Bedding on cot........advice needed!!,! |

Bedding on cot........advice needed!!,!

Latest post on 19 July 2014 - 19:11

Hi everyone
Can any Mum's give me some advice on what bedding they put on newborns during a Dubai summer! And what night clothes baby sleep in?
I bought a bedding set from Mothercare but everything feels very warm! Not sure if just a cotton flat sheet over baby is sufficient?

Latest post on 14 August 2014 - 21:42
Babies are different, and its safer for baby to be too cold (and wake up) than too warm. My little girl is constantly warm no matter how little I dress her in. She can only sleep swaddled, so we use a thin bamboo swaddle, and she wears a vest or a sleep suit depending on how hot she is, then i tuck a cellular blanket over the top of her, more to keep her secure than anything as she wakes her self up if she gets loose. I bought the GroEgg thinking it was going to be fab but to be honest have found it completely useless, it says that 18-20 degrees is the ideal temperature, our a/c is set to 23 as 22 or lower is absolutely freezing, but the GroEgg shows it as being 'too hot'. I think it doesn't factor in the 'wind chill' of a/c and just how much cooler it can make it. I just go with her neck temperature.
Latest post on 14 August 2014 - 12:05
I have been doing a lot of research on this recently, I've found that my bub was waking a lot at night because she was cold. I wouldn't have thought it was possible given the amount of bedding and sleeping bags etc that she was wearing. She used to be swaddled but has recently moved into a sleeping bag which is much easier for us. I got some good advice about adding cotton/bamboo layers over bub so that you can add/take away without disturbing them during the night. Rather than adding clothing to the baby. Make sense? <em>edited by Stix on 14/08/2014</em>
Latest post on 24 July 2014 - 22:39
Thanks for the advice. Will look out for the GroEgg!!
Latest post on 20 July 2014 - 21:09
Hi Lentil, Best purchase I made in reassuring me re this issue is a GroEgg. It measures room temperature and the light colour changes with the temp of the room. The ideal room temp is cooler than I thought it would be (16-20 deg). Anyway, the groegg also comes with a guide of what to wear dependent on the temp. I ordered mine from amazon uk. I read not to check baby's temp based on their hands and feet - as they usually feel cold anyway. Advice says to rather check their belly. Initially I slept my bubs in a long sleeve onesie and a thin blanket as a swaddle. But she doesn't like to be swaddled so I swapped the swaddle for a GroBag (got mine from Just Kidding). They come in different warmths so if you go down this line I'd suggest leaving the groegg on for a day to monitor the temp before you buy a sleeping bag. Also the grobag came with a small room thermometer too. Oh and I have only ever used the fitted sheet, not the top sheet. There's no way my little one would stay under sheets/blankets! Plus less chance of accidental suffocation if there's no loose sheets or blankets. Hope that helps. <em>edited by Dubai Newbie on 20/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 19 July 2014 - 21:04
We have always lived in hot climates and I dress my babies in a short sleeve onesie and a wrap. They generally need one more layer than you require. How thick the wrap or sheet is would depend on the temp of the room. Our air con runs all night in the kids room at 26 degrees. My favourite wraps are the ergo cocoons ( nice and light, made from lovely soft bamboo cotton) but there are lots of wraps about that keep their arms tucked in and stop them kicking out of a sheet. Feel the back of your bubs neck if you are worried they are too hot and check their fingers or toes if you think they are too cold.