Rant Alert: Why do people send old clothes for your kids? | ExpatWoman.com

Rant Alert: Why do people send old clothes for your kids?

Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:38
Clothes went round the whole family...there is always going to be someone in need of such hand me downs.... My DD is expecting her first baby and he friend in the UK has lots of boy and girl shuff, DD will be having a good nose and pick out what she needs. I wouldnt be that ungrateful, I would accept the clothes and hand them over to a charity... I wouldnt be having a rant on a forum about it thats for sure. OP sounds like a spoilt brat...
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:35
Sorry, that email did not go through. Could you repeat it pls. [email protected]
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:33
Sorry, that email did not go through. Could you repeat it pls.
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:29
Ok ladies, Lets forgive [b'>Zeee[/b'> and forget, am sure she has learnt something from our post. she still has got a long way to go. Lets shake down our bitterness and love her as our sister. edited by mara12345 on 03/03/2014 <em>edited by mara12345 on 04/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:22
Mara, I will have some large teens boys clothes available soon, some unworn. Please leave your email addy and I will contact you when I have done my sort through.
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:20
I too do not really like hand me downs, especially manky ones, but would just pass them on to the Red Crescent collection point. Well spotted Tia75, very funny indeed. As for everyone else, I think that you are way nastier than the poster. At least she did not say anything rude to the clothes gifters face. She was just sayin, that's all. <em>edited by CrashingWaves on 04/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 04 March 2014 - 10:05
Good for you because you have it for free. Me, i have to go to flea markets, wait for someone to post in expatwoman and dubizzle for free clothes for my DD to wear. I hope you realize how blessed you are. Your daughter is about 2 beatles, is that right? I have a bag of girls clothes for a 2 year old, not a huge amount but if you'd like it let me know. I'm happy to send it to wherever you are in a cab. Hi daza, yes, she is almost 2 years old now. Yehey! We will be happy to have them! We are located in Al Quoz. My email address is nikki_andrei at yahoo dot com Hi ilovewine! We'll be glad to take them! Please advise how I can collect them. Thank you ladies in advance!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 18:20
I was always very happy to receive hand-me-downs for my kids, and if there was stuff I didn't need or want, I'd give it to charity. My youngest daughter (who's now almost 20) had a beautiful purple dress that was passed to my friend for her little girl, and she then passed it on to another good friend who had 2 girls, both of whom loved it. She's keeping it to hand back to MY daughter when she eventually has her own kids!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 17:50
On the face of it, the OP's attitude does sound unpleasant, but we do not know all the details. Perhaps the clothes were dirty........or came from a friend or relative with a history of patronising the OP? [b'>And of course there is always the possibility that the OP is just very hormonal.......................we've all been there[/b'>! Absolutely. After I had my first baby I was so worried about the cleanliness of things that I used to wash my nipples before breastfeeding. I'm not so fussy now :D
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 17:22
On the face of it, the OP's attitude does sound unpleasant, but we do not know all the details. Perhaps the clothes were dirty........or came from a friend or relative with a history of patronising the OP? And of course there is always the possibility that the OP is just very hormonal.......................we've all been there!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:34
I'm not a stuck up b*&(^! but I hate it when people pass on their kid's old clothes :( Esp when its my first born. Hate it when people put you on the spot its so hard to say no. Just received a suitcase full of old musty clothes somebody sent me for my daughter :( Rant over! Sorry for the negative energy Sadly, yes, you do come across as stuck up and ungrateful. Be gracious to those who have the generosity to pass on things. You decided to rant on a public forum about a ridiculous thing - seriously - what kind of response were you expecting?
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:26
Ok ladies, Let forgive [b'>Zeee[/b'> and forget, am sure she has learnt something from our post. she still has got a long way to go. Lets shake down our bitterness and love her as our sister. <em>edited by mara12345 on 03/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:21
My word. With all that goes on this world and all I can see here is a woman who wants a free expensive car seat, but is humiliated to receive clothes from a friend (I hope the woman has now realised this woman is not her friend, and is actually quite the opposite). I firmly believe if someone had passed her a suitcase full of designer items for her tot then all would have been rosy. You should be ashamed of yourself. Humiliated ? Over a gift ? Do you know what humiliated actually means. I never cease to be surprised by people and their complete self absorption.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:19
Well I have been on contact with one wonderful lady on this thread who will gladly accept my girls clothes left here before I left for her family/contacts back in Kenya - and am proud to be able to help as she is so grateful!! OP, take note that gratitude does become one regardless....
