Now that the site is global, can the forum be fixed? |

Now that the site is global, can the forum be fixed?

Latest post on 21 October 2014 - 23:09

This has been mentioned more than once in the past, but the way the login system works on the forum is very poorly implemented. Now that the site is global, how about bringing it into line with global forum protocol?

To reiterate the problem: you're browsing the forum and decide you want to make a post, but you're not logged in. You have to come right out of the forum, log in, and then find your own way back to wherever you were. Not exactly user-friendly!

The global forum protocol for this situation is that you click the reply/new thread button, the site tells you that you need to log in and takes you to the login page, and then [b]it automatically takes you back to exactly where you were.[/b]

Seriously, pretty much every forum in the world works like that. It's the standard, accepted way of doing it, and it's obviously far more user-friendly and professional. I've genuinely never encountered another forum that works in the irritatingly user-hostile way the EW one does.

If there was ever an ideal time to fix it, it's now...
<em>edited by Madge_Gustard on 21/10/2014</em>

Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 12:00
Dear All, We've taken all your feedback on board- we've let you know what we're working on and the time scale. We'll keep you informed as and when changes are implemented and thank you for your patience in the mean time... we're closing the thread now so we can get on with the work. Warm regards, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 11:58
I notice the PM comments keep getting conveniently ignored. Seriously it's about time this was considered. Dear Fairy Dust, It's not being ignored- we've already said it's not going to be done. Warm regards, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 11:52
I notice the PM comments keep getting conveniently ignored. Seriously it's about time this was considered.
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:43
Other than a smiley face I have no clue how to add in the other men! We'll make it easier :)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:30
Other than a smiley face I have no clue how to add in the other men!
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:22
I agree with every point raised; the forum should be more user friendly and the suggestions aren't reasonable. But I'm sure if any of you can offer the coding, programming or time needed and give it to EW, you'd get what you want a lot faster!! Clearly as EW Admin have pointed out, they're working on things. Plus, EW Admin mentioned avatars? They'd be cool!! I think there are some here who CAN do all that but are maybe doing it elsewhere !! lol eta yes, avatars would be cool !! edited by Doubting Thomas on 22/10/2014 Ha, I see your point!
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:21
I agree with every point raised; the forum should be more user friendly and the suggestions aren't reasonable. But I'm sure if any of you can offer the coding, programming or time needed and give it to EW, you'd get what you want a lot faster!! Clearly as EW Admin have pointed out, they're working on things. Plus, EW Admin mentioned avatars? They'd be cool!! I think there are some here who CAN do all that but are maybe doing it elsewhere !! lol eta yes, avatars would be cool !! <em>edited by Doubting Thomas on 22/10/2014</em>
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:19
I agree with every point raised; the forum should be more user friendly and the suggestions aren't reasonable. But I'm sure if any of you can offer the solution needed and give it to EW, you'd get what you want a lot faster!! Clearly as EW Admin have pointed out, they're working on things. Plus, EW Admin mentioned avatars? They'd be cool!! <em>edited by roberts on 22/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:17
That's why we are trying to implement it- this is not an off- the- shelf forum- it's been customised, bolted on and programmed over the years and making changes is not as easy as selecting an option... the programming team are working on everything we've mentioned. EW Admin Do you think it's time to move to an "off the shelf" solution then? It's not just the odd random anarchist talking to you here. As you can see many many readers are not happy with the way this forum works. We are drawn to EW as it brings like-minded women together... but really there's only so long that you (EW) can go on ignoring what people want before they find another outlet that better serves their needs. Dear Wednesday Genius, We aren't ignoring as you can see from the replies- everything is already being worked on- it just can't happen over night and you'll see the changes come in to effect over the next couple of months. Thanks again, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:15
I frequent tens of forums online and literally all them apart, from expatwoman, have the first post at the top, so I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Dear Poshbird, [b'>We have asked before over the last 13 years [/b'>and the response was 50/ 50 how people wanted it- anyway it's a moot point as we are looking to have it user selected. There are other forums that have it most recent on first- the theory is people don't want to click to the end page to see the latest reply. EW Admin I've never been asked, in 5 years... <em>edited by Doubting Thomas on 22/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:14
Good to hear that the awfully clunky login procedure is going to be improved. Presumably whoever coded up the current system, and whoever signed off on it, never actually looked at how any other (every other) forum handles login. edited by Madge_Gustard on 22/10/2014 Dear Madge_Gustard, Without getting too technical it was to do with the site architecture which has been built up over the last 13 years.... it's fully customised and everything programmed internally- there have been some restrictions and times change and we've had to find ways round it. We've finally found a solution to the log in and it's being implemented. This isn't just one simple website that can be replicated and upgraded to new, modern technology- it's 12 websites with 15,000 content pages, plus a forum ... we have to be really careful with any changes we make and what the effects will be. It's great that you're all so passionate about the way the site works- as are we- and rest assured we are working on it all! Warm regards, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:09
