Really annoyed with VH school |

Really annoyed with VH school

Latest post on 23 February 2014 - 12:57

First they have charged 300 aed for the assessment and then they missed sending the invitation. It took me 2 days to get hold of anyone on the phone to clarify the situation. Luckily I called , since I was told the computer just skipped my sons name and nobody noticed. They would not change the allocated timing and they were so rigid about it, so we did the assessment the day we moved houses with DS sick and with fever. They promised they would give us an answer by the 22nd and that would be 18 days past the assessment day , so plenty of time. Today, they are still not ready to give everybody an answer and I have another school on hold which needs an answer by tomorrow. I loved the feeling of the school and it looked really promising but I am not so sure anymore, so disappointed! All other schools I have applied like Safa, DESS, etc have all been able to offer a place within days!! what is taking them soooo long ? Anybody else waiting ??
edited by Eli1979 on 23/02/2014
<em>edited by Eli1979 on 23/02/2014</em>

Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 18:04
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say. I really don't know what to tell you. It is worth a try, but did DESS tell you specifically that they had places? They had places.. about 88 places v/s 250 candidates the chances were bright but I think they first prefer Westerners then Asian ( the only reason I can understand) other than that my daughter performed well. edited by saeedariaz1 on 17/04/2014 Basically you are saying that your child was not chosen. Our situations are different because I was told after my DD's assessment that they wanted to accept her but had no places, after I had been told that they did have places. DESS is a hard school to get into, so I am not surprised that your child did not get a place. I think that children with British passports have priority, which us understandable considering that it is a British curriculum school... You are right they prefer British passport ... and I am sure if she was holding British passport she must be chosen as at the time of assessment the teachers didn't note down anything they just asked kids few questions and thats it. They simply say she is on our waiting list. I don't know what does this mean but I am hoping for good Sorry DESS does not have a passport priority system. In my daughter's class FS2 out of 25 children 5 are British the rest are a mix of local, Indian, Iranian, Pakistani, Kiwi, Kenya, Lebanese, Syrian, Chinese, Egyptian and Aussie. My son's year 5 class also has a similar mix of nationalities. When my daughter did her FS2 assessment last year we were not in the room with them all the children were taken in groups into a different room from us. My son did his FS1 assessment this year and it was the same process. As a poster below states DESS were very open about the number of places they had and the amount of children that were being assessed.
Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 17:53
I think they are calling it GEMS Metropole Motor City or something similar. My friend went to the Gems Motor City Q&A session earlier this month. He said they indicated they will not have many Western teachers/ were looking at mainly Indian staff. And what is wrong with that? Your assumption, not mine! I only presume there is a reason why they are targetting Indian teachers. From what i understand the teachers hired so far anyway are 'Western' as i have a friend recently hired. <em>edited by bubbagump1 on 28/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 16:50
Thanks Taters for your information I am hoping for good :) DESS also have a Muslim quota, but this information is withheld. I was told privately that if they go over this quota then they have to segregate.
Latest post on 28 April 2014 - 16:19
I think they are calling it GEMS Metropole Motor City or something similar. My friend went to the Gems Motor City Q&A session earlier this month. He said they indicated they will not have many Western teachers/ were looking at mainly Indian staff. And what is wrong with that? Your assumption, not mine! I only presume there is a reason why they are targetting Indian teachers.
Latest post on 20 April 2014 - 10:43
Thanks Taters for your information I am hoping for good :)
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 17:47
Did you know they get an extra class in FS2? This creates an extra 22 places, so there is always FS2 if nothing comes up for FS1! <em>edited by Taters on 17/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 17:36
Saeedariaz, in don't think there is much you can do apart from wait for a place to become available. DESS did tell everyone that they were assessing more children than they had places for. They have to give priority to siblings, staff kids and Emirates staff, if your child is not in any of those categories (which a lot of kids accepted will have been), then your daughter was probably put on a list based on date of application. I am guessing she was wait listed because there were other kids offered places who had applied before you. I understand how frustrating it must be for you, we all want our kids to get into our first choice school. I don't think DESS have cheated you, they took applications for FS1, gave every child the opportunity to be considered and then offered places based on priorities followed by date of application. They were honest about how many kids they were assessing. Keep regular touch with the registrar ( without harassing her ), and eventually a place will become available. You are not the only person whose child passed and is wait listed, unfortunately, they can't create spaces that they don't have. Did you apply to other schools? Might be a good idea to :)
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 17:27
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say. I really don't know what to tell you. It is worth a try, but did DESS tell you specifically that they had places? They had places.. about 88 places v/s 250 candidates the chances were bright but I think they first prefer Westerners then Asian ( the only reason I can understand) other than that my daughter performed well. edited by saeedariaz1 on 17/04/2014 Basically you are saying that your child was not chosen. Our situations are different because I was told after my DD's assessment that they wanted to accept her but had no places, after I had been told that they did have places. DESS is a hard school to get into, so I am not surprised that your child did not get a place. I think that children with British passports have priority, which us understandable considering that it is a British curriculum school... You are right they prefer British passport ... and I am sure if she was holding British passport she must be chosen as at the time of assessment the teachers didn't note down anything they just asked kids few questions and thats it. They simply say she is on our waiting list. I don't know what does this mean but I am hoping for good
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 17:14
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say. I really don't know what to tell you. It is worth a try, but did DESS tell you specifically that they had places? They had places.. about 88 places v/s 250 candidates the chances were bright but I think they first prefer Westerners then Asian ( the only reason I can understand) other than that my daughter performed well. edited by saeedariaz1 on 17/04/2014 Basically you are saying that your child was not chosen. Our situations are different because I was told after my DD's assessment that they wanted to accept her but had no places, after I had been told that they did have places. DESS is a hard school to get into, so I am not surprised that your child did not get a place. I think that children with British passports have priority, which us understandable considering that it is a British curriculum school...
