Balancing Budget rental issues versus living in a pet friendly area |

Balancing Budget rental issues versus living in a pet friendly area

Latest post on 23 July 2014 - 12:50
Thank you ladies for sharing. I am a student at the WMA and I am writing an assignment paper on this topic and your opinions are most appreciated. I originally thought that rental pricing was affecting pet adoption and fuelling the abandonment issue. I did some research on rental pricing and there are plenty of places that will accommodate dogs to suit all budgets might not be the area one wants to live in but as you all said you make the necessary changes. It was also very interesting to hear when I called K9 friends and they said that adoption rates for apt dwellings weren't any lower either, that they home small dogs very quickly and are short of them. Very sad really
Latest post on 23 July 2014 - 09:33
My dogs were 1 and 2 when unfortunately hubby and I split up and I had to move to smaller villa, in Springs. However, after 2 years I can no longer afford this on my own and so have had to reluctantly move to an apartment. I was extremely anxious about my dogs and didnt do this lightly at all, but financially could not afford any villa. We are now in IMPZ, 12th floor, which is not ideal but dogs are allowed here and we (my son and I) just have to make a bigger effort to walk them more often (although sometimes it is a thought to go down 12 floors when previously you could just open the back door). There is a policy which lists which breeds of dogs you are allowed to have in the apartments. I am lucky that my 2 are really small dogs and they have adapted quickly. I could not have contemplated giving them away. But if I had been in an apartment before I got the dogs I would never have taken them, I do still feel a villa and garden is much better. But we all have to adapt as best we can.
Latest post on 23 July 2014 - 08:49
It's a tough one. We recently adopted our dog from K9 friends. Our rent will go up by at least 20% according to the RERA calculator. I am fortunate enough to be in position where my husband's company will absorb this hike. Had we not been in this position I would have probably not gone ahead with the adoption. Like you Lolacat I don't think its fair to have a dog in an apt unless its small. I just wonder how many pets are missing out on adoptions because of rental increases. Just not fair on the 4 legged population of Dubai if you ask me Not only those missing out on many animals are being dumped by owners who have had to move to apartments/areas which wont accommodate their pets? I would never defend anyone who dumps an animal like rubbish, but the situation here is declining rapidly that people are being pushed to find cheaper and cheaper accommodation and the options available are getting more and more limited by the day .... and the attitude towards animals here is such that they will be one of the first things to go! I have a medium sized dog, and we already live in an apartment (admittedly a pretty large one with a big balcony) but I am struggling to pay my rent as my DH has recently lost his job.......I have looked around to see what is within my budget and still afford some outside space, and I have to say have found virtually zero.
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 18:21
It's a tough one. We recently adopted our dog from K9 friends. Our rent will go up by at least 20% according to the RERA calculator. I am fortunate enough to be in position where my husband's company will absorb this hike. Had we not been in this position I would have probably not gone ahead with the adoption. Like you Lolacat I don't think its fair to have a dog in an apt unless its small. I just wonder how many pets are missing out on adoptions because of rental increases. Just not fair on the 4 legged population of Dubai if you ask me
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 18:21
It's a tough one. We recently adopted our dog from K9 friends. Our rent will go up by at least 20% according to the RERA calculator. I am fortunate enough to be in position where my husband's company will absorb this hike. Had we not been in this position I would have probably not gone ahead with the adoption. Like you Lolacat I don't think its fair to have a dog in an apt unless its small. I just wonder how many pets are missing out on adoptions because of rental increases. Just not fair on the 4 legged population of Dubai if you ask me
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 18:21
It's a tough one. We recently adopted our dog from K9 friends. Our rent will go up by at least 20% according to the RERA calculator. I am fortunate enough to be in position where my husband's company will absorb this hike. Had we not been in this position I would have probably not gone ahead with the adoption. Like you Lolacat I don't think its fair to have a dog in an apt unless its small. I just wonder how many pets are missing out on adoptions because of rental increases. Just not fair on the 4 legged population of Dubai if you ask me
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 16:15
We downsized after the last downturn and still managed to find a perfect villa, it is doable. But here is the thing if you are in debt and going into more debt due to rental costs you have to take a large dose of reality and make some hard choices. Unless your pet is small for me an apartment is not a consideration.
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 16:12
Unfortunately with five pets we couldn't even contemplate this. Also by the time we would have looked into paying more agency and moving fees it worked out better/easier to pay the rental increase. Also we wouldn't compromise the life our pets have out here <em>edited by Geordie expat on 22/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 July 2014 - 16:09
I would love to hear your opinion / take on this dilemma As rental prices are going up and likely to further increase over the next 6 to 12 months is it fair to say that downsizing is happening a lot in Dubai right now? And if you are pet owner downsizing from a villa to an apt / or even moving from one apt to another pauses a major challenge in balancing the dogs welfare (quite a few areas with pet ownership restrictions in Dubai) and budget issues. Is anyone facing this problem? and if you did what did you do about it?