Lets do a poll .... | ExpatWoman.com

Lets do a poll ....

Latest post on 23 March 2014 - 11:36

I left a note for the maid - number 1 was do all the ironing.....

Am not holding my breathe that she will do it......

Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 18:00
Oh what I would do to be able to afford ANY sort of help in the house and garden on a regular basis back here in Canada......I used to call them my Genies...... Over the years I had my share of disasters,one of the maids overloaded the wash machine to such an extent that it met me at the front door pipes trailing behind and water everywhere.....but today I look back and have a good laugh. <em>edited by Nomad on 31/03/2014</em>
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 17:42
Surely the great joy of this forum (apart from getting information which is dull and boring until you need it) is the ability it gives posters to vent harmlessly and save their sanity from being slowly shredded...............without kicking the dog, poisoning DH or firing the maid. oh no LT, the great joy now is being able to down thumb all the people you don't like !! lolol :D Ah yes, EW.the gift that keeps on giving!!!
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 17:38
Surely the great joy of this forum (apart from getting information which is dull and boring until you need it) is the ability it gives posters to vent harmlessly and save their sanity from being slowly shredded...............without kicking the dog, poisoning DH or firing the maid. oh no LT, the great joy now is being able to down thumb all the people you don't like !! lolol :D
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 17:25
Surely the great joy of this forum (apart from getting information which is dull and boring until you need it) is the ability it gives posters to vent harmlessly and save their sanity from being slowly shredded...............without kicking the dog, poisoning DH or firing the maid.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 17:19
I think FF was being sarcastic. We sometimes have a maid who comes but mostly do everything ourselves. She doesn't always get it right but I don't log onto a forum to start threads moaning about how stupid and incompetent these maids are - I just do whatever she didn't do myself. It really isn't a big deal. Meanwhile in the South Indian ocean... Surely the complexity of human emotion allows for both? My sympathy for the horror that the relatives of flight MH370 must be going through is not diminished by also being gutted that I won't be dancing on the sand to Avicii this weekend.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:59
People like to moan about trivial things, I don't see the big deal. In London it's the tube and it's lazy drivers, here it's maids. Small inconveniences in the grand scheme of things but surely having a bit of a moan and laugh is better than bottling it up and going nuclear? maybe TDB has forgotten her early threads on here complaining about her husband .... and her young sister in law ... and her wedding .....
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:46
People like to moan about trivial things, I don't see the big deal. In London it's the tube and it's lazy drivers, here it's maids. Small inconveniences in the grand scheme of things but surely having a bit of a moan and laugh is better than bottling it up and going nuclear?
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:25
so you're getting your own back by having a go at her on here !! lolol nope, but I am allowed to disagree. what are you disagreeing with exactly though ... it's just a time passing thread moaning about things that annoy ...
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:23
As always, can rely on TDB to be the voice of reason. As for this Whistling poster, seriously, why don't you post as yourself - instead of hiding behind a secondary username just to pull out the knife from a posters back (which u put there when you last signed in) and then plunge it in again. You obviously 'know' them on EW at least, to a degree. yep... hit n run, as usual ...
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:14
As always, can rely on TDB to be the voice of reason. As for this Whistling poster, seriously, why don't you post as yourself - instead of hiding behind a secondary username just to pull out the knife from a posters back (which u put there when you last signed in) and then plunge it in again. You obviously 'know' them on EW at least, to a degree.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 16:00
so you're getting your own back by having a go at her on here !! lolol
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:54
and i just want to go home.. it has been a long day.. Me too! Stressed isn't the word!
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:53
I think the OP just likes to post in a certain way for her own amusement ....
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:42
and i just want to go home.. it has been a long day..
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:39
I took it as a tongue in cheek thread as that seemed to be vibe - like many others the OP starts. Anyhoo I am having a lovely low key day - do not want to get involved in a cat fight about a trivial thread so I am out of here.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:37
