Lost Cat Arabian Ranches | ExpatWoman.com

Lost Cat Arabian Ranches

Latest post on 20 April 2014 - 01:26
What snowflake says! You must let her in the house, the garage is not a welcome nurturing place for her. This is all new to her and she wants to be with her family, not locked up all alone in a dark cold garage!!! You need to show her where her safe place is, a spare room, a laundry room, spare bathroom, where her litter box is and where her basket is so she can go there if she is tired/afraid or wants to be alone. Litter box and basket do not have to be in the same room. Her food should be in the kitchen if there is room. You must keep her in for at least a month. Make sure she is not near a door when you leave. Make sure the yard is safe for her and that she stays in the yard. You can have an enclosure built for her to keep her safe and other cats out. When you finally let her out, be in the garden with her so she can smell her way around and become familiar with her territory. Bring her inside with you. When she finally is allowed out on her own, make sure you do not feed her if she is going out again. Her last meal of the day is when she stays inside. She will recognize the routine eventually. She will be hungary so more likely to come in then. If she gets wet and dry food during the day, make sure her wet food is at night :) You love your cat so just make sure she is safe. If she cries at night, put her in her own room if you can. She will eventually settle down to her new life :) good luck.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 22:32
Can I ask why you have locked her in the garage? Poor thing will be disorientated enough. I assume you don't intend to leave her locked in there as you are obviously fond of her. Please let her have the run of the house with your smells and familiar furniture, etc. I know it will be tricky as you really do need to keep her inside for quite a few weeks, but for her sake, please do it. At least in the house she will have familiar things and she can get used to her surroundings with the love, attention, security and reassurance of her adoptive family. I know she may cry to go out, but she will calm down a bit after a while (I know I've been through it) plus it will help if she can be distracted by looking out through the windows. I don't know what advice to give you about the other cat.....maybe some more experienced cat experts can help you. Or you could try to contact one of the cat charities for advice. Either way, don't let her out for a while or you run the risk of losing her again or of her getting run over, etc on her journey back to her old house.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 20:24
So pleased you found your kitty! We were always advised to keep a cat in for 6 weeks when you move so that it knows where its new house is. I realise this may be difficult for a cat which is used to being outdoors, but it will also give her time to eyeball the other cat through the window and start establishing her territory.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 19:17
Oh we are so happy. Just went back to the old house this evening for the 3rd time today and there she was. Unharmed but skinny. We have locked her in our garage. What do we do as the reason she ran away is because there is a cat that keeps pacing our house and chased her and attacked her. Every time we see this other cat we chase it and scream at it but every night and day it returns. We had been locking our cat in each night but she was a stray in the first place so really is not an indoor cat. Please advise. Thankyou all for your help as we are not really cat people but we do love her.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 16:40
Does she have a micro chip? How friendly is she? What's her name and will she come if she is called by strangers? I'm just asking in case anyone sees her......if she is friendly and comes to you when she is called, then people in the area can keep a lookout and possibly stand a chance of picking her up if they see her. Try to post a link to a photo on this thread as it will help people to identify her. I'm not technical enough to be able to tell you how to do that, but I'm sure others will help you. And don't forget to contact vets, especially the one at the polo club near the Ranches, as she may have been picked up and taken there.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 16:07
Have you posted on the Bin Kitty Collective Facebook page, Rubyrose? A lot of their members live in Ranches and will keep an eye out for you too. And also such sites as Feline Friends and 38smiles, the more places the better. Good luck in your search! :)
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 14:19
Thankyou snowflake . You have given some extra ideas which I haven't thought of. I will let you know and thanks for all of your great advise.
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 14:02
I really hope she is found. I know I may be telling you things you already know, but please consider putting an advert up in le Marche ( Dhs 15 for a week I think), Spinneys (free for three days as this is a community announcement). You should also consider letting the gardeners and maids in the area know and Mirador security and it is also worth making some posters with a photo and handing them around to people in the villas in the area. You should also contact the various cat charities to see if she has been handed in (plus they will give you very good advice) and municipality (in case she has been picked up, in which case she will be euthanised after a few days I believe). Finally, you could go around on walkabouts at night when there is less noise and traffic....calling her name with a tin of food. She could be laying low somewhere, frightened and you are more likely to hear her in the evening.....although, it could be argued, you could be more likely to see her in the daytime. Good luck, I really hope you find her. Please keep us posted. By the way.....you also need to go back to the area you moved from, as she may have tried to travel back there and find her original home. <em>edited by snowflake on 19/04/2014</em>
Latest post on 19 April 2014 - 13:37
We have recently moved from Al Mahra to Mirador. After Six nights our black and white cat has gone missing. She has a pink collar on and has a tear out of one of her ears. Please let me know if you think you have seen her. 050 eight, seven, three, five, seven, eight, four. Thankyou