Creepy Guy |

Creepy Guy

Latest post on 31 July 2014 - 18:14
I don't open the door to anyone I don't know if I am alone, if it's a delivery I pick it up in the reception myself. Of course this might be more difficult if you leave in a villa :/
Latest post on 31 July 2014 - 10:13
Did he expect you to reply "Yes, please" ?? The stupidity of some people is beyond me! Anyways, don't let it go. If you are not comfortable reporting it to the police, call Al Ameen @ 800 4888 They will deal with it discreetly and efficiently LOL "Thank the stars you asked…I was too shy to invite you ;)" Take the text to the police. All numbers are registered to an EmiratesID. It is for your child's safety too that you get this sorted. I had a taxi driver (in London) do this to me when I was younger and I let it go the first time, the second, by the third time I ended up in his taxi I was so uncomfortable I jumped out at a service station and reported him immediately. I wish I had done it earlier as there could have been others who had unnecessarily faced the same discomfort. I know he wanted to marry me and for me to come and live with him and his mother(ew) but nothing allows another person to put you in this position. They have laws here to protect against it for a reason, this country is made up of people from walks of life you may never have encountered going up in a different country where you could not report such a text.
Latest post on 31 July 2014 - 09:56
Did he expect you to reply "Yes, please" ?? The stupidity of some people is beyond me! Anyways, don't let it go. If you are not comfortable reporting it to the police, call Al Ameen @ 800 4888 They will deal with it discreetly and efficiently
Latest post on 31 July 2014 - 09:54
Also report it to the Al-Ameen service......I have heard they are quite good.
Latest post on 31 July 2014 - 02:38
As your DH is away, do you have a trusted male friend who could call this idiot's number and warn him off, saying that if he calls again, his number will be given to the police? Why not just give it to the police straight away, i don't think you should risk it. If not for your self then for your baby and the next potential woman he delivers too (if it was the delivery guy) I meant that the male friend calls the number not the OP. Hopefully the chancer would be put off calling again but I agree with protecting a potential second woman receiving such a call. It would also be worth calling the company to report him if the OP is convinced that it was him.
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 22:38
A courier delivery man once tried his chance with my maid and he was sacked the next morning after he confessed to the security head. My suggestion would be to contact the courier company and tell them the story. Perhaps they are aware of his other phone number? What I also had against this chap was that every floor is fitted with a security camera and I threatened to report to the police if the company did not take action. If this is the same courier company (don't want to reveal name here), I can assure you they WILL act IMMEDIATELY. I had several returned calls from the security head. Don't let it pass. Do report.
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 22:37
Call the delivery company which he represents and how he happened to cross paths with you. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Relate this incident to them, and give his company mobile number that he uses for official work as well as the number that he used to text you with. Ask them to verify by calling this personal number or maybe they already have this as a personal contact number for him. If this number belongs to him they can suspend/take action, if its not his (doubtful) then he has nothing to worry about. If it was him and he finds out through his employer that you complained, it will stop him from doing this or worse to another woman. In the future, right or wrong, dont use swear words in a text message to strangers, that can be used in a police station against you and the number verified as yours, or else he wont be alone in that jail, you'll be there next to him (yikes!). edited by Redrec Tangle on 30/07/2014 <em>edited by Redrec Tangle on 30/07/2014</em>
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 21:29
As your DH is away, do you have a trusted male friend who could call this idiot's number and warn him off, saying that if he calls again, his number will be given to the police? Why not just give it to the police straight away, i don't think you should risk it. If not for your self then for your baby and the next potential woman he delivers too (if it was the delivery guy)
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 21:21
As your DH is away, do you have a trusted male friend who could call this idiot's number and warn him off, saying that if he calls again, his number will be given to the police?
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 30 July 2014 - 21:08
Today I had a package delivered at home, and the delivery man (I am pretty certain it was him) sent me a message (5 mins after he left my place) saying "if you don't mind I would like to come to your room"! Needless to say I was so completely disturbed! I sent a reply back saying "Who the **** is this. Do you want to go to jail!" The number he messaged me from was different from his company mobile -- which he used to call me, to verify the delivery and address etc.. I have no way of knowing if it was for sure, this delivery man, but I was creeped out by him the min I opened the door to receive the package. My gut tells me it was this guy. Is there anywhere where I can report his number? Or should i just let it pass? My two yr old and I are often alone in the apt coz DH travels for work. I am furious, creeped out and kinda afraid!