I think FF was being sarcastic. We sometimes have a maid who comes but mostly do everything ourselves. She doesn't always get it right but I don't log onto a forum to start threads moaning about how stupid and incompetent these maids are - I just do whatever she didn't do myself. It really isn't a big deal. Meanwhile in the South Indian ocean... Maybe - it is not the fist time I have seen her post such comments though - hence mine. Without being sarcastic - I find it possible to dwell on more then one subject at a time - both the serious and the frivolous. Discussing one does not block out any thoughts or discussion of the other. I get that - but at the same time, I don't know what the purpose of this thread is other than to ridicule and b!tch about a part time maid, which seems nasty and unnecessary. What is the point? If you don't like it, do it yourself or get another cleaner. yet we seem to have a weekly commentary about how this maid didn't do this or didn't do that, or messed this up to the point of bragging because the OP made the last maid cry. I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well with me. I would be able to respond much more positively to someone who posted "I've had a few cr@ppy maids can anyone recommend a decent company". It really is very trivial. If my hubby can iron his own shirts wearing his boxers every morning then I think most people here can do it! Well, TDB, she is YOUR friend after all. Why don't you tell her off directly.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:31
I think FF was being sarcastic. We sometimes have a maid who comes but mostly do everything ourselves. She doesn't always get it right but I don't log onto a forum to start threads moaning about how stupid and incompetent these maids are - I just do whatever she didn't do myself. It really isn't a big deal. Meanwhile in the South Indian ocean... Maybe - it is not the fist time I have seen her post such comments though - hence mine. Without being sarcastic - I find it possible to dwell on more then one subject at a time - both the serious and the frivolous. Discussing one does not block out any thoughts or discussion of the other. I get that - but at the same time, I don't know what the purpose of this thread is other than to ridicule and b!tch about a part time maid, which seems nasty and unnecessary. What is the point? If you don't like it, do it yourself or get another cleaner. yet we seem to have a weekly commentary about how this maid didn't do this or didn't do that, or messed this up to the point of bragging because the OP made the last maid cry. I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well with me. I would be able to respond much more positively to someone who posted "I've had a few cr@ppy maids can anyone recommend a decent company". It really is very trivial. If my hubby can iron his own shirts wearing his boxers every morning then I think most people here can do it! I know what you are saying TDB.. i hate the whole judging thing.. like you said anything that doesn't get done i do it myself but i'm okay with it because most of the job is already done and she is already trying her best.. i think this thread is just here for having fun.. even though talking about someone is not really that but some people enjoy it.. the reason i wrote here, honestly, is because i didn't like the baby comment.. but other than that i would have just kept to myself..
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:31
I think FF was being sarcastic. We sometimes have a maid who comes but mostly do everything ourselves. She doesn't always get it right but I don't log onto a forum to start threads moaning about how stupid and incompetent these maids are - I just do whatever she didn't do myself. It really isn't a big deal. Meanwhile in the South Indian ocean... Maybe - it is not the fist time I have seen her post such comments though - hence mine. Without being sarcastic - I find it possible to dwell on more then one subject at a time - both the serious and the frivolous. Discussing one does not block out any thoughts or discussion of the other. I get that - but at the same time, I don't know what the purpose of this thread is other than to ridicule and b!tch about a part time maid, which seems nasty and unnecessary. What is the point? If you don't like it, do it yourself or get another cleaner. yet we seem to have a weekly commentary about how this maid didn't do this or didn't do that, or messed this up to the point of bragging because the OP made the last maid cry. I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well with me. I would be able to respond much more positively to someone who posted "I've had a few cr@ppy maids can anyone recommend a decent company". [b'> It really is very trivial. [/b'>If my hubby can iron his own shirts wearing his boxers every morning then I think most people here can do it! A lot of the threads on here are so trivial as to induce rigor mortis - why pick on this one ;)
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:21
I think FF was being sarcastic. We sometimes have a maid who comes but mostly do everything ourselves. She doesn't always get it right but I don't log onto a forum to start threads moaning about how stupid and incompetent these maids are - I just do whatever she didn't do myself. It really isn't a big deal. Meanwhile in the South Indian ocean... Maybe - it is not the fist time I have seen her post such comments though - hence mine. Without being sarcastic - I find it possible to dwell on more then one subject at a time - both the serious and the frivolous. Discussing one does not block out any thoughts or discussion of the other.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:14