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:16
Well I have been on contact with one wonderful lady on this thread who will gladly accept my girls clothes left here before I left for her family/contacts back in Kenya - and am proud to be able to help as she is so grateful!! OP, take note that gratitude does become one regardless....
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 16:07
Good for you because you have it for free. Me, i have to go to flea markets, wait for someone to post in expatwoman and dubizzle for free clothes for my DD to wear. I hope you realize how blessed you are. Your daughter is about 2 beatles, is that right? I have a bag of girls clothes for a 2 year old, not a huge amount but if you'd like it let me know. I'm happy to send it to wherever you are in a cab.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 15:46
well Bella maybe then I just am!. So there are people out there like me who don't like receiving old clothes like that. I said the exact same thing to the person who sent me " Thats very sweet of you but being over excited about the baby I have overstocked" The suitcase still came smelling bad and I'm not going to pass it on until I get it washed and cleaned and smelling nice because I want the person(somebody who needs them) to feel nice and not humiliated. Oh you need to get over yourself Love and go worry about some real problems..... Rather than acting like a right eijit and broadcasting nonsense on EW.... Say nothing and pass it on to a more grateful person / organisation.... So many people in need in Syria and the world over.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 15:44
Tattie Bogle, Thanks for everything in advance, you are a such blessing to my girl Ashly, you have put a smile on her face, may God bless you and your family abundantly to continue being a blessing to many, looking forward to meeting you. :) <em>edited by mara12345 on 03/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 15:42
If any good has come out of this thread, it is that there are some true angels in the world. Well done Mara12345
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 15:29
I think it depends on the quality of clothes people pass on. If you get a suitcase of clothes that are in a bad condition, stained, faded, torn, than I too would not be happy about it, it's insulting. Trying to see if I'm missing something here.......why would you be insulted? I've been passed down clothes before that aren't in great condition. I've either passed them to charity if they are passable or binned them if not. It's never crossed my mind to be insulted. Maybe 'insulted' is the wrong word, but I would not be happy if I was dumped with loads of unwearable clothes. I have never passed on clothes that are unwearable and I have never received items which were unwearable. I would never pass on clothes to anyone, without asking them first if they would like to receive them.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 14:47
Wow - how lucky you are OP to be able to afford everything brand new. even with my first I bought everything during the sale, bought lots of things for her from Dubizzle or Baby Bazaar and also was lucky enough to receive tons of gifts from friends and family. She always looked amazing because let's face it - kids don't know what is last season's designs or if something has been worn only once or twice. I don't think I have ever bought anything full price, and many of the things I did have for her were worn so few times they are like new. I have sold things at Baby Bazaar and also given bags and bags of clothes to charity. One lady approached me at Baby Bazaar for cold weather items - I recommended a few fleeces etc, then she mentioned it was for orphans in Syria so I gave her a ton of stuff for free. No need to feel insulted when someone is trying to do a good deed let alone rant! I honestly wonder sometimes if the women on here actually have real problems to worry about when I read threads like these, you must have a lot of time on your hands. A stint in Africa / Syria / Philippines helping "real victims" might bring things back into perspective. Great!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 14:27
@ilovewine, Thx so much, my kids are big apart from the my late friends daughter who is 7yrs but due to the No of orphans I have (5), I can stretch my hand to others also, please let me know your directions and when I can passby to collect them.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 14:16
mara12345, i have 3 BIG drawers full of clothes DS has grown out of. some hardly worn, and some (i'm ashamed to say) never worn! the sizes range from 12 months to 2 years. i wanted to donate it to rashid children's center (after i read about them on here the other day) but you are welcome to it if the sizes fall within the age range of the children you have. beatles19, same goes for you. i know you have a DD but some t-shirts and shorts are so unis3x and would be good enough as house clothes, as amyaus82 says. let me know x ETA: just seen your post re: children's ages! <em>edited by ilovewine on 03/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 14:14