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 17:08
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say. I really don't know what to tell you. It is worth a try, but did DESS tell you specifically that they had places? They had places.. about 88 places v/s 250 candidates the chances were bright but I think they first prefer Westerners then Asian ( the only reason I can understand) other than that my daughter performed well. <em>edited by saeedariaz1 on 17/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 17 April 2014 - 15:39
Compared to some other schools, I think the 180 assessments for 70 places is tame. One other mum at the assessment day told me another school she had applied for had over 3000 "waitlisted" applications for 100 places. Surely on that scale its just right out fraud - no name of said school mentioned I might add! KDHA should put a cap on the number of waitlist places permitted for each year. It's just getting out of hand, and looks like a big money maker at the expense of us poor stressed out parents and our kids education chances on the line. 3000 waitlisted....You dont seriously believe everything people tell you do you? Lol! Some people are known for their gross exaggerations.
Latest post on 16 April 2014 - 19:43
I think they are calling it GEMS Metropole Motor City or something similar. My friend went to the Gems Motor City Q&A session earlier this month. He said they indicated they will not have many Western teachers/ were looking at mainly Indian staff. And what is wrong with that?
Latest post on 16 April 2014 - 18:12
I think they are calling it GEMS Metropole Motor City or something similar. My friend went to the Gems Motor City Q&A session earlier this month. He said they indicated they will not have many Western teachers/ were looking at mainly Indian staff. Hmmm...not too sure about this. The CEO was interviewing in London 2 weeks ago - with some success. I also know quite a few western teachers who will be here from next year.
Latest post on 16 April 2014 - 15:48
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say. I really don't know what to tell you. It is worth a try, but did DESS tell you specifically that they had places?
Latest post on 16 April 2014 - 15:27
A few years back, I was told by my DD's school that they had places so I paid the 500 dirham fee and she was assessed. After she passed the assessment, I was told that there were no places. I was really peeved and put up a stink about it. I would not have paid just to be wait listed. A letter was sent to the principal. The next day, I had a call saying that a place had opened up for her and she started immediately. So I learned at that time that it is best to speak up. If I had sat back quietly, she may have never gotten a place at all. HI, I have the same problem as you. DESS charged me 500 AED for registration called my daughter for assessment which she attempted without any mistake as I was there during the assessment but then they put her on waiting list. I am email continuously to registrar and she keeps telling me about unavailability of space do you suggest that I should email to Principal if yes what should I say.
Latest post on 28 February 2014 - 08:07
Gopies, just wondering - did you write to khda and if so what is their response? I don't mind paying application fees but feel we should get our assessment fees refunded when they are so blatantly over subscribed and they are the only ones charging it! Leaves a bad taste in your mouth don't you think?
Latest post on 25 February 2014 - 17:28
Compared to some other schools, I think the 180 assessments for 70 places is tame. One other mum at the assessment day told me another school she had applied for had over 3000 "waitlisted" applications for 100 places. Surely on that scale its just right out fraud - no name of said school mentioned I might add! KDHA should put a cap on the number of waitlist places permitted for each year. It's just getting out of hand, and looks like a big money maker at the expense of us poor stressed out parents and our kids education chances on the line. This is absolutely crazy. When i was applying for schools most of the ones that had a waiting list advised not to apply if the list was quite long. That was the case with Star international, JAPS, Gems World Academy and a few others. Based on this I can say that most of the schools have common sense, except the few greedy ones.