Here is a very useful tip !!! If the Maid did NOT do all the ironing, it actually is possible to do it yourself ! If you don't know how, then go to youtube and type in "how to iron". There are surely many instructional videos which can be very helpful Oh and by the way this also works for "how to push my baby's stroller around the Mall", "How to mop a floor" and many more things. I hope this helped. My friend sometimes takes her maid to the mall - not to do anything but just because the maid likes to go as it breaks her routine and gets her out of the house for an hour or two. I have been with them on such occasions and the maid though not asked or expected to push the stroller will nearly break your wrist in order to do so ;) - she is determined to do it even though not required to. So you see things are not always as they seem. Try to be less judgmental and life in general will seem pleasanter. I do not have a maid but am not at all bitter or resentful of those that do. Different horses for different courses. very well said, i don't have a maid either but i understand why people hire them.. i get part time to do the usual cleaning because by the time i get home its 7 PM and i only have 1 hour to spend with my DD before i have to put her to bed.. i honestly don't know why people judge.. but i guess to each their own..
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:09
Here is a very useful tip !!! If the Maid did NOT do all the ironing, it actually is possible to do it yourself ! If you don't know how, then go to youtube and type in "how to iron". There are surely many instructional videos which can be very helpful Oh and by the way this also works for "how to push my baby's stroller around the Mall", "How to mop a floor" and many more things. I hope this helped. My friend sometimes takes her maid to the mall - not to do anything but just because the maid likes to go as it breaks her routine and gets her out of the house for an hour or two. I have been with them on such occasions and the maid though not asked or expected to push the stroller will nearly break your wrist in order to do so ;) - she is determined to do it even though not required to. So you see things are not always as they seem. Try to be less judgmental and life in general will seem pleasanter. I do not have a maid but am not at all bitter or resentful of those that do. Different horses for different courses.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 15:00
Here is a very useful tip !!! If the Maid did NOT do all the ironing, it actually is possible to do it yourself ! If you don't know how, then go to youtube and type in "how to iron". There are surely many instructional videos which can be very helpful Oh and by the way this also works for "how to push my baby's stroller around the Mall", "How to mop a floor" and many more things. I hope this helped. Not everyone has time.. especially in this country when you work 10 hours plus, then you get stuck in traffic, then you have to make dinner, and eat.. so when you hire help and pay them you expect them to do the job.. as for the baby stoller comment and others.. i think that is abit out of line.. not everyone hires maids/nannies to raise their children.. they hire them to keep the house clean so that they have time to be with their children.. i think you were out of line here..
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 14:41
why would i when i am paying someone else to do it?
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 14:33
Here is a very useful tip !!! If the Maid did NOT do all the ironing, it actually is possible to do it yourself ! If you don't know how, then go to youtube and type in "how to iron". There are surely many instructional videos which can be very helpful Oh and by the way this also works for "how to push my baby's stroller around the Mall", "How to mop a floor" and many more things. I hope this helped.
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 12:09
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 10:43
At least she didn't put away the dirty dishes!
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 10:22
well here's an update.... Yesterday she ignored the stuff hanging waiting to be ironed but instead ironed the dirty clothes in the laundry basket in front of the washing machine.... (mainly running clothes....) Surprisingly the agency has been asked to replace her. That is the best thing I've heard for ages. :) Now I can tell Mr GE why I spend the night before ours comes tidying stuff away :)
Latest post on 31 March 2014 - 10:16
well here's an update.... Yesterday she ignored the stuff hanging waiting to be ironed but instead ironed the dirty clothes in the laundry basket in front of the washing machine.... (mainly running clothes....) Surprisingly the agency has been asked to replace her.
Latest post on 25 March 2014 - 06:00
Geez it's hard to be you ladies hey - more important things to worry about than making your maids cry over their ironing skills.
Latest post on 25 March 2014 - 04:34
My dirty clothes comes back in my closet crisp and clean the following day, 2 days at most. Never heard a single complain from DH. On the down note, I just end up wearing the same favourite ones all the time as it's always there on top of the pile! Too lazy to dig in.