recommedation for New Born baby raising books |

recommedation for New Born baby raising books

Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 09:54

Hi... i have been reading a few articles online, however would like to start reading a good baby raising book especially on what things should be done or taken care of with a new born baby. i have heard mixed reviews on 'Contended Baby', please recommend a good book to start out with....

Latest post on 28 November 2013 - 20:37
Books can be helpful, as long as you realise they are opinions not manufacturers manuals. Any book that gives feeding routines is not breastfeeding friendly, it's basically formula routines used by nannies, modified so they can sell the book to breastfeeding mums too. If you want breastfeeding to succeed then follow your baby not a book (although you could try "the womanly art of breastfeeding" or something else based on actual breastfeeding facts). The major reason people buy baby books is sleep, I do think the baby whisperer books are quite good at explaining how to know when your baby is tired (no you don't wait until they cry or start to fall to sleep) and how to set up a bit of a sleeping routine. Ultimately though most of those books involve letting your baby cry in order to fit a predetermined schedule, some people are ok with that, some are not, if you are not then maybe don't bother with the books. Nothing can guarantee your baby will be a good sleeper, there are some tricks you can try and things to try and avoid doing but all babies are different and have different needs. The no cry sleep solution is one of the few books that focuses on helping babies sleep rather than leaving them to cry. I used to have it as a PDF but I lost it when my drive failed, I sent it to quite a few people on EW so maybe someone out there wouldn't mind passing it on?
Latest post on 28 November 2013 - 20:04
ok, i'm going to go against the grain and say some books really helped me! i'm an only child, never held a baby before my own, a complete novice....all the 'you'll instinctively know what to do' advice was complete clap trap for me! yes my instinct is to love my daughter, but i often had no idea why she was crying at all! the baby whisperer by tracy hogg was great - it lists out body language cues and helped me to understand what my baby was trying to tell me. lots of very practical tips and much more flexible than gina ford. good luck!
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 17:29
I agree with all the ladies, books are all different and you'll just get confused. You'll know what your baby needs. I was you last year, I read Gina fords books, dr Spock, babies first year etc and all I can say is that my daughter was a very difficult baby, had colic and doesn't sleep so the books didn't really help at all. I just followed my daughter and mashAllah she is a contented baby, alway smiling and chatting to everyone. I have plenty of books if you'd like them, I don't think I want to use them for baby number two because I've always felt I was doing something wrong because it's not following a certain routine. Also become a member of baby centre :) it's a really good website
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 11:05
Hi there, Check out the Essential Baby Guide here HTH
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:59
They say Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care has been The Bible for new parents for years. But few of them I know found it useless and a very few rely upon her expert pediatric advice. Like some ladies have already posted what works for some babies and mothers doesn't work for others. I think you are getting very anxious about your new baby's arrival and life afterwards which is very common in the third trimester. Im sure when you have your baby you will know what to do and what not. Nobody has to teach you, neither you have to follow a strict path. Best of luck!
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:47
I personally found Health Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Weissbluth very helpful. Understanding how sleep patterns work in babies and children was very helpful.
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:47
One book you MUST get is [b'>The Wonder Weeks[/b'> by Hetty van de Rijt and Frans Plooij. You'll have to order it online but it is essential reading. It won't tell you how to put a baby on a schedule or how to help them sleep or when to wean or anything like that. It outlines when infants and toddlers go through their major developmental leaps and what you can expect from them and what you can do to help them. I've found it to be reassuring (because when baby's fussy and cranky it's not something that I'm doing wrong, it's because they're going through a busy growth spurt). It also helps to know when babies can do things like stack rings on a stacker or when they can point to their nose so you can put that toy away until they're ready and not put pressure on them or yourself. And most importantly, it's full of anecdotes from hundreds of other parents so it makes you feel like you're not alone. I highly, highly, highly recommend it. [url='>link[/url'> And I agree with Sirocca, use the books, articles, other people for ideas but go with your instinct on what works best for you and your baby.
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:33
Best advice is to actually join some Baby groups on Facebook where you can ask real mums anything and everything. A book is great but it is a one way street and it's not like you can ask questions if your baby doesn't conform to what the book suggests. I am a member of about 7 or 8 and if I have any queries at all I post them there where other mums can reassure me if something is normal or whatever. You can also post on here but I find the response a lot less and also a lot slower. Definitely, great way to tap into real world wisdom. I still disagree that books should be avoided. It depends on your learning style: I found books gave me a bit of a starting point, so long as you choose what works for you and don't follow them like gospel.
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:26
Agree with the majority.... It's all a money making scheme....our parents never used such books and seemed to know exactly what to do. Understandably, it will take time as its new to you and your baby but these books are what makes mums lazy in my opinion. You don't want to be dependant on a book atall. What will you do when your baby is a young adult and isn't doing what you want it too? There will be no books then.
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:18
Whilst I agree that they are usually very prescriptive and therefore not particularly sensitive to your baby's needs and quirks, as a new mum I did find a few useful tips here and there which saved the day (call me dumb if I couldn't always guess what my baby really needed). I would recommend the Baby Whisperer as it offered the most flexible approach to caring for your baby. A lot of people will say: Read it and then forget about it. You will pick up a few good tips and tailor them to your baby and your situation.
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:10
I have to agree with everyone else. These books are nonsense. Your instinct will kick in and that is all you need. Before my first baby, I knew nothing about newborns and was not tuned in at all to children's needs. I figured it all out very quickly...
Latest post on 27 November 2013 - 10:03
None of them. They all say different thinks, most this do not work as each baby is different and you will end up feeling down if you cant get your baby doing "what the book says" I say this as a mother of a 7 month old. I read a load of books and NOTHING works for my baby. IMO it is best to just learn what your baby likes and dislikes and if you have issues then google ideas on how to fix them and ask friends and family and try different things Some people swear by the contented baby book, for me, it was the biggest offender