PLS Mums Best OBGYN at City Hospital??? Feedback from Anne Philip, Dr., or Azizunnisa Shaikh, Dr. or Ibrahim Abd Elrahman, Dr. |

PLS Mums Best OBGYN at City Hospital??? Feedback from Anne Philip, Dr., or Azizunnisa Shaikh, Dr. or Ibrahim Abd Elrahman, Dr.

Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 12:51

Hi all,

I am new in Dubai and just found out that I am pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and little scare as we don't know anyone that can help us with Hospitals or OBGYN. I heard City Hospital and Medcare Hospital are ok, but unfortunately the best OBGYN at City Hospital : Elsa de Menezes Fernandes, Dr. is not available until January 2015 so she is not an option for, no clue to which OBGYn go to???!!!! I really prefer one pro natural birth. Also heard about Dr Shada Ghati at Medcare Hospital any feedback from her???????
Many thanks in advanced to all of you and hope to hear good things soon.

Latest post on 01 October 2014 - 14:37
Many thanks for your feedbacks! I am actually seeing now Dr Ibrahim Elrahman, not a clear opinion at the moment he didn't seem to involve but lets give a second chance! I like another Dr but she's at Medcare Hospital and I didn't get positive feedbacks from this Hospital... anyone knows Medcate Hospital?
Latest post on 01 October 2014 - 12:23
DON`T EVEN WAIST YOUR TIME AND MONEY SEEING DR. ANNE PHILIP I had recently an appointment with Dr. Anne Philip. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and we came back to Dubai last August.- Since we arrive I had check ups with other Drs, one thing is trying to find out what works better with my insurance coverage and an important thing for me is that my Dr. will be there on the due date. Dr. Anne, asked me why I’d seen other Drs, so I explain to her my wishes, so she just said to me I was doing shopping Dr, and that was so bad from her point of view, then she told me that they have their own life and families (that of course I know and I understand that if something really important happened to them they might not be there, but on the other hand I’m not wishing a relax and uncompromised Dr. that for them is the same to be on such an important day for a pregnant woman). Then she gave me all sort of information on her personal life, saying that she just came back from the Uk, that she has to leave her family and her kids, and that she has the right to go back every two months to see them. Then she said that in the Uk Drs don’t attend to natural birth, that the midwives or junior Drs will do this kind of job, because is so simple and a Senior Dr is for important things! By that time, I just was in tears, but she decide she won’t stop and asked me if I was up set and feeling bad because she was just telling me all the true (I guess her true....). I couldn’t say a word... I guess she doesn’t realize yet she is working in an international place -as she also mentioned she has been in Dubai for only two years- and if in her home town things are done in one or other way, she must leave that behind and get up to the circumstances of her actual job and environment, otherwise she can say she will only see patients coming in from the UK. I can’t judge her and say she is a bad Dr. because I really don’t know her in the area, but I certainly can say she is not very professional, dealing with pregnant women is such a an important job not only on the medic side, on the human side as well, and both are equally important.- Because for a pregnant woman is not about you, is about your baby and you want them to be more than safe! This Dr didn’t have any respect for me, my situation and I had to listen to her all personal story while I’m paying her for that, I was so shocked that I had to sat for a while until I recovered to continue my way back home in full tears. I did not like her either... lazy and not bothered about your issues, while she will spend the first 10mins telling you about her life, the UK, how she came to work here and left her family back in the UK etc etc.. I don't know what she was trying, but for the first time in my life here I felt as if the doctor was expecting something from me for her hard life. Doctors like this should be shamed and kicked out of the country! AVOID
Latest post on 01 October 2014 - 11:37
DON`T EVEN WAIST YOUR TIME AND MONEY SEEING DR. ANNE PHILIP I had recently an appointment with Dr. Anne Philip. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and we came back to Dubai last August.- Since we arrive I had check ups with other Drs, one thing is trying to find out what works better with my insurance coverage and an important thing for me is that my Dr. will be there on the due date. Dr. Anne, asked me why I’d seen other Drs, so I explain to her my wishes, so she just said to me I was doing shopping Dr, and that was so bad from her point of view, then she told me that they have their own life and families (that of course I know and I understand that if something really important happened to them they might not be there, but on the other hand I’m not wishing a relax and uncompromised Dr. that for them is the same to be on such an important day for a pregnant woman). Then she gave me all sort of information on her personal life, saying that she just came back from the Uk, that she has to leave her family and her kids, and that she has the right to go back every two months to see them. Then she said that in the Uk Drs don’t attend to natural birth, that the midwives or junior Drs will do this kind of job, because is so