I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Indeed - when were we ever canvassed for our opinion? ;) In any event, a simple option to allow the user to choose their own thread ordering preference would address the problem to everybody's satisfaction. I have to raise a sceptical eyebrow at the reason given for not introducing PMs, though. I'm a member of numerous forums, all of them allow PMs, and none of them suffer from any of the problems the admins here think PMs apparently cause. Reading between the lines, there are almost certainly other, more political (with a small "p") reasons why they won't introduce PMs, but hey, it's their forum - although like any forum, it's nothing without its users. Hi Madge Gustard, There have been threads in the past about reversing the thread direction and the outcome was always some were happy with it, some were not- we could just implement the change of order quite quickly to the opposite to what we have now- but didn't want to upset anyone- so the solution is user selected direction- which is being worked on and will take a wee bit longer to implement... but it will be done and we'll let you know when it's ready. Warm regards EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:04
I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Indeed - when were we ever canvassed for our opinion? ;) In any event, a simple option to allow the user to choose their own thread ordering preference would address the problem to everybody's satisfaction. I have to raise a sceptical eyebrow at the reason given for not introducing PMs, though. I'm a member of numerous forums, all of them allow PMs, and none of them suffer from any of the problems the admins here think PMs apparently cause. Reading between the lines, there are almost certainly other, more political (with a small "p") reasons why they won't introduce PMs, but hey, it's their forum - although like any forum, it's nothing without its users. Good to hear that the awfully clunky login procedure is going to be improved. Presumably whoever coded up the current system, and whoever signed off on it, never actually looked at how any other (every other) forum handles login. Some things are global standards because they're the best way of working :) <em>edited by Madge_Gustard on 22/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 10:01
I frequent tens of forums online and literally all them apart, from expatwoman, have the first post at the top, so I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Dear Poshbird, We have asked before over the last 13 years and the response was 50/ 50 how people wanted it- anyway it's a moot point as we are looking to have it user selected. There are other forums that have it most recent on first- the theory is people don't want to click to the end page to see the latest reply. EW Admin Every other forum offers the choice That's why we are trying to implement it- this is not an off- the- shelf forum- it's been customised, bolted on and programmed over the years and making changes is not as easy as selecting an option... the programming team are working on everything we've mentioned. EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:58
I frequent tens of forums online and literally all them apart, from expatwoman, have the first post at the top, so I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Dear Poshbird, We have asked before over the last 13 years and the response was 50/ 50 how people wanted it- anyway it's a moot point as we are looking to have it user selected. There are other forums that have it most recent on first- the theory is people don't want to click to the end page to see the latest reply. EW Admin Every other forum offers the choice
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:57
I frequent tens of forums online and literally all them apart, from expatwoman, have the first post at the top, so I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50" Dear Poshbird, We have asked before over the last 13 years and the response was 50/ 50 how people wanted it- anyway it's a moot point as we are looking to have it user selected. There are other forums that have it most recent on first- the theory is people don't want to click to the end page to see the latest reply. EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:41
I frequent tens of forums online and literally all them apart, from expatwoman, have the first post at the top, so I'm genuinely amused to hear the mods say that the opinion on which way the thread is laid out is "50 / 50"
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:20
I don't know if I am just being thick (probably!) but when you click the button at the button 'Watch replies to this thread', how do you get notified of the replies and where is this? I click this a lot but don't get notified of when the thread gets a reply?! I have to keep refreshing the menu page to check this... Sorry if this is so obvious - I am blonde ;) You have to click the "threads I am following" and they will be displayed (if they haven't been deleted, which happens to most of the ones I follow !! lol) Ahhhh what a genius you are Doubting Thomas haha! Would never have known that! In that case, that button is in a very silly place, it should be at the front where all of the topics are listed! Or... is it?! :)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:13
I don't know if I am just being thick (probably!) but when you click the button at the button 'Watch replies to this thread', how do you get notified of the replies and where is this? I click this a lot but don't get notified of when the thread gets a reply?! I have to keep refreshing the menu page to check this... Sorry if this is so obvious - I am blonde ;) No, I've also always wondered about this - and I'm not blonde ;-)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:12
