and Paris!! sounds like my first maid- Julie! Sorry, I am chuckling now. Akia-it is not easy. I was the same way and still am not adjusted to all this. You have been given great advice on here by those more seasoned than you and I. The agency would be the way to go I feel ( and I know that people have found excellent employees without an agency and have been lucky-but i would advise an agency)
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:09
Mashkara: Now I think that I sound too insecure! Damn! I am just a nice person. Thinking about what you ladies said, I might have done a mistake offering the compensation. It will even out as I am traveling more than once a year home. That would give her more than 1 month holiday off. Jeez, I have to re-think my whole interview strategy. Thanks. They are also constantly mentioning the other employer! A maid told me how her employer kept taking her to the Maldives and Paris!
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:02
I agree about getting a maid thru an agency. I did however contact mine by phone to make sure we were in complete agreement. The first maid I had was already here and was so set in her ways of how the other home was where she worked and all of us have different ways-just another small factor to keep in mind. yes, we too always do a phone interview too.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:01
Akia, you need to sound like an employer and tell them it is no to everything and then you can see the situation later on and decide. As to working hours and overtime, don't get caught up in this. Do not offer to compensate in time or money, just say that it evens out for the times that you will be away during the year and she will have no work to do.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 22:01
I agree about getting a maid thru an agency. I did however contact mine by phone to make sure we were in complete agreement. The first maid I had was already here and was so set in her ways of how the other home was where she worked and all of us have different ways-just another small factor to keep in mind.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 21:56
Super Reds: Thanks for being straight forward! You make good points. I heard some of your points by a couple of other people too. I thought that 2k is a good salary compared to what they make! I do hear them getting in touch with all the other maids and comparing salaries. Was surprised to see so many wanting over 2k while most of the maids in my neighborhood start with 1000. And yes, they do not have any other qualifications. Most people I interviewed did only maid jobs before! SandyDogg: You make a good point with the AD travel. I did not feel comfortable from the start with it. I will just open doors that I might not be able to close later. I guess I have to be more blunt! Take it or leave it theory! Grrrrr! Amelia: I am looking for the past 5 weeks. Last time a lady told me that she has been looking for 4 months! Just crazy!
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 21:56
I have said this before and will repeat, just call an agency (I have used Al Ahliya Labour supply for over 13 years now). Get a maid through them, the salary is low, and they have a guarantee system where you can return them and get a replacement. You will not have the joy of an interview, but she will not know anyone here, have no expectations, will think that she is coming for Dh900 pm, and will be overjoyed to find that she will not be locked in a room all day for 2 years. You can train her, and she will be your maid 24/7 without it even occurring to her about overtime. Then everything you give her will be a bonus.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 21:34
I have commented b4 and no doubt I will get lambasted again! It's not worth the headache! I have the pleasure of working with children and this means I come into contact with a lot of maids! I also work with a colleague of the same nationality as most of these maids and he always keeps me in the loop with the conversations happening at the back of the room! It's time to be blunt. In their home country they would earn no more than the equivalent of 1000dhs and that's in a good job! They would have zero benefits and would have to pay for all their food etc. We hear stories of massively qualified people coming here and working for buttons! It's simple..... When people (no matter which nationality) come here they will feel aggrieved if they are being paid far less for the same job! The problem is that often these people do not have genuine qualifications but feel they are being hard done by! In my job we have around 15 different nationalities and yes the ones earning less are aggrieved! The difference is the money people earn here is generally for their savings in their home country! That's when the balance changes. I commented last time by saying the maids are programmed! All I hear is blah blah blah salary blah blah blah 1800 blah etc! Every week I hear the same thing and I also hear about the tactics! Cry and get extra 500! Sick relatives 3000. Flight home? It's not earning money so why? My final straw came when a maid bragged to my colleague about earning 14,000dhs per month and was sending 10 home! She was trafficking ladies of the night in the evenings and basically pimping them! In her eyes it was free accom and food and she only had 1 kid to take care of here when she had 3 in her country! A hassle not worth having!
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 21:07
I no longer have a maid so I might be a bit out of date. With regards to money instead of ticket I think you need to explain upfront that money isn't an option. Don't be upset about them asking as many truly would prefer the money. My last maid had grown-up children and a husband who were all in the UAE - she really didn't have any need or desire to go home and the money was far more useful to her. P/T work is an absolute no. I have had this request and it was a flat NO. I explained it was illegal and I am not prepared for a huge fine because my maid wants to moonlight. Threats of immediate deportation plus a ban should make your message clear. I believe 2k is more than enough for them to pay for their food etc. I did not pay extra for overtime. I did not pay extra for anything, I made my expectations clear from the start. If I thought a late night babysitting would be required timed off before and after would be given. I'd give extra time off here and there if she'd gone the extra mile (without being asked). Crying? Not a chance. As for the day off, I was pretty liberal with my maid but she was very trustworthy as she proved time and time again. The thing with allowing them to go to AD means you are opening the door for them missing their bus or car-lift and not getting home until half way through the next day. for me that would be a no to start with, and to reviewed at a later date.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 21:06
You don't say how long you have been searching for a maid but it took my DD two months and many interviews to find her present maid, who is a gem. She looks after the villa only and if she is required to babysit is given time off in the afternoon instead. Do a telephone interview first and from that you will discover if she fits your basic requirements. If you like the sound of her, ask her to come and see you. Have all the questions you want to ask her written down, tell her what your terms are, and if she's not willing to accept them, wave goodbye to her. I think the salary, bonus and flight you are offering is fair and again, if she doesn't accept the offer, look for someone else. Crying at an interview is a tactic to get you to agree to what she wants, ignore it. Definitely no part time work as this could incur a heavy fine for both you and for her. It's a stressful and often frustrating task but the right one for you is out there. You just have to keep looking, maybe you will be lucky and find one whose employer is leaving Dubai, or go through an agency. Good luck.
Latest post on 02 December 2012 - 20:42
I am in the same boat had moment when i thought i should just give up but with no other support system - I need a maid Did a search on EW and it seems Howdra is agency that places maids