Will the eurozone collapse? | ExpatWoman.com

Will the eurozone collapse?

Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 08:12

From the Economist: http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21627620-deflation-euro-zone-all-t...

THE world economy is not in good shape. The news from America and Britain has been reasonably positive, but Japan’s economy is struggling and China’s growth is now slower than at any time since 2009. Unpredictable dangers abound, particularly from the Ebola epidemic, which has killed thousands in West Africa and jangled nerves far beyond. But the biggest economic threat, by far, comes from continental Europe.

Now that German growth has stumbled, the euro area is on the verge of tipping into its third recession in six years. Its leaders have squandered two years of respite, granted by the pledge of Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank’s president, to do “whatever it takes” to save the single currency. The French and the Italians have dodged structural reforms, while the Germans have insisted on too much austerity. Prices are falling in eight European countries. The zone’s overall inflation rate has slipped to 0.3% and may well go into outright decline next year. A region that makes up almost a fifth of world output is marching towards stagnation and deflation.

IOptimists, both inside and outside Europe, often cite the example of Japan. It fell into deflation in the late-1990s, with unpleasant but not apocalyptic consequences for both itself and the world economy. But the euro zone poses far greater risks. Unlike Japan, the euro zone is not an isolated case: from China to America inflation is worryingly low, and slipping.

And, unlike Japan, which has a homogenous, stoic society, the euro area cannot hang together through years of economic sclerosis and falling prices. As debt burdens soar from Italy to Greece, investors will take fright, populist politicians will gain ground, and—sooner rather than later—the euro will collapse.

Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 23:41
[i'>Seems lot of think germans are like a 'cash cow' ....usually germany is paying biggest amount to support other countries.[/i'> Really? I think not. Germany has been a massive beneficiary of the Euro. Why? Because diluting the Deutschmark with the currencies of less impressive economies has galvanised German exports: [i'>Competitiveness gains mean Germany now has a currency that’s about 20 percent weaker than would have been the case if the deutsche mark still existed, said Sheets. He calculates the lower currency lifts Germany’s nominal trade surplus by about 4 percent of gross domestic product, or 100 billion euros. The currency benefit could rise closer to 30 percent due to safe- haven flows, he said. [/i'> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-17/merkel-export-machine-s-gains-exceed-bailout-costs.html In the meantime, having their currency linked to the Industrial strength of the Rhine has decimated the PIIGS. Relinquishing national sovereignty to unelected Euro bureaucrats? The Euro is a fiscal, political, economic catastrophe. The sooner it implodes, the better.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 22:17
[i'>[/i'>Behind all this sits a problem of political will. Mrs Merkel and the Germans seem prepared to take action only when the single currency is on the verge of catastrophe. [i'>[i'>[/i'>[/i'> Seems lot of think germans are like a 'cash cow' ....usually germany is paying biggest amount to support other countries...compared to other countries. Greece should have not make it into EU, they were not honest from beginning about their economy. The worst are the banks ...they have not learnt from the past years...they behave still bad.....
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:25
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? In very simple terms, because I know nothing about economics, Europe was much better for me when each country had their own currency. I used to live in France and my money went a long way when changing from dollar to franc. I also know many Germans who were much happier spending marks. They felt that things were cheaper in mark. They probably were, but things won't magically become cheaper if the Eurozone were to collapse. Deflation and stagnation are in fact the biggest fears that the Eurozone has now. An economy doesn't want things to become cheaper - because it discourages people from buying because they expect things will become less expensive in the future. So the economy stagnates and you get a spiral effect - much like Japan's lost decade in the 1990's.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:14
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? In very simple terms, because I know nothing about economics, Europe was much better for me when each country had their own currency. I used to live in France and my money went a long way when changing from dollar to franc. I also know many Germans who were much happier spending marks. They felt that things were cheaper in mark. They probably were, but things won't magically become cheaper if the Eurozone were to collapse.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:11
Do you think that the powers that be would let it collapse though? Reckon they are running out of options - but it would be catastrophic if it did collapse. This is the final paragraph of the article: Behind all this sits a problem of political will. Mrs Merkel and the Germans seem prepared to take action only when the single currency is on the verge of catastrophe. Throughout Europe people are hurting—in Italy and Spain youth unemployment is above 40%. Voters vented their fury with the established order in the EU’s parliamentary elections earlier this summer, and got very little change. Another descent into the abyss will test their patience. And once deflation has an economy in its jaws, it is very hard to shake off. Europe’s leaders are running out of time.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:10
Things everywhere were cheaper 15 years ago.... doesn't mean to say that i want the dollar / pound / euro to collapse and send the world spiraling into another Great Depression.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:08
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? In very simple terms, because I know nothing about economics, Europe was much better for me when each country had their own currency. I used to live in France and my money went a long way when changing from dollar to franc. I also know many Germans who were much happier spending marks. They felt that things were cheaper in mark. I lived in Germany when they had marks it was so cheap and our wages went a long way I went back for a visit in 2009 and the Euro had pushed all costs up. I couldn't get over how expensive it was. I can remember family living in Holland saying that prices had gone up dramatically overnight when it changed.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:08
Do you think that the powers that be would let it collapse though? No.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:06
Do you think that the powers that be would let it collapse though?
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 15:04
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? In very simple terms, because I know nothing about economics, Europe was much better for me when each country had their own currency. I used to live in France and my money went a long way when changing from dollar to franc. I also know many Germans who were much happier spending marks. They felt that things were cheaper in mark. I lived in Germany when they had marks it was so cheap and our wages went a long way I went back for a visit in 2009 and the Euro had pushed all costs up. I couldn't get over how expensive it was.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 14:55
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? In very simple terms, because I know nothing about economics, Europe was much better for me when each country had their own currency. I used to live in France and my money went a long way when changing from dollar to franc. I also know many Germans who were much happier spending marks. They felt that things were cheaper in mark.
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 14:55
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that? TB fair - it hasn't been tremendously successful
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 14:53
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... What a horrible thing to say!!!
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 14:50
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea... Why do you say that?
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 14:49
You asked for some opinions, so here goes. I hope that it collapses. It was never a good idea...
Latest post on 26 October 2014 - 10:30
We are not, have never been and I don't believe we will ever be a 'United States of Europe'. One size does not fit all - it never has and it never will.