Teacher gifts | ExpatWoman.com

Teacher gifts

Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 13:29

I would like to buy my children's teachers end-of year gifts but I have no idea of what to get them. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money, but something nice that would be appreciated.

Any ideas? What are you buying/bought?

Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 10:04
I think that I will buy perfume and cologne this year. Last year, I gave gift vouchers and several of the teachers are the same as last year so I need to do something different...
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 09:47
for those of you who would like to make a cheap and friendly teacher appreciation gift which is like a word mosaic in different shapes... try this app http://www.tagxedo.com/ you can design it yourself, save and print... and then get it framed! viola!! all you need to pay is for a colour print (AED 2) and for a frame from IKEA (AED 12) I think it's a lovely addition and a cute memory of the kids names, class year, etc.
Latest post on 04 June 2014 - 02:48
Not a teacher but a Guide leader in the UK. I was involved with Guides during my time in Qatar and to this day I treasure a china mug covered in butterflies which was given to me by a young Guide when I was leaving to come home. I did receive a couple of lovely "official" leaving gifts but to be honest, I value the lovely handmade cards and little craft gifts more that were made by the girls and handed to me on my last night with them. 3 plus years on and I still have these little items in a box along with a fab scrapbook, also made by the girls. Simple things, in my opinion are valued far more that expensive baubles. :) <em>edited by JoyceB on 04/06/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 22:05
I'm a teacher and have loved every gift I've ever received! I appreciate the the thought that goes into the gifts and the fact that parents and children really tried to pick something I would like. I've had lots of vouchers, smellies, chocolates, mugs, frames, candles, jewellery, purses, clothes... All sorts. The highlight though are the handwritten letters from parents. They are much more of a rarity than you would think. I received one from a parent after my first year teaching here. I still take it out to read it from time to time. ? Yes, I'm that sad ?
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 20:15
As a teacher myself I would say that an end of year present is not expected and very much appreciated. The best presents I got were a small box of chocolate truffles- no guilt and too small to share with my children, a pen with my name on it- can't be stolen by kids or other teachers - or anything handmade by the kids themselves- biscuits, picture or a letter/ card. I don't like class gifts as it puts pressure on everyone to give and can make some parents/ kids feel bad- unless it is a photo or a large thank you card. edited by kemsmum on 03/06/2014 How refreshing is this!
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 18:41
As a teacher myself I would say that an end of year present is not expected and very much appreciated. The best presents I got were a small box of chocolate truffles- no guilt and too small to share with my children, a pen with my name on it- can't be stolen by kids or other teachers - or anything handmade by the kids themselves- biscuits, picture or a letter/ card. I don't like class gifts as it puts pressure on everyone to give and can make some parents/ kids feel bad- unless it is a photo or a large thank you card. <em>edited by kemsmum on 03/06/2014</em>
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 16:33
Somebody showed me this the other day. Quite sweet for a teacher I would think. https://www.facebook.com/TheGhafTreeGiftCompany?ref=ts&fref=ts
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 15:33
A photography voucher.
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 15:18
DS1's class mom is collecting cash to buy shopping mall vouchers and she has asked each child to submit an A4 paper on which the child and parent can draw and write a little appreciation note. She plans to bind the submitted papers into a booklet. In previous years I have been the class mom and I usually collect cash to buy Sensasia spa vouchers and Kinokuniya vouchers.
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 15:17
My Friend who is a teacher said the best thing she was given at the end of term was a group gift from the class (a couple of parents arranged it) a small photo album with a picture of each child (the childs fav pic of themselves) and next to it a little message from the child to the teacher. She stills pulls it out now and wonders what some of them are up to and how they are all getting on. She also loves getting things the kids have baked such as a plate of thank you cookies (she says they taste like happiness, when they are all handmade and mis-shapen :-) ) She often gets mugs, frames, pens etc. at the end of term and although she is very gratefull for them she has no need of them and so they get passed on or donated to charity. She would never say it as she would feel ungrateful and she is very humble but I know she would rather have a nice letter, a voucher, an experience ect. Teachers arn't paid much and their accomdation can be on the smallish side or shared so often the letter or voucher is much more practical for them.
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 14:47
My friend is a teacher and she posted a Facebook link about teachers gifts, saying not to gt them trinkets such as frames, mugs, etc. as imagine if every child in the class did that, where would they keep them? The best ideas, according to this teacher blog, are a gift voucher, or a letter saying how much you've appreciated them over the year. A lot of my teacher friends say this too. All gifts are of course very much appreciated but if you want to get something they will use get them gift vouchers. The personal letters are fantastic too and are always kept as a nice reminder of that child.
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 14:39
My friend is a teacher and she posted a Facebook link about teachers gifts, saying not to gt them trinkets such as frames, mugs, etc. as imagine if every child in the class did that, where would they keep them? The best ideas, according to this teacher blog, are a gift voucher, or a letter saying how much you've appreciated them over the year.
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 14:24
I would like to buy my children's teachers end-of year gifts but I have no idea of what to get them. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money, but something nice that would be appreciated. Any ideas? What are you buying/bought? Oh I wanted to post the same I wasn't sure if it is allowed in Dubai or not I was thinking of getting them a frame frm debenhams Or is it too boring? It sounds cheesy, but it’s the thought that matter. I've worked as a TA in the past and got touched by everything I received. To hear a thank you for the term is a nice gift too :-) How abt souvenirs frm home? Like Silver pharaonic bracelets? Or pharaonic statues?
Latest post on 03 June 2014 - 13:32
I would like to buy my children's teachers end-of year gifts but I have no idea of what to get them. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money, but something nice that would be appreciated. Any ideas? What are you buying/bought? Oh I wanted to post the same I wasn't sure if it is allowed in Dubai or not I was thinking of getting them a frame frm debenhams Or is it too boring?