Shoplifter |


Latest post on 26 July 2014 - 18:47

Today I was at VS in MOE shopping with a friend and I saw a woman with 2 C4 bags getting some bikinis in the bag and walk out of the store with them. There was no security around and I didn't want to get involved in a time consuming case, but I got pretty disturbed by the incident.

She looked as if she's been doing that for a while now, but the same way I saw her, any of the girls in the store could have seen her too.

Should I have reported her?

Latest post on 29 July 2014 - 11:20
i think we have drifted from the main topic into side ones. The best way to deal with this (i think) is to have informed one of the managers/superivisors on the floor about the incident. They will then follow the customer outside the store and check the bag with the unpaid product. If she is a shoplifter, this will be dealt with by the management of the VS and the store/mall should take necessary actions with the police. This way we don't get involved in anything and we move on with our shopping. I don't think giving a blind eye is the right move.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 12:20
pmd, you're changing the subject and taking the onus away from what is a criminal offense! To say you wish something bad on someone because of whom they support - makes you no better IMHO and it's opinions like that, which fuel the hatred and keep it going. IF you're really serious about it, then go on - chuck out EVERYTHING made by, supporting etc and you would have nothing left. Can't do it though hey. To be honest I'm sick to the back teeth of people doing this, on newspaper articles etc keep these comments where they belong - on relevant posts. Why it has to be black or white? Unfortunately my computer has Intel components but it's very hard to find computers without such components. On the other hand, I can live without VS underwear. I think everyone can do something from their side. FYI. I never said I wished something bad on someone because of whom they support. I just said that seeing someone stealing from them did not make me feel as bad as if I'd seen someone stealing from an 'ethical' brand.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:46
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want. If the guy that owns the company supports the zionist cause, then I don't think I care that much: What is your point?
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:43
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want. I agree but I saw a fellow patient reduced to tears by the police because she had said something out loud about the visitors of another patient, having witnessed this first hand then you think twice before getting involved.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:35
I think boycotting can work; can't see allowing shoplifters to get away with it having the same effect though! With regard to simply boycotting, Fairy Dust, you're exaggerating rather - why should people not use their purchasing power to support their ethical beliefs? of course it doesn't mean you have to throw things out; what difference does that make to the company in question - it can mean you make a decision at the point of purchase, however. There are some products I prefer not to buy - if I have a choice, I don't. I don't, personally, go to the extreme of saying that in no situation ever will such a product darken my doorstep, I just allow my beliefs to influence my spending. Anyway, the company which will suffer here won't be VS, it will be the local franchisee - who almost certainly isn't a Zionist! If you want VS to 'suffer', you need the product not to have been bought from them in the first place... here, they are no longer in the picture, they've already made the sale.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:24
pmd, you're changing the subject and taking the onus away from what is a criminal offense! To say you wish something bad on someone because of whom they support - makes you no better IMHO and it's opinions like that, which fuel the hatred and keep it going. IF you're really serious about it, then go on - chuck out EVERYTHING made by, supporting etc and you would have nothing left. Can't do it though hey. To be honest I'm sick to the back teeth of people doing this, on newspaper articles etc keep these comments where they belong - on relevant posts.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:19
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want. If the guy that owns the company supports the zionist cause, then I don't think I care that much: Urgh really?! How about you keep politics out of it. Well you might as well throw every electronic device you have away then because so do IBM and Intel and I bet my bottom dollar you're using a computer with parts from those companies!!!! edited by FairyDust on 27/07/2014 In my opinion keeping politics out of it is worst than turning a blind eye.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 11:16
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want. If the guy that owns the company supports the zionist cause, then I don't think I care that much: Urgh really?! How about you keep politics out of it. Well you might as well throw every electronic device you have away then because so do IBM and Intel and I bet my bottom dollar you're using a computer with parts from those companies!!!! <em>edited by FairyDust on 27/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 10:59
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want. If the guy that owns the company supports the zionist cause, then I don't think I care that much:
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 10:49
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware! Trouble with that is, if everyone turns a blind eye, then what does it do to society? People just end up doing what they want.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 10:46
The problem with reporting anything here is that you immediatly become involved. Having recently seen a situation escalate while I was in hospital, police and hospitals authorities involved as someone alleged their mother had been treated disrespectfully, I would be very frightened to say a word against anyone these days and I am an incredibly law abiding person. Beware!
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 10:14
Hi I don't know if I could say you "should" have reported it. But I would have done. Shoplifting like this pushes the prices up for all of us. I don't know about you but I really resent paying considerably more for brands here than I did in my own country. If putting a stop - or at least reducing theft will bring prices down I am all for it. I agree. I also would have reported it. Who knows how many other stores this lady and others like her are ripping off.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 09:39
Hi I don't know if I could say you "should" have reported it. But I would have done. Shoplifting like this pushes the prices up for all of us. I don't know about you but I really resent paying considerably more for brands here than I did in my own country. If putting a stop - or at least reducing theft will bring prices down I am all for it.
Latest post on 27 July 2014 - 09:34
I actually know someone who works for VS there - will send them the link to this thread and they can deal with it.
Latest post on 26 July 2014 - 22:37
I was shocked by the woman's impunity while taking the items and also for the fact that someone would risk going to jail, get deported for a bikini. I'm pretty sure this items are sold afterwards.
Latest post on 26 July 2014 - 19:32
i am surprised that anyone wants to steel from VS -thoroughly underwhelmed by their knickers.
Latest post on 26 July 2014 - 19:27
It is quite surprising that everything at Victoria Secrets isn't security tagged. I wouldn't have done or said anything either, sadly I have heard this type of behaviour is all too common here, I am sure it is one reason prices are so inflated.