mara12345, what are the ages of your children? Masha'Allah, you are doing something really great. I. as a mother, would hope that if something happened to my husband and I that someone would care for my children… and 5, that is commendable. What are their age ranges/genders? And what area do you live in? @2AmyAus8 My kids are big, not sure if I can get something for them My own boys are 16 and 14 My late sister a girl 14 and boy 18 My later friends kids, boy 17 and 12 and a girl 7yrs, am so attached to the kids, the girl does not know the mother passed, the grands have been so cooperative plus the employer, she was working here in Dubai and I came to know her from my church. Am really grateful to God who enables me to give a hand to them and also via friends. You cant know what tomorrow has in the store. its good to be grateful
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 13:38
I was a bit precious about second hand clothes with my first born, although I always smiled and graciously accepted them, I pretty much never used them and if I did I more or less disinfected them first lol, I wanted everything he had to be shiny and new. With my daughter though I ALWAYS say yes to hand me downs and pick through them, take what I like and hand the rest to someone who needs them. My daughter is 17 months and has a wardrobe full of clothes up to around age 4! Often clothes have special memories attached to them, or were expensive, or just happened to be really useful pieces, and you can't bear the thought of throwing them away. It is a sign that whoever gave you the clothes is thinking of you, and thinks enough of your child to be pleased at the idea that their much loved items are going to a good home. No biggie if you choose not to use them, but definitely it isn't an insult to receive them, or rude/thoughtless to give them.
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 13:07
And the same goes for most childrens early months clothes. They only get uesd for a few months. I remember buying my eldest DD some lovely dresses which she only got to wear once or twice. I then passed them on to various friends, who were very grateful and in turn one even came back to me 18 months later for my youngest DD. In all it hadn't been worn more than 15 - 20 times and was still in perfect condition when I passed it on again :)
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 12:59
Zeee it is ridiculous to actually complain that someone is generous enough to offer you clothes...what's even stranger is that a few months ago you were asking people on EW (complete strangers) for a free car seat ??!!! So you snub used clothes from someone you know but are asking complete strangers for a car seat???? Did you ask you friend for a car seat and instead she gave you used clothes... Haha sorry but little ridiculous to rant especially since you have been asking for handouts!!! Zeee Posts 19 quote 17/01/2013 10:02:33 Hi! Anyone of you ladies having a maxi cosi carbiofix carseat in good condition that you dont use anymore? As you get to use it for only a few months I'm not looking to get a brand new one. !!!!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 12:51
Zeee it is ridiculous to actually complain that someone is generous enough to offer you clothes...what's even stranger is that a few months ago you were asking people on EW (complete strangers) for a free car seat ??!!! So you snub used clothes from someone you know but are asking complete strangers for a car seat???? Did you ask you friend for a car seat and instead she gave you used clothes... Haha sorry but little ridiculous to rant especially since you have been asking for handouts!!!
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 11:44
I'm not a stuck up b*&(^! but I hate it when people pass on their kid's old clothes :( Esp when its my first born. Hate it when people put you on the spot its so hard to say no. Just received a suitcase full of old musty clothes somebody sent me for my daughter :( Rant over! Sorry for the negative energy Good for you because you have it for free. Me, i have to go to flea markets, wait for someone to post in expatwoman and dubizzle for free clothes for my DD to wear. I hope you realize how blessed you are. Me too @beatles19, Zeee should count it to be a blessing, am taking care of 5 orphans and I keep on looking for such like opportunities in Dubizzle/EW
Latest post on 03 March 2014 - 11:37
I'm not a stuck up b*&(^! but I hate it when people pass on their kid's old clothes :( Esp when its my first born. Hate it when people put you on the spot its so hard to say no. Just received a suitcase full of old musty clothes somebody sent me for my daughter :( Rant over! Sorry for the negative energy Good for you because you have it for free. Me, i have to go to flea markets, wait for someone to post in expatwoman and dubizzle for free clothes for my DD to wear. I hope you realize how blessed you are.