e-gate usage and children | ExpatWoman.com

e-gate usage and children

Latest post on 20 September 2014 - 11:58

Hi, Can anyone advise? My husband and I both have e-gate cards for convenience (and to save pages in DH's passport) but I rarely use mine because whenever I do travel, it's with my son who is now 8. i did hear - perhaps on here - that people do use their e-gate card but their child gets the stamp in the passport - if they are travelling with a parent using the e-gate. But how does this work in practice, as there is never any staff around, and have never seen any children int he e-gate area and there isn't a desk that I could see. We tend to use a variety of terminals, so not just T3.
Any info gratefully received!

Latest post on 20 September 2014 - 20:52
register for the epassport thats available for everyone over 5 years and its free, when they first brought out the egate way back when yes its for over 18s and if you had kids they would normally put them to the counter right next door, but nowadays each time i have gone thru there has been no one there, and so have had to queue up in line if have the kids with me, one of the kids goes thru on the epassport while i have to wait in massive q with the other one! i know in dxb they did refuse to allow kids to be stamped at the egate lines in the past.
Latest post on 20 September 2014 - 13:08
I've always taken my two children with me to the e-gates...there is a desk there and if noone is at the desk, someone will come when they see customers there (in case of problems with the e-gates or children to allow through). You go through the egate and the child goes to the desk to get a stamp. I've always found them very helpful.