Latest post on 25 February 2014 - 12:31
Compared to some other schools, I think the 180 assessments for 70 places is tame. One other mum at the assessment day told me another school she had applied for had over 3000 "waitlisted" applications for 100 places. Surely on that scale its just right out fraud - no name of said school mentioned I might add! KDHA should put a cap on the number of waitlist places permitted for each year. It's just getting out of hand, and looks like a big money maker at the expense of us poor stressed out parents and our kids education chances on the line.
Latest post on 25 February 2014 - 09:21
Well I e-mailed this morning and have been promised that they will get back to me either end of day today or tomorrow. I know it is extremely frustrating but I think we will have to give them a chance it is their first year of opening and the first time they have had to deal with the hundreds of FS1 applications most schools have to! KHDA should be blamed they need to put some rules in place here and have deadlines when schools have to give offers. The schools admission process here is frustrating - us parents have months of stress if not years and out of pocket too with all these registration fees This school was the only one that charged an assessment fee, so they have no excuse, as surely they should have hired extra staff to deal with all the process. A lot of people are going to be in the same boat since they did three times as many assessments as they had spaces available.
Latest post on 25 February 2014 - 08:43
Sorry to hear this Eli. I went through a nightmare with Horizon school last year but rather than reject people, they waitlisted everyone so we were left stringing along for months. My son was supposedly at the top of the waitlist, but they probably said that to everyone. In a way, its better to get a firm "no" so that you can move on and look for something else. I ended up holding my DS out of school as I though a place may become available in the first term and I was desperate, I didn't have his name down anywhere (I know, silly me!). They have recently asked if we want a place and I told them in no uncertain terms where to go. I agree, they are money making enterprises and the KHDA should not allow these schools take everyone's money and assess so many children for so few spots.
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 22:05
Same thing has happened to us, we were told there were places available for VH going into first year of school and "we encourage you to apply" . Did the assessment, no problems or suggestions of anything out of place. They also said there was only a handful on the waiting list for our second child and she would most likely get in too So we have forked out AED 1600 on that basis and all for nothing. They did not even bother to write and tell us we did not get a place, we had to ring and find out ourselves. And then they got all shirty about it when we asked them why and said we were never guaranteed a place ( sorry lads but if you say there are places , take our money on that basis, and then tell us there were 50 more applicants than actual places, you are misleading your punters). Based on their statements to us we did not even register the kids anywhere else. Now we don't know what to do. Anyway maybe someone is looking out for us. Having seen the way these people have treated us we may have been lucky to miss out after all Goopies, where do you live? Try gems wellington al khail or gems international al khail.
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:55
Well I e-mailed this morning and have been promised that they will get back to me either end of day today or tomorrow. I know it is extremely frustrating but I think we will have to give them a chance it is their first year of opening and the first time they have had to deal with the hundreds of FS1 applications most schools have to! KHDA should be blamed they need to put some rules in place here and have deadlines when schools have to give offers. The schools admission process here is frustrating - us parents have months of stress if not years and out of pocket too with all these registration fees This school was the only one that charged an assessment fee, so they have no excuse, as surely they should have hired extra staff to deal with all the process.
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:52
Afraid not. When I rang no one asked who I was or which student I was chasing for so who knows? Seems like typical Dubai red tape from my (somewhat limited) experience! I have provided my son's name and they have asked for it twice, so who knows..
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:49
I am at the moment! I know its not personal, but so, so frustrating there are no words. Start from scratch now. Did you get wait list too? <em>edited by poddleprincess on 24/02/2014</em>
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:48
Same here just got an e-mail - Rejection too we did apply very late though. Dont worry maybe a place will come up not everyone takes the offers. We are in the same situation - applied to 3 schools - we are still wiating for one to reply the other two we have not got offers!
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:44
Finally a reply. Rejection. Put on wait list. Got to start from scratch now as we were told they had plenty of spaces when we applied and relied on that being enough. ******.
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:32
Well I e-mailed this morning and have been promised that they will get back to me either end of day today or tomorrow. I know it is extremely frustrating but I think we will have to give them a chance it is their first year of opening and the first time they have had to deal with the hundreds of FS1 applications most schools have to! KHDA should be blamed they need to put some rules in place here and have deadlines when schools have to give offers. The schools admission process here is frustrating - us parents have months of stress if not years and out of pocket too with all these registration fees
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:25
Has anyone looked at the jobs page today ? Gosh! Coincidence? Definitely a coincidence with all these problems they seem to be having
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:15
Afraid not. When I rang no one asked who I was or which student I was chasing for so who knows? Seems like typical Dubai red tape from my (somewhat limited) experience!
Latest post on 24 February 2014 - 16:09
by the way, does anyone have the email of the principal?