I don't know if I am just being thick (probably!) but when you click the button at the button 'Watch replies to this thread', how do you get notified of the replies and where is this? I click this a lot but don't get notified of when the thread gets a reply?! I have to keep refreshing the menu page to check this... Sorry if this is so obvious - I am blonde ;) You have to click the "threads I am following" and they will be displayed (if they haven't been deleted, which happens to most of the ones I follow !! lol)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 09:05
I don't know if I am just being thick (probably!) but when you click the button at the button 'Watch replies to this thread', how do you get notified of the replies and where is this? I click this a lot but don't get notified of when the thread gets a reply?! I have to keep refreshing the menu page to check this... Sorry if this is so obvious - I am blonde ;)
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 08:38
Mods please can we also have: strikethrough text a couple more smileys a 'recent threads' tab on the home page so you don't need to go through different pages to get there TIA! Hi Tattie Bogle, We'll add the strikethrough if it's an option we can build in. There's loads more smilies to come. Recent Threads... at the bottom of every content page there's a box with recent pages added and recent threads... we could see about adding that to the home page- is that what you mean? We've added a menu link to the forums on the very first global home page to make access easier as well. We could look at the option of having a feed on there too- that would take some time but leave it with us. Thanks for your support and feedback, Warm regards, EW Admin <em>edited by admin on 22/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 08:32
HI Again, We are looking at the thread ordering option too- it's 50/50 which way people prefer them to be ordered so we're looking into the option that the user can select it. We'll keep you updated with changes as they happen. Warm regards, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 08:14
I think the 'dangers' over PM's are grossly exaggerated. I've met most of my very close friends here organised through meet ups in forums. Plus, the spamming, etc only happens if it's not policed properly. Hundreds of other forums manage alright. I totally agree, like on other forums, network sites - you can choose to ignore them message if you want to!
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 08:10
Other forums offer you the option of ordering the threads the other way.
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 07:30
Any chance of changing the way threads work, so that the first post appears on top, then subsequent posts under it? Seems really silly to have to scroll all the way down to find the original post. It's all backwards. I think the 'dangers' over PM's are grossly exaggerated. I've met most of my very close friends here organised through meet ups in forums. Plus, the spamming, etc only happens if it's not policed properly. Hundreds of other forums manage alright.
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 07:14
Hi there, Thanks again for the feedback... We are indeed working on upgrades to the forum as next priority. Specifically avatars, smilies, simplified login and some other things. As mentioned before we won't be installing PM... It leads to all sorts of problems spam, abuse, people posting PMs in public, creepy messages etc. We'll let you know as we launch new elements and thank you your patience whilst this is worked on. Warm regards, EW Admin
Latest post on 22 October 2014 - 05:38
Mods please can we also have: strikethrough text a couple more smileys a 'recent threads' tab on the home page so you don't need to go through different pages to get there TIA!
Latest post on 21 October 2014 - 23:35
This has been mentioned more than once in the past, but the way the login system works on the forum is very poorly implemented. Now that the site is global, how about bringing it into line with global forum protocol? To reiterate the problem: you're browsing the forum and decide you want to make a post, but you're not logged in. You have to come right out of the forum, log in, and then find your own way back to wherever you were. Not exactly user-friendly! The global forum protocol for this situation is that you click the reply/new thread button, the site tells you that you need to log in and takes you to the login page, and then [b'>it automatically takes you back to exactly where you were.[/b'> Seriously, pretty much every forum in the world works like that. It's the standard, accepted way of doing it, and it's obviously far more user-friendly and professional. I've genuinely never encountered another forum that works in the irritatingly user-hostile way the EW one does. If there was ever an ideal time to fix it, it's now... edited by Madge_Gustard on 21/10/2014 This forum is unique and does not conform to any standard Bulletin Board format - probably why they can't facilitate private messaging either...
Latest post on 21 October 2014 - 23:35
This has been mentioned more than once in the past, but the way the login system works on the forum is very poorly implemented. Now that the site is global, how about bringing it into line with global forum protocol? To reiterate the problem: you're browsing the forum and decide you want to make a post, but you're not logged in. You have to come right out of the forum, log in, and then find your own way back to wherever you were. Not exactly user-friendly! The global forum protocol for this situation is that you click the reply/new thread button, the site tells you that you need to log in and takes you to the login page, and then [b'>it automatically takes you back to exactly where you were.[/b'> Seriously, pretty much every forum in the world works like that. It's the standard, accepted way of doing it, and it's obviously far more user-friendly and professional. I've genuinely never encountered another forum that works in the irritatingly user-hostile way the EW one does. If there was ever an ideal time to fix it, it's now... edited by Madge_Gustard on 21/10/2014 This forum is unique and does not conform to any standard Bulletin Board format - probably why they can't facilitate private messaging either...