simple and a Senior Dr is for important things! By that time, I just was in tears, but she decide she won’t stop and asked me if I was up set and feeling bad because she was just telling me all the true (I guess her true....). I couldn’t say a word... I guess she doesn’t realize yet she is working in an international place -as she also mentioned she has been in Dubai for only two years- and if in her home town things are done in one or other way, she must leave that behind and get up to the circumstances of her actual job and environment, otherwise she can say she will only see patients coming in from the UK. I can’t judge her and say she is a bad Dr. because I really don’t know her in the area, but I certainly can say she is not very professional, dealing with pregnant women is such a an important job not only on the medic side, on the human side as well, and both are equally important.- Because for a pregnant woman is not about you, is about your baby and you want them to be more than safe! This Dr didn’t have any respect for me, my situation and I had to listen to her all personal story while I’m paying her for that, I was so shocked that I had to sat for a while until I recovered to continue my way back home in full tears.
Latest post on 01 October 2014 - 11:30
Hi, Many thanks for your replies. I really care first of all Drs pro natural birth, and with some feedback as well, I know that all cases are singular but usually if it's a good doctor most of the feedback will be positive! Regarding availability up to now my choices are Anne Philip, Dr., or Azizunnisa Shaikh, Dr. or Ibrahim Abd Elrahman, Dr. as Dr Elene Menenzes is not available. I don't mind to have a male or female doctor but one that cares about you, your preganancy and listen to your wishes such as pro natural birth, as I heard a lot that in private hospital are pro C section as they get more money and that scares me a lot!
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 10:56
Hi thanks a lot! I actually got an appointment with Dr Ibrahim so lets see how things go.. Right now I am assisting to Dr Shada Ghatti at Medcare she seems ok , but it seems that City Hospital has more and better opinions than Medcare Hospital...
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 10:46
My personal experience from Dr Anne Philip was not that good, so personally I will not recommend her. When I arrived to Dubai last year I was already 5 months pregnant and eager to find a doctor asap. Dr Philip was one of the few that had availability at City Hospital and thats how i ended up with her. Having a history with problems getting and staying pregnant I really needed a doctor that I can trust, but i never felt that with dr Philip. She never seems interested or giving me her full attention during the appointments and never really listened to me - whatever she spoke seemed like some generic cliches. Since my first appointments she stared pressuring me that i should have an induction a month before my due date just to make sure that nothing will happen to the baby. I really was not ok with this idea but she kept pressuring me. I was due on 1st of january and on 20 something of december she told me that she is going on a holiday to the UK so I will have a new doctor for the last 10 days of my pregnancy. I really did not think this was professional from her to know that she will not be here and not letting me know earlier. I was switched to to Dr Purnima Deb and it all turned out to be for the best at the end. I was very pleased with her attitude and the attention i received, very happy with her during the delivering of my baby and i keep her as my doctor now post pregnancy. This is my personal experience, I guess other people have different, but just thought to share it if it might help you with the choice of a doctor. Good luck!
Latest post on 26 August 2014 - 10:09
Hi, Many thanks for your replies. I really care first of all Drs pro natural birth, and with some feedback as well, I know that all cases are singular but usually if it's a good doctor most of the feedback will be positive! Regarding availability up to now my choices are Anne Philip, Dr., or Azizunnisa Shaikh, Dr. or Ibrahim Abd Elrahman, Dr. as Dr Elene Menenzes is not available. I don't mind to have a male or female doctor but one that cares about you, your preganancy and listen to your wishes such as pro natural birth, as I heard a lot that in private hospital are pro C section as they get more money and that scares me a lot!
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 18:08
I really like Dr Britt. Really one of the only docs I've felt comfortable with no matter where. I'm glad she decided to give dubai a go.
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 18:05
I'm seeing Dr Britt at City and like her very much. Yesterday I also saw Dr Anne and felt very comfortable with her as well. What's important to you? For me, it had to be a UK trained/experienced Consultant who was pro-natural. Dr George at Genesis is also excellent and delivers at City, although he has his own clinic. Some prefer not to see a man though - again, down to your personal preferences. Like Cherpie said, some of these Dr's are extremely sought after, so it might be worth first finding out exactly who your options are and making a short list from there.
Latest post on 25 August 2014 - 17:58
Which Drs at city have availability? Only those you mentioned above? I can recommend two but don't know if that's allowed, plus kind of moot if they're booked out too.