surface/runoff water problem in my street |

surface/runoff water problem in my street

Latest post on 31 October 2014 - 14:39
Clare, I feel your pain, as I sort of have the same problem. I live in the Springs and fortunately or unfortunately I have a drain right in front of my villa. All the run off from homes up from me who constantly wash their cars, wash their concrete car ports all make its way to my drain. But, here is the kicker, right before the drain, the leveling is not there, so once the weigt of the flow dissipates, the water just sits there just inches from the drain. I have an almost daily curb with water and debris just sitting there just short of the drain. This has led to me having a permanently discolored brickwork to my carport because my tires are always wet when trying to enter or leave my house. I saw this problem way back when we did the walk through and had it on our snag list. Like so many other things, and believe me there were many, no one cared no matter who I called. Sure, they would send people out, but it was always a matter of whose job it was to do it. Here I am almost 10 years here now, and I still have the same problem. Not to be flippant, but good luck with that. I share your frustration.
Latest post on 30 October 2014 - 17:38
Ok here's the thing... In my street there isn't a drain. My villa is situated at the lower end of a quiet road, in a dip, and there is a steep sloped paved driveway that slopes down from our house into the street. When any of our neighbours wash their cars or water their front lawns, the runoff water (often quite a lot of it, they use a power hose and not a sprinkler system) naturally flows downhill and pools at the bottom of my driveway. Obviously here in the heat the water doesn't stay long, but it leaves a whole heaps of washed up sand and plant debris which collects at the bottom of my driveway, and up into the street. I'm so tired of sweeping!! The other neighbours either side of me aren't really affected as they aren't in a dip so the water runs down and collects in my driveway. It's only an aesthetic problem at the moment but the water collects there like a big pond every day, and fills with debris and sand that is unsightly and builds up. Has anyone had any success petitioning the municipality for a drain? if there is a little rain we do get flooded, and if there is substantial rain the whole street is cut off and blocked with run off water and sand. I thought of a sand bag but the water channel that we need to block runs alongside a parking bay, which my nearest neighbour would not be able to navigate around when parking there. I tried bricks (on my own driveway) to divert the water flow but the flow is too much and goes around the bricks, and pools as usual! This sounds like I give this a lot more thought than I actually do (!) so excuse the Thursday ramblings - I am just fresh from half an hour of sweeping! I do it every day as the communal gardener whose job it is to sweep up, doesn't actually do any sweeping! I also realise that some folks' villas don't even yet have a proper road so a drain is maybe asking too much. Tried looking up the Drainage and Irrigation department at the Municipality but there seems only information about companies applying for new drainage allocations, and no information that I could see for residential queries. I'll get off